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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by daniellabee

  1. does anyone actually like the protein shake they're drinking?? if so, what kind is it & where did u get it. I used to use the ones from LA Weight loss & they were really good but i dont think i can still go & just buy that alone..?
  2. thanks i'll try that, i do tend to eat dinner later. I still have to get ahold of the new ins co to find out abt that, i was concerned abt the fills too. My husband just got the ins info yday.
  3. good news look like I was able to get my surgery moved up to 12/29. Thank god, the new insurance starts 1/1 & they wont cover Lapband or GB. I just have to finish get final tests done. I'm having a problem though w/losing enough weight. Was doing really good the 1st week, lost 9 pounds, then stupidly put 2 back on over Thanksgiving weekend. But I've been back on (stayed on phase 1) and now its just staying there, not losing or gaining. I dont know what to do, I've been exercising every day, eating a lot of protein-well mainly chicken or eggs, eating green veggies & drinking a lot of water or skim milk. I'm not sure what to do to get it moving again. ( i have been writing everything down and following the basic diet plan for phase 1 from the SB book)..................any suggestions? I have to lose another 6 or 7 pounds yet???!!
  4. i lost 9 pounds on sb phase 1. Unfortunately gained about 2-3 back this last weekend from thanksgiving and actually not eating enough over the weekend.
  5. i got ahold of Lisa Dr Hoffmans asst. and she's going to look into it, so I'm still hopeful. Good thing I had already got all the major tests out of the way already.
  6. I am so upset. I found out today that my husbands job did decide to change insurance companies after all, they told them a month ago they werent changing it but....they did anyways. I cannot believe this. So as of Jan. 1st its changing, and my surgery was tentatively scheduled for end of January. This new insurance company wont cover it because they consider it "experimental". This is horrible. I left a message for Marietta to see if there is any way to get it moved up before the end of December but I think at this point it'll take a miracle. This really sucks.
  7. oops the last message probably made my husband look bad but he's not. He's incredibly supportive of the surgery & weight loss. It's just that he loves food as much as I do, especially all the starchy stuff. Its a tough habit to break.
  8. Well I'm only 6 days into the SB diet & I have not cheated. I really think that is a personal best. I was even feeding my daughter waffles this morning & normally I would take a bite or 2 but nothing. I still think about "other" food all the time, its really difficult at work, but I did turn down a brownie & a cupcake. I really wanted that stupid cupcake so bad I could taste the frosting (the sugary sweets are my downfall if you couldnt tell)...but I still said no thanks. You know whats really been a surprise, is that my husband has been so helpful. He is missing the rice or potatoes we normally have for dinner every day. But like friday I got home from work & he was actually making a salad & cooking chicken on the grill...I almost passed out from shock. I think he'll be losing weight along with me whether he likes it or not:)
  9. :thumbup:well I am really excited, I started South Beach phase one a few days ago & starting exercising on my lunch break and I have lost 5 pounds. I almost started crying when I put on my pants (which of course had been a liiiitle too snug lately) and they are lose! I have actually been comfortable sitting here at work all day in regular work clothes. It feels great. I dont even have this panicky feeling about Thanksgiving anymore, like I know I dont need/want potatoes or bread. Lets hope it stays that way till next week. I'm trying to get to the meeting tonight as long as my husband gets home from work in time to stay home with our daughter. Hope to meet everyone:)
  10. is there valet parking the night of the meeting this week? And does anyone know the room # for the support meeting, I really want to try to make it after work.
  11. well I had my 1st 3 hour appt yesterday too. Went pretty well, I'm glad I got a few of the tests out of the way already, have to still get another endoscopy done because of my GERD. But have the dietician appt 12/12 & appt w/Dr Hoffman on 12/23. Surgery tentatively end of jan/beg of feb which actually works out w/my work schedule. I am really excited & nervous all at the same time. Its really hitting me that I have to relearn everything I do. Eat, shop, excercise etc. I feel like I'm getting my life back, like I've been in hiding for the last 10 years. WHen I was younger I was really athletic and socialized all the time. Now I wouldnt even think of being able to do anything sports related. But I will! Thanks for letting me vent!
