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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by leknigh

  1. leknigh

    It's Aug 5th for me

    Hey Tonni - I live in Cincinnati, am getting banded on the 5th, and also start my pre-op diet today (had nutrition class yesterday). Who's your surgeon? Mine will be Dr. Curry...
  2. leknigh

    It's Aug 5th for me

    AUGUST 5th FOR ME TOO!!! I am excited but nervous.... :thumbup:
  3. leknigh

    It's Aug 5th for me

    Shelby - I LOVE your August AllStars banner, but couldn't figure out how to add one (at least not with the star - which is the best part)... How do you do it?? :thumbup:
  4. Thanks Ang - you are right! Unfortunately I had the "last meal syndrome" up until today - FORTUNATELY I start the liquid diet tomorrow. I know that I will stick with it however, because I'm determined to have the surgery go as planned (and not worry about the liver issues others have discussed).
  5. Well glad you have a good sense of humor about it lol You never know with some people! :)

  6. leknigh

    Pre Op diet

    I am right there with you! I start my liquid pre-op diet tomorrow (surgery is Aug.5th) and have been shoving any and everything down my throat to "get it out of my system" :thumbup: I don't know what your doctor's office uses for the liquid diet - but my doctor's office uses the Medifast products. There are shakes, oatmeals, meal bars, soups, scrambled eggs, and drinks to choose from. I haven't tasted any yet - but either way, at least it only lasts a couple weeks!
  7. leknigh

    this isnt working for me !

    Wow MSnika, I'll have to read some of your posts more often. You're a very motivating person :scared2: I haven't been banded yet (coming soon), and I'm already fighting myself - but your post helps. Once I'm banded if I feel like I'm not losing "fast enough" I'll just keep reading this post.... Thanks!
  8. leknigh

    The things I look forward to...

    By all means - adopt the list and add whatever you like! I wish my husband would say he was going to miss my big fat @$$! hahah Of course, mine is more "wide" than "fat" - so maybe he won't miss it hahaha
  9. By all means - adopt the list and add whatever you like! :) I wish my husband would say he was going to miss my big fat @$$! hahah Of course, mine is more "wide" than "fat" - so maybe he won't miss it hahaha :)

  10. Hey there! Sorry I didn't respond to your message earlier. I stumbled upon this "visitor message" thing on a fluke - but now I can't find it on my own profile again (haha). Where do I find it so I don't miss messages again?

    Anyway - my surgery date is set for August 5th (so nervous!!)...

    How are you doing? :)

  11. Hey - I am SO SORRY I didn't respond to your message earlier in the month! I'm still getting used to this thing and didn't get notification that someone left me a message.

    Anyhow - by now I'm sure you've had your surgery already. How are you doing? How did it go? Hope all is well!

  12. CONGRATS to you! What an inspiration I wish you best of luck on your continued journey....
  13. leknigh

    I think I am in big trouble

    Hey Cher - you definitely are not screwed (if that makes you feel any better...) If you do turn out to be pregnant, yes it is earlier than the doctors would advise and it will interfere with weight loss - however, they will simply unfill (or leave as is if no fill) to allow you to eat healthy for your pregnancy. Also know you are not the first person this has happened to. Losing weight can help increase fertility - which is why doctors suggest using some form of reliable birth control while you're losing the weight during the 1st year of being banded. At any rate - it happens :eek: So best of luck if you are pregnant and be sure to call your doctor right away to discuss next steps! Take care.....
  14. leknigh

    The day I made the choice to book my appointment for surgery

    I hear you SheeShee!!! Fat kid - check, Fat teenager - check, Fat twentysommething - check (and it looks like it's ending that way too).... I turn 30 next April and like you am determined to NOT spend my thirtysomething years overweight and with my health spiraling out of control. GOOD LUCK on your journey - and I think you will find plenty of information and support on this website!
  15. leknigh

    No time to do anything.

    Wow - kudos to you first of all for trying to keep up with all that! The only suggestions I can think of right now is to break your walking requirements down. Instead of looking at it as having to fit in one 40 minute chunk of walking time, try breaking it down to two 20 minute walks, or even four 10 minute walks.
  16. CONGRATS - that's an amazing weight loss (especially in only 2 weeks). I expect nothing near that for myself, not within that short period of time anyway. :cursing: Anything unexpected about the way you felt afterwards, or anything - that someone getting the surgery should know about?
  17. Wow - sounds like you're making a lot of changes too! Getting married, looking for a new house, and getting banded. I just got married and bought a new house last year myself. :cursing: When are you getting your band, or did you do it already?
  18. leknigh

    Pre-LB and Week One

    Wow - one week down already..... How are you feeling? Your path sounds sort of similar to mine, except that I did the school thing first. I went back to school last year (for Human Resource Management after years of thankless Admin. Asst. work), and should be finished by summer of next year. What made you decide to take the leap from Graphic Designer to Social Worker? I haven't been banded yet (tentative Aug. 5th), but I'm so nervous and so excited, so feel free to give me pointers on what I may expect that first day/first week.
  19. leknigh

    The things I look forward to...

