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young at heart

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by young at heart

  1. young at heart

    Pittsburgh Banders

    Hi Band_Groupie, Thanks for answering my post so soon. They just added milk, yogurt and cr soups thiking it would be better to have a little more in there because of all the crushed up meds. After the first couple of days I did start staggering my meds & not taking the ones that I felt like you, were not that important right now. I am doing better with the water and I really need to because it seems in the am I have so much gas and really loose bm's with a lot of water loss. By afternoon that quiets down. Even with my pain med Roxicet I only sleep until 4-4:30 then I get up & come out to the livingroon and get on the couch with my water bottle. My chest bothers me and I think that maybe I need the water for the band as it feels like it is dry down there. It is so funny the different feelings we have with our bands. My is a Realize Band. I am excited and so looking forward to healing and adding more foods. We had been talking about taking a trip to Fl towards the end of October but I am not sure if that is a good idea or not. Well I am off to get my pj's on so will write more another day....Young AT Heart
  2. young at heart

    Pittsburgh Banders

    Band_Groupie, I am now one week post-op and feel like...well you know what. I cannot drink all of the liquids they want me to drink. Breakfast was 1/2 cup skim milk with 1/2 pack of Carnation Inst. Breakfast. Wait one hr and do an 8 oz protein shake & low or no-calorie beverage try to get 2 cups water in before lunch. Then after you 1/2c lunch yogurt you do the same routine as after breakfast. Dinner 1/2 c low fat soup and the liquid routine. If I didn't have this darn nausea from taking all of the cut up meds I take it may be better. Did you have any trouble at first with all the liquids they wanted you to consume. I've only been using the pain med at bed time. I do feel uncomfortable down around where the band must be and across above my waist where the rest of the incisions are but nothing I cannot tolerate. I jsut wanted to run that by you and see how you did with all of those liquids...Young At Heart
  3. young at heart

    I'm here to help...

    Laura I am so sorry to hear about your dad's illness and my heart goes out to you and any of you gals with family worries and trials. I have learned in all my years here on this earth we all have crosses to bear but the Lord is good to us and we do get through. I made it into Bandy-Dandy Land on Thurs. and came home late Friday but since I am home I feel like I am in Nauseaville. I have to crush all my meds and the heart meds are so nasty tasting plus the pain med is Liquid and I just gag and heave and feel nauseated after taking them. That makes for a hard time getting in all my liquids. Took my big band-aids off this am and took my first shower which felt really good. I only have four small incisions. Three right above my waist and one about 4" about waist level on the left. I will write more later as I think I need to lie down for awhile.....Young At Heart
  4. young at heart

    Pittsburgh Banders

    Doc Quinn, thank you for keeping me in prayer and I will let you know how I did as soon as I feel up to it. I won't know until tomorrow afternoon what time I will need to be there. I was wishing it would be early but we have a 2 hr drive from here to the Burg so maybe real early wouldn't be too good either. All I know is the I just want to get it over with. I have been working on this since August 4, 2008. Your time will fly by Nov or Dec is not to far away....God Bless. Young At Heart.
  5. young at heart

    Pittsburgh Banders

    Hi Band_Groupie.....I hope I am doing this right. Thank you for all the information. I had to watch a program on the internet from Magee's Callled "Watch your Emmi Program" and it was on anesthesia. At anytime during the program I had any questions or concerns I could write them a note and it went email into the anesthesia dept. A Nurse Practitioner from the anesthesia dept emailed me with a phone number I could call and talk with her about my anesthesia. She said they would do all they could to try to keep me from being so sick. One thing I think is good is the Upper GI they give you before you go home to see how everything is. I have got to tell you that reading your blog has made these past couple of days very entertaining for me and kept my mind off of me. Your are way too funny and should have been a writer. I have a 43 yr old daughter who lives in Florida and the two of you would make a great team. She does some stand up comedy just for fun and she is also great with music. She sings and plays many musical instruments. I am looking forward to reading more on your blog after I come home but better have a pillow handy to hug for when I laugh. I will keep in touch and thanks again......Young AT Heart
  6. young at heart

    Pittsburgh Banders

    Hi Band-Groupie, Congrats on your weight loss, you are doing great. Since my surgery is coming up on Thursday I am really interested to know what MGW Hospital is like and what kind of care you got there. How did you feel that day of and the day after surgery. I am from Altoona and will have a 2 hr ride home the day after. I have trouble with nausea after surgeries and I know they don't like you to be vomiting afterwards. Did you have any nausea. I thank you in advance for any infformation you can give me.....Young At Heart
  7. young at heart

    Pittsburgh Banders

    Hi DocQuinn, I am 67 and having my Lap Band surgery this coming Thursday. I can't answer a lot of your questions but have been following a group on here "I'm here to help" and they can answer about anything you want to know and are so helpful and supportive. I have been reading their posts for almost a year now. I have diabetes, heart disease and arthritis and I just want to lose weight and feel better. Really starting to get nervous now and just anxious to get it over with. Being really active is hard for me with my arthritis and I haven't lost before surgery but stayed the same. Dr Courcoulas is my surgeon and in the same group as Dr McCloskey who I met at the first meeting when we got all of the information about the Lap Band. I am from Altoona but have to go to Magees because I needed a Center Of Excellence. I have a friend that had the band 2 yrs ago and she lost 75 lbs in a year and told me as soon as she had 10 lbs off she started to feel better so it does make a difference if one follows doctors orders. We can keep in touch through this forum and I wish you good luck. Prayers....Young At Heart
  8. young at heart

    I'm here to help...