  12. well Marietta has redeemed herself. She was able to get me in for that 1st appt this wed., originally when they cancelled on me last minute last week I wasnt going to b able to get in again till 12/3. Yay!
  13. ok I swear I am cursed when it comes to all this. I was supposed to have my 1st 3 hour appt toady at BGH. BUT I just left work early, got on the thruway & then got a message on my cell phone that the NP was sick & they cancelled my appt...took me 5 months to get that appt. So I called and unbelievable I actually get thru to Marietta and she refused to give me a specific date for a new appt, said prob 12/3 but she would send me a letter. So now since THEY had to cancel I have to WAIT ANOTHER 4 WEEKS!! I am just beyond discouraged.
  14. bloom congratulations on the weight loss so far, that is really exciting!
  15. Good morning, i have my 1st appt at BGH today, the whole 3 hour deal. NOw I cant remember, they said to wear comfortable clothes but do they have you do some kind of excercise or something? I have to go back to work after & I'm afraid I'm going to be sweating my butt off and need another change of clothes...?
  16. good news just found out from my husband that our insurance should not be changing probably just an increase in premiums which isnt too bad since they cover everything. Also.....i cant remember how this worked, do you get put under anesthesia for the surgery or are you awake the whole time? I was awake for my c-section it was a little scary but not that bad. The only other time I was actually put under I had a lot of problems & aspirated (spelling?)....?
  17. you have to check your individual policy...most insurance plans are actually dictated by your employer & they put the req on what they will cover & the information they will req from your doctor for pre-approval.
  18. Also does anyone know where I could get a copy of the South Beach diet book cheap?
  19. I'm so excited I finally got my 1st appt on nov 5th. Went to the seminar in October. I keep trying to make mental notes on all the great suggestions on what to eat or how to prepare it. I have a feeling I wont get into to b banded till after the new year & that makes me incredibly nervous that my husbands health ins is going to change & that I may go thru all this to find out the ins wont approve it. Cant seem to get any confirmation from the HR Dept abt it yet. I was also wondering, I had my initial blood tests in June or July when I sent in my application. Do you think I should get these repeated before this Nov 5th appt so it doesnt slow things up again? Danielle
  20. are any of the new people on here going to be at the seminar tomorrow evening??
  21. Also, I think i remember someone writing these before...would you recomend I try to get an appt scheduled w/Dr. Hoffman that night since it may be hard to get thru after this seminar again?
  22. hello, havent written in awhile. I finally got called for the October seminar 10/16...yay. It took 4 months to get in but I've got a few of the tests out of the way (sleep study & psych). I really wish I wouldve kept reading these posts though, it gives a person so much encouragement. I had been getting really frustrated that just getting the initial visit was taking so long it was never going to happen. So I think I have been unintentionally sabatoging any weight loss. I can see now over the last month or so I def. "stress" eat and eat like I'm getting back at something or someone. Thats got to sound strange but it must be my own way of dealing or not dealing with things that has gotten me in this predicament. But just from reading through these in the last 2 days it gave me the motivation to turn down ice cream and stop going out to eat every day on my lunchbreak. I also stopped going to the vending machines. Sooo baby steps and I cannot wait to get this whole process moving, thanks for letting me vent:)
  23. I am so frustrated that I keep calling BGH and there is still NO seminar scheduled yet. I just recently had a sleep study done, so glad I did. It confirmed I do have sleep apnea & have "episodes" or wake up 39x an hour. It was such a relief to understand why I'm so tired all the time and for people to not think I was making it up when I say that I never sleep. Also just had the psych evaluation w/Dr Lelito yday. That was kind of odd. Had to answer 371 true or false questions. It'll be interesting to get those results too. Hopefully this will help speed up the process. I am really trying to stay focused on cutting out all the junk food from my diet & start eating regular meals. I'm just feeling kind of discouraged since I still havent even gotten in to the clinic yet.

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