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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tbenson

  1. I understand the frustration. I was banded in 2008 , lost 55 lbs. gained back all but about 30. I can't eat much. some days I can't eat at all. Mainly liquids and soft foods. I don't know if I should get my band checked, filled, removed or keep plugging away.

  2. I was banned in May 2010 and first fill was July 2010. I have had 3 fills since then. In the past year - I have only lost 36 pounds even though I get sick and vomit quite often. I eat right (healthy) and do Zumba. My weight was going down until I upped my Zumba classes which they credited the weight gain to muscle gain from the Zumba - however, I hurt my back and could not continue with Zumba for about a month. I lost 3 pounds but then gained it back.

    I am frustrated because I eat healthy and exercise and have only lost 36 pound whereas their is a girl in my office who had this done the year before me and she eats like a pig - chocolate/peanut butter eggs for lunch - pizza and burgers and she would not be caught dead break a sweat from exercise - and she has lost over 80 pounds!

    Another co-worker had this done and lost over 100 the first year and she eats like crap and drinks at least 3 sodas during an 8 hour meeting and she would not exercise to save her life. I have not had a soda since May 2010.

    What am I doing wrong????????????

  3. I was banded may '07 and lost 50 lbs rather quickly. Over the past few months I have gained back nearly 30. I was so proud of losing the weight I feel like a total failure. I still am not able to eat much, and can't keep down alot of solid foods but still seem to be gaining. I wonder if a band adjustment would help. I don't get alot of exercise, but I'm not exactly sedentary either. Any suggestions?

  4. I was banded over a year ago, lost 50 lbs. the first 8-9 months and have since gained back about 15. I've been getting really discouraged. I don't need a band fill, I can't keep much food down and don't overeat. But I have a cyst in my left knee that has kept me out of the gym. Now I'm back to the low stamina state. Any advice?:thumbup:


  5. Thanks for posting your story. I was banded over a year ago, lost 50 lbs. the first 8-9 months and have since gained back about 15. I've been getting really discouraged. I don't need a band fill, I can't keep much food down and don't overeat. But I have a cyst in my left knee that has kept me out of the gym. Now I'm back to the low stamina state. Any advice?

  6. I've lost 50 lbs. so far and have very little loose skin. I think if you loose slowly and exercise while doing it, you'll allow the skin to catch up with the weight loss. I've been told that's the case and have seen people who very fit without surgery.


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