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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Heatherooni

  1. Hi Everyone, My name is Heather and it's been a while since I've posted here. But I knew I had to come back and stay here because I've fallen off my Lapband wagon in regards to food and when I was doing my best this was one of the places I came often to get ideas. I'm not trying to make excuses from myself but since the excitement of the Lapband had worn off and my life as a housewife has gotten more busy I haven't been watching everything that goes into my mouth like I was. So I know I have to stand up, dust myself off ,and start fresh ASAP because I certainly don't want to gain my weight back. I've already gained a little of it back (15 pounds) and I've worked too hard over the last few years to lose the weight I've lost. so I don't want to sit back and let it come right back on. I would love to hear any advice I can get from anyone who has gone through this and get some tips of what worked for you. Thanks ahead of time Heather
  2. Heatherooni

    Still hungry

    Can you add any protein powder to oatmeal or just certain kinds because I'm looking for ways to up my protein intake?
  3. Heatherooni

    drinking with meals

    I try my best not to drink while eating but sometimes it's very hard for me to wait a full hour to drink something after I finish eating. Once a Dr looked at me like I was crazy because I still eat cereal with milk and she claimed once you have the band you can't do that but my NUT never told me that. So I wasn't too worried about it.
  4. Heatherooni

    Nintendo Wii

    We have a Wii and I recently got the Just Dance 2 game because my 11 yr old loves music so I thought this was something him and I could do together. Has anyone else tried this? And if so how much of a workout you get from that if any?
  5. Now granted I live in New England and this winter has not been kind to us this year. But my problem is that I'm always cold even when others are not, and I don't know why. I notice is more at night. So I went to my regular Dr and she ran blood tests twice to see if I was anemic and the test came back saying I'm not. A few of my friends have said that it could be due to my weight loss of 100 pounds in the last year and I don't have all the padding I use to. But I was just wondering if anyone else has gone through this or am I just crazy? Any insight I can get would be great. Thanks Heather
  6. Hi Everyone, I had my surgery on June 17th 2008, and I have the Realize Band. (A 10 cc Band) So far I've had 3 fills and I'm at 4 1/2 cc's. I'm going for my next fill in February.I 'm still losing, but I can tell I'm not at the sweet spot yet. Can you please tell me if you have the same band as I do, and when you felt you reached your sweet spot? Thanks Heather
  7. Heatherooni

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Good luck with your healing. I'll look for the update in the next couple of weeks. Hopefully the snow we have it is for the time being. Something tells me it's not, but one can certainly hope lol
  8. Heatherooni

    Tufts Medical Center...

    I had my surgery at Tufts June 17th of 2008. The goal was for me lose 10% of my weight ... but I only lost 15%, and they still did my surgery. I had Dr Kim, and she was great!
  9. Heatherooni

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    I would love to join your group once it comes together. I know what you mean about the weather. I have a friend who was just Banded in December (He lives in Taunton) and I'm sure he would love to join as well. Are you going to post something here would you like my E-mail address? Take care
  10. Heatherooni

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Hi Everyone, My name is Heather. I was Banded on June 17th at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. Is anyone from the Mansfield area? Or did anyone else go to Tufts Medical? I'd love to chat and get a local support group going!
  11. Heatherooni

    Which protein shakes taste good?

    I was banded in June of 08 and one of my favorite things is Chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast mixed with greek yogurt, 2 splendas, a bananna, and skim milk. Mix it up in the blender with some ice and you're good to go. It's very good :laugh:
  12. Yesterday I got my first fill. They put 2 cc's in my band, and I'm not sure if I feel a little restriction at first because the port is still sore from being poked a few times when the Dr's assistant was trying to find the port. I know it takes a few fills to get to the right spot, but I was wondering when did you finally get to your sweet spot where you felt the band was tight enough and helping you to feel full sooner and stay satisfied longer? .
  13. Heatherooni

    Losing too fast?

    Congrats on your weight loss. You're doing great! I was banded the same day as you, and as of yesterday when I had my first fill, I have lost 25 lbs since surgery. I worry it will come to a quick standing hault but the best you can do is enjoy the major weight loss for the moment. :eek:
  14. Heatherooni

    Do you use straws?