    Hi Laura, sorry to hear about the swollen feet. I am diabetic and that is one problem I have and I've been praying that the band and losing weight will take care of that problem. I got my date for band surgery - Aug. 6th and I hope all of my blood work will be okay and not hold me up. My A1C had been 8.4 and I hope with the insulin adjustment it is lower. I don't know if that could hold the surgery up or not. I do hope that maybe we could get together if we make it down to Port ST Lucie in October for vacation. That would be so nice. You said you use the CPAP machine. Do you use the mask or the nasal pillows? I got the nasal pillows because I am claustrophobic and didn't think I could do the mask. Then I found out I evidently sleep with my mouth open at times so they added a chin strap. I sure hope all of this is worth it. I am getting really nervous and so scared of the nausea I get after surgery but so ready to get it over with. All of the women in this group are super nice and I only ask that you all keep me in your prayers.
  9. young at heart

    I'm here to help...

    Meredith, I am so glad for you. I have been watchig and reading this groups posts since last fall when I started on a 6 mo. diet. I finally got a surgery date for Aug. 6th and I thought it would never happen. I live 2 hrs from the hospital where I am having it done. They do the Lap Band here in the town where I live and because they are not a COE I had to go to Pittsburgh for it. It was a tough year jumping throught all of the hoops as many of you know. I am just now getting nervous and scared. I am 67 and have diabetes, hypertension and arthritis. Exercising is hard for me so I mainly do the treadmill, and some on the recumbent bike. My endocrinologist feels that losing the weight will help my diabetes. I was just also diagnosed with mild sleep apnea and was put on the CPAP. I've been on it for 3 nights and so far have been able to sleep with it from 5-8 hrs a night. Anesthesia makes me very nauseated and that really scares me because of vomiting with the band after surgery. Has aonyone on here had that same problem and how was it handled? I am also a little concerned about the 2 hr ride home the next day. I will be staying over night. I think you are on terrific group of ladies and look forward to being part of your group. Laura I see you are from Stuart FL. I have a daughter in Port ST Lucie and had planned a vacation down there towards the end of October and I sure hope I will be able to go after having the surgery . I will probably have a lot more questions and will write more later. Young At Heart :scared2:
  10. young at heart

    I'm here to help...

    Appples, I have been lurking around since last fall. I started on the band journey in October with my six month diet plan and have been jerked around with some of my doctors and appointments for the testing I needed done. I have some of the problems you had, like I have skipped heart beats, bad knees, hips & shoulders. I also have diabetes, high blood pressure and bad circulation in my toes. I have been so discouraged jumping through all of the hoops and lately have wondered if it all will be worth it. After reading your post, I feel there is some hope. All of the women who post are so kind and helpful. I will be keeping in touch and thank you for being there.
  11. young at heart

    I thoight I was the only one!

    texas_rose, thank you for your words of encouragement. Only we who are facing this know the ups and downs we feel as we are waiting to get through the 6 mo diet which I was not good at, and waiting to get all of the required tests over with. I was so glad to hear that you did so good. My son always tells me I am one strong woman so I hope he is right and I can do as good as you did. Keep in touch and thank you again.....Young At Heart
  12. young at heart

    I thoight I was the only one!

    Shamrockgirl60, Way to go. I am so happy for you. I got my first appt with the surgeon April 6th and sure hope everying moves along and by Dec. I can say my diabetes is much better and that I no longer snore as I think hubby is going crazy hearing it. Keep up the good work and just think the little say is worth all of the other benefits health wise.....Young At Heart
  13. young at heart

    I thoight I was the only one!

    GRANNYBEAR:I know what you mean being scared when it comes to the heart because I have been there also. I am diabetic and have had stents twice. I am 67 and this is why I feel a real serious need for the lapband to get the diabetes under control. After lmy first husband died I remarried close to 4 yrs ago and gained 30 lbs and that is when I started having a lot of problems with the diabetes. Another thing that scares and worries me is that I have premature heart beats along with short runs of fast beats at times which I think is brought on a lot of times by worry and stress. I have really been stressed out about my weight problem so I just pray every night that all goes well for me. I have attended some meetings with a group of people that already have the band and they talk about getting stuck and most of them agree that it is their own fault that if happens. Being caused by eating too big of bites, eating too fast and just plain eating foods they were told they shouldn't eat. It sounds to me like everyone is different. You sound like you are doing great. Just don't worry and follow the instructions for the transition to soft foods they give you at your nutrition class and I think you will do good....Young At Heart
  14. young at heart

    I thoight I was the only one!