    Marie623 that is HILLARIOUS! But, also VERY good information to have haha I might have to check that out.....
  20. leknigh

    The things I look forward to...

    When I stepped out of the shower last night, I realized that the only clean towels were the "normal" bath towels. All of my "beach size" bath towels were sitting in the dryer not yet put away. Of course a "normal" bath towel doesn't wrap completely around this curvy body and I'm left trying to figure out what parts I want to cover most! Looking in the mirror at the bath towel only going around about 75% (if that) of my body really made me think about all the things that can change with this surgery. The things I can look forward to (that I think many of you can appreciate, but most "normal" size people never give a second thought to..). So here's my own personal list of things I'm looking forward to when this weight starts to come off: 1) Completely wrapping a "normal" size towel around my body! 2) Being able to participate in fun activities and not worry about whether or not my weight will exceed some set limit that would keep me from participating. (Ex. horseback riding, canoeing, skydiving, etc...) 3) My husband being able to actually pick me up/lift me - I never had that chance to get carried over the threshhold of our new home after we got married! Old tradition I know - but just the fact that it couldn't be done made me sad.... 4) Having less surface area on my legs to shave (haha)... 5) Wearing sleeveless tops - as it is right now I REFUSE! 6) Being able to actually live my life, not just pretending to live my life while constantly worrying about how I look, or what someone must be thinking about how I look!!!!!! 7) Riding my bike up a hill (a small one) without having to get off and just push the bike up because it felt like I was trying to two a U-Haul behind me 8) Wearing cute gym clothes and/or pajamas - not just hiding behind stretchy pants and a large t-shirt 9) Not leaving the house because I'm having a "fat day" and don't feel like I have anything that fits me right 10) Not having to start another diet (or attempt at lifestyle change) with the thought "this time it will be different", only to find that's not true..... I think 10 is enough for now
  21. I've tried really hard to limit myself to who I've told (and hope those people stay quiet) because it is hard to predict how anyone will react. Plus, I have to admit it's a pride thing as well. I don't want to have to put up with that "look", you know - the one that says "Oh, here she goes on yet another doomed to fail diet!"..... I figure it's your decision, your body, your health, and your happiness at stake, so if you have some friends or family that are worrying about losing the "fat sassy friend", then remind them just how much more fun you are going to be when you can really start living life! GOOD LUCK! :thumbs_up:
  22. Maybe I'm just having a big self-pity party, but today I'm feeling so ashamed about the fact that I'm even to this point. I've been overweight all of my life and I chalk some of it up to genes and some of it up to PCOS - but I know it is also a result of poor food choices, excuses, and inactivity. It's a sad cycle. You need to lose weight, to lose weight you need to be active, but then you feel too self-conscious about the weight to get out there and be active, so instead you sit home and self-medicate with tv and food. Sometimes it gets so bad that I feel like a shut-in. I don't live my life the way I should. And at 29 I'm starting to see/feel some scary changes in my body and health because of this excess weight. This surgery can't come soon enough for me - I just wish I wasn't at that point to begin with.... Was anyone else there before the surgery, and has it really changed your life?
  23. I live in Cincinnati. I don't have a surgery date yet. I just finished going to a couple seminars for different doctors and have believe I have made my choice. I have my consultations set up and am hoping to have the surgery done by early August at the latest... We'll see though.
  24. Yeah - that's how I hope to feel after getting the surgery (a new lease on life!)... I see that you've lost 30 lbs. already by the way - CONGRATS! What were you doing before the surgery to get your weight down that much?
  25. leknigh

    So confused after 1st consultation

    Hi Marisol, Everyone is different, but I can honestly say that gastric bypass was never an option for me. Because: 1) It's a more dangerous surgery (more complications/risks possible) 2) It's permanent (unlike lapband) 3) Causes "dumping" and horrendous smells (by gas and/or "dumping") 4) Like any weight loss, if you don't maintain your lifestyle changes you WILL gain the weight back (but at least with lapband it's again not permanent, so your risks associated with weight gain are lower at least) 5) If you don't follow the proper diet (ESPECIALