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young at heart

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by young at heart

  1. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    Wanted to check in with you & see how you are doing. The surgeons office called me today and said they are trying to get me scheduled for next Wed. I had so much pain today and it is so depressing. She told me when she saw me that she isn't sure that all my pain is coming from the tubing handing down. Now I am so afraid I will have that fixed and still be in pain. Today the pain was in my right lower abdomen and from my naval down to the bladder area. If it is not coming from the tubing then I hope she will know what is causing it. I will keep you posted.
  2. young at heart

    Lap Band Removed 2 weeks ago!

    No I have decided to go ahead with a new port and have a umbilical hernia repaired at the same time. I go Monday for a clearance from my PCP. I already have a clearance from my cardiologist and all of the blood work done. I hope she can do the surgery soon, So glad to hear you are doing so good.
  3. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    Hi, well that is what my pain feels like. I told the doctor yesterday that I feel a person knows their own body and I really feel that it is from the tubing. I am so glad that i came across your posting last week when I was looking around to see if anyone else had complications of the same kind. I am so glad to hear that you are feeling so good since the repair. Thank you again for answering my questions. it is so good to have the support of other gals or guys who have the band.
  4. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    Saw my Dr. today and she is going to replace my port. She still believes all the pain I have cannot be coming from the tubing. It is so frustrating as I feel it has been, Did your pain move around a lot and was it a stabbing and/or pinching pain? I also have a moderate size umbilical hernia that she is going to fix.
  5. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    Yes, I have the Realize Band. I was never asked before surgery which one I preferred. Someone told me they use whichever one is best suited to the patient, I go Monday to see the surgeon and set a date to have whatever they are going to do about it done. I have been miserable since March with the pain and discomfort. My gynecologist ordered a CT of my abdomen & pelvis. The person that read that scan never picked up on it hanging down in my abdomen. I took the films with me when I went to see the Bariatric surgeon and he saw it right away. I had to go to a hospital that is 100 miles away from me because it had to be a Center Of Excellence for my ins to pay.
  6. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    Thank you for the suggestion. I was wishing that they would put back in what I had in it. Good luck and thank you for the support.
  7. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    Did they put to sleep for this and was it out patient surgery?
  8. young at heart

    Lap Band Removed 2 weeks ago!