    GRANNYBEAR, Congradulatons and glad to hear that you are doing good. I will be making an appointment to see the surgeon next week. I have my 6 mo diet done and ready to go on, but I must say I am scared because of my age and heart problems but I need to do this mainly for the diabetes. Keep me posted as to how you are doing.....Young At Heart
  15. young at heart

    Anyone here from Pittsburgh?

    JudiM, I am in my 4th month of my 6 month diet for the band at Magee's. I am really scared and wondering of this is the right thing to be doing especially when I read some of the posts and the problems that people are having. What Dr. did your band and did you have any problems since being banded. Would love to hear from you of anyone that was banded at Magee's Hospital....Young At Heart
  16. young at heart

    Anyone here from Pittsburgh?

    Hi pgh3rivers, I am looking for someone that has been banded at Magee's Hospital and I am wondering how they are doing and were they happy with their Doctors? I am going there in the future and I am just interested in hearing about other bandsters experience there. Thanks Young At Heart
  17. Hi Jan, I am 67 and I am going for it. I have a lot of health issues like diabetes and arthritis which I am sure will be much improved with the weight off. I have to do a 6 mo. supervised diet and have one month down. I married for the second time 3 yrs ago after my first husband passed away and Like you I want to enjoy life, be healthy and happy, so I would tell you to go for it and good luck.....Young At Heart
  18. young at heart

    I thoight I was the only one!

    Hi Shamrockgirl60, congradulations on your band and doing so good. I am sure it feels good to be on your way to eating real food. I go to Magee's Hospital in Pittsburgh PA next week to start 6 month diet which they require. I am diabetic and I have seen where this has helped so many with their diabetes and I am praying and looking forward to having the same good results. Keep in touch and let me know how you are doing..........Young At Heart
  19. young at heart

    Anyone in Eastern PA?

    Hi plnjc, I am from Altoona and going to Magee in Pittsburgh for the seminar on the 13th of this month. I have to go there because my insurance requires a COE. From what I hear Dr. Newlin is very good and I wish I could have it done here at Altoona. Also because so many have said when they get their fills sometimes it is too much and they have to go back in a day or so and have some taken out. The trip to Pittsburgh is over a hr and I don't look forward to that part of it. I am a little scared and nervous because I read some of the posts from people that had complications. I hope I feel more positive after I attend the seminar and have a lot of questions answered. Good luck to you with Dr. Newlin.....Young At Heart
  20. young at heart

    over sixty seven

    Hi JoannMarie and Sharon 160, thank you both for the information. I have an appointment at Magee Women's Hospital, Pittsburgh PA which is a COE on Aug.13th. for the seminar. One of the doctors that does the surgery at this hospital has a list of insurances that she accepts on her site and Medicare is on that list. I am really looking forward to going to that seminar. I have that nervous, and a little scared feeling but I also know I have to do something as my diabetes is getting out of control. I will keep you all posted when I know something. It is so wonderful to have someone in my age bracket to share all my concerns with. God bless all of you as you travel on you journey....Young At Heart
  21. young at heart

    over sixty seven

    Hi everyone. I am considering the band and was wondering if anyone on here had Medicare B for their primary insurance. I have it and also my secondary is Tricare For Life. The question I have is does Medicare B rrequire the six month diet before surgery? Appreciate any information anyone may have. You are all doing so great and can be so proud of yourselves.....Young At Heart
  22. young at heart

    Pittsburgh Banders

    Barbie 54, The 6 month classes that you referred to are they once a month or weekly? Are they held in the evening or during the day? Thanks....Young At Heart
  23. young at heart

    Pittsburgh Banders

    Hi dgnlp2033, I am from Altoona and going to the informational session on Aug.13 at Magee. How many sessions all together will I have to attend. I have Medicare B ins. and I am not sure but don't think I will have to do a 6 mo diet as far as they are concerned but I am anxious to find out how many other sessions Dr. C will require me to attend. I hate the thought of all the traveling back & forth I will have to do. We have two Drs. at Altoona Regional Hospital here in Altoona that do Lap Band Surgery but we are not considered a COE as of yet and Medicare requires that. Appreciate any information that you can give me. Thank you....Yound At Heart
  24. young at heart

    I thoight I was the only one!

    Hi Susanna, saw the above posts and thought I would ask how you are doing post banding. I am 67 and most people say I look younger and in my mind I sure feel younger but the body tells me differently. I hope you feel stronger each day and doing well. God Bless.
  25. young at heart

    over sixty seven

    Hi, I also am 67 and I am trying to make up my mind about the Lap Band. I've already had angioplasty with stent, diabetes, arthritis and my husband says I snore something awful so probably have sleep apnea. I've had my left knee replaced but it has never been right so I must do someting and soon. I have Medicare and Tri Care For Life and I think what discourages me more than anything is what to do if the Insurance turns me down. My PCP and Endocrinologist tells me to go for it so I should just go ahead and give it a try. Let me know how you are doing. Young AT Heart

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