    I have not used straws yet because I was told it was a BIG no no. I drink iced coffee 1-2 times a day and people have looked at me like I'm nuts for not using a straw. Even my mother asked why. But now I'm curious if it would be a problem at all. My luck it would be though lol
  15. I have my first fill on July 21st with the surgeons assistant. I'm on the mushy/soft foods and I don't see my dietician until July 31st. I'm assuming I won't start solids until after I see her. I know every Dr is diffrerent but I was was wondering if it's normal to start solids after the first fill?
  16. Heatherooni

    Fruits and Veggies

    Did any of your Dr's tell you no Fruits or Veggies until the final stage? I'm 3 weeks out and that's what my Dr's are having me do. My first fill is on the 21st and I'll start the final stage then. But I have to admit I never thought of myself as a "BIG FAN" of Fruits and Veggies, but when they're taken away it makes me want them even more. I went out the other night to a Downtown night here in the town where I live and the smells of chicken, burgers, and hot dogs didn't bother me at all. But watching people walk around eating Watermelon is what drove me nuts. Go figure! lol Has anyone else has this same restriction?
  17. Welcome to the board MissBevy! I know I'm late in responding but good luck with your decision. You'll do great no matter what!!! (((HUGS)))
  18. I know this might sound ridiculous, but tomorrow is my birthday, and my husband and 2 sons usually make me special birthday Breakfast in the morning along with a cake to have after dinner. This is a tradition we started when the boys were young, and I know they look forward to it. But since I am 2 weeks post opt and on stage 4 mushies and pureed foods, I'm not sure what to ask them to do. . Does anyone know if it would be ok to have something like sugar free chocolate cream pie? Or does anyone have a suggestion or two? Any ideas I can get would be great. Thanks
  19. Heatherooni

    Very Exciting News!!

    Yesterday was my 2 week post opt appointment with the surgeons assistant, and I was very excited to find out that since my surgery 2 weeks ago I have lost 17 pounds! Which brings my total loss to 45 pounds since I started the program. I have been told to go ahead and start stage 4, so I'm excited to have more variety of foods to choose from. And on July 21st I will be getting my first fill. So I'm very excited about all of this, and wanted to share the news with all of you. Thanks Heather PS Are any of you in the Lap Band Support group on the first Wednesday of the month at Tufts Medical Center? I start in that group next month!
  20. Hi Everyone, I'm looking for a recipe for chicken salad without mayo. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them!! Thanks ahead of time!
  21. Heatherooni

    Greetings from Beantown

    Hi ... Congrats to you on a job well done! I'm from the So Shore and I had my surgery at Tufts Medical Center on June 17th.
  22. Hi Sue, My name is Heather and I went through New England Medical Center for my surgery on June 17th. and I started the program at NEMC in January and I had the same problem where a lot of the Dr's tried changing my mind to have the GB because they said I would lose more weight. I wasn't thrilled with the medical Dr who your talking about either, but I dealt with her as best that I could. The psychologist I had knew that I had my mind made up about the band, and he encouraged me to go ahead with the band if that is what I wanted. So I did, and I'm happy about it. I know you posted this post a few months ago but feel free to send me a message if you have any questions about the program. Take care, and don't give up on your dream!
  23. I know that walking is important after surgery. But does anyone know if it's ok to use the treadmill before your 2 week post opt appointment? I have a membership to a gym, and because it's starting to get warm and muggy today I thought it would be a good idea to go there instead of walking around my neighborhood. What do you think? Thanks Heather G
  24. Hello There My name is Heather. I'm a 32 year old married stay at home mom of two boys. I live in Massachusetts. I had my surgery done last week on Tuesday June 17th by Dr Kim at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. Since I started the program at the beginning of the year I've taken off over 20 pounds. And according to my scale I've taken off another 10 since the day of my surgery. I'm feeling really good aside from being hungry. But today I was given the go ahead to try a few of the next stage foods ... which are ground and pureed. So I'm excited about this. The reason I join this website is to make some friends with people who have already been through the surgery. I'd love to hear about your situation, and why you had the surgery And I'd like to talk with those of you who have had surgery around the same time as me. I thought it would be fun if we could compare notes. So feel free to send me a message if you'd like to chat. :tt1: Thanks Heather
  25. Hi there, My name is Heather. I'm 6 days days out of surgery from the Lap Band. My incisions are healing up nicely and so far I'm feeling really good. I've been following the suggestions in the Book I got from my dietitian but I'm starting to notice my hunger is coming back faster then I had hoped. So I was wondering if this happened to anyone else after surgery. And how did you deal with it? I called the hospital today where I had my surgery and they told me I could start having a few things that are in the next stage for mushy/grounded foods. So I was wondering what some of you think I should try that would keep me filled up for a little bit? Also did you stick to the sugar free stuff? Because some of the stuff has a nasty after taste, so I was wondering if something will happen if I have something like a Proteien shake with 20 grams of sugar rather then less then 14? Like the dumping with the Bypass? Thanks ahead of time. Any input I can get will be greatly appreciated it. Heather

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