    I've had my band for almost 2 yrs and only have lost 30 lbs. In March I started having pain that just jumped from once place to another in my abdomen, It was such a different pain than I've ever had in my life. A stabbing, pinching pain. In April I saw the PA that does my fills and he didn't feel it could be due to the band. I had called my surgeons office the week before I went for the fill and the nurse said I would have to see the PA and he would ascess me & order tests if he felt I need them. I hurt so bad the day I saw him i wouldn't let him do a fill. In the meantime I had my yearly gyne exam and that dr said my pain wasn't gyne related so she ordered a CT for me. I went back for my visit with the PA for the band and took the films along. He couldn't see anything and I had asked ahead of that visit to be seen by a doctor. He had one of the doctors that does the band come in and see me. He examined me and as soon as he looked at the CT he saw right away that the tubeing was pulled away from the port and dangling down in my abdomen. Reason for the pain....the tubeing moves and so my pain moves. Four miserable months of pain that had the Dr. seen me sooner I wouldn't of had to go through. I see the surgeon that did the band next Monday and if I have a choice I am thinking of just having it out. I have found out there are quite a few women out there that has had the same poroblem. My band is also a realize band. I have to travel a little over 100 miles to see the surgeon because my insurance required a center of excellence.
  9. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    Did you have tour repair done? I've been thinking about you and hope you are feeling better. I had a CT and the tubing did come apart. The PA tried to get into the port and he couldn't get in. They also did a fluoro and it was just hanging down in my abdomen. I go to see the surgeon Monday.
  10. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    Saw one of my band surgeons associates today and after a CT report I took along he confimed what I already suspected that the tube came apart from my port and it is wondering around in my abdomen causing the pain. They also did a fluoro and there is was dangling. Do you have the Realize Band or the Lap Band? I won't get to see my Surgeon until the week after next so more pain but at least I know what it is.
  11. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    I've been having this problem since March. I had a lot of trouble with constipation. I take something every day for it if I have to. I will be seeing the PA at the hospital where my band was done at the end of this month and if I don't get any satisfaction from him I am going down to the ER. I had to have my band done at a hospital about 100 miles from here and none of the doctors in my town want to deal with it. I had a CT of the abdomen and pelvis and it showed a moderate umbilical hernia. The pain I have is sometimes stabbing, so stabbing it makes me jump. At other times if feels like something is pinching me. Then at times if just hurts. I have no idea if the port should move around like this or not but I do hope to find out.
  12. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    I was told that a muscle is where they stitch them to also. The CT I had said I have a moderate umbilical hernia which could be causing some problem but my port does move around. Most people that I've known that had umbilical hernias had protruding navels but mine doesn't.
  13. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    [quote name='myrann' timestamp='1307839394' post='162 Thank you for your well wishes, and I also wish you the best. My surgen is great, known nation wide. Its not our fault, its the band I hope to get this fixed amd soon, let us know how you do ok Best of LUCK!! I have another question. Does your port move around? Mine in usually in my abdomen right side just below my waist. This am when I got up it was almost touching my ribs. This is so crazy.
  14. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    Yes, that is why I traveled 100 miles to be banded.
  15. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    Yes, that is why I traveled 100 miles to be banded.
  16. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    Yes, that is why I traveled 100 miles to be banded.
  17. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    Thank you for the information. I do have a Realize band and will be seeing the PA the end of this month. I may be seeing a surgeon here in town for a 2nd opinion before that. l had to travel about 100 miles away from where live to get the band because our hospital isn't a center of excellence for the band so I had to go where there was one.
  18. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    This is what the PA that does when he does my fills. I haven't had a fill since I've been having this problem, but I go back the end of this month. In the meantime all of this pain is miserable. I've seen my PCP & my GYN doctor also like you. Does your pain move around your abdomen. Sometimes the pain is sharp stabbing like, other times like something is pinching me. Then at times it is a dull ache.
  19. young at heart

    tube came apart from port

    I have been wondering if I have the same problem. For 3 mos now I've had abdominal pain that just moves from area to area of my abdomen. The PA that does my fills said he doesn't think I have any problems from the band. i am waiting for a second opinion from another surgeon.
  20. young at heart

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Ladies. For anyone having trouble with constipation go on the Internet and looke up Power Pudding. I hear that it works wonders so it would be worth a try. I also saw it mentioned in a Dr. column in our local newspaper.
  21. young at heart

    I'm here to help...

    Mrs Bubba, I've been reading your posts and how you hurt. I had my Lap Band surgery three weeks ago today and my back and the right side of my abdomen right below my waist has been hurting ever since. My port is just right above my waist on the right side. When I was back to the surgeon for my two week check last week I asked the PA why I hurt so bad at those two places and she told me it was because of the position I was in for the surgery and the abdomen hurting was also due to surgery. She said that we are stretched and pulled plus being filled with air. We probably have NO Idea what they do to us while asleep and I'd rather not know....lol. Just thought I would share that with you. Young AT Heart
  22. young at heart

    I'm here to help...

    Hi lpglarry, I've had my Lap Band it will be 3 weeks ago tomorrow after a year and two days of waiting and I know what you are feeling. Just relax and as one of the gals said learn all that you can because it really helps to know what to expect. I followed their posts since last fall and really learned a lot. The surgery was not bad at all and I lost 15 lbs those first two weeks and feel so much better already. Do you have a date yet? Just hang in there and keep in touch with this group as they are one great bunch of gals and give a lot of support to each other.
  23. young at heart

    Pittsburgh Banders

    Hi Band-Groupie, Had my 2 week visit to the Dr. yesterday and I am doing great. Everything is healed and I lost 15 lbs since surgery. I started eating pureed meats & veges today. I got a lot of different foods added for the next week. I had a scrambled egg and 1/4 c baby oatmeal for breakfast and thought I was in heaven....lol. Hope you are doing good. I go back in five weeks for my first fill. Will keep you posted.....Young At Heart

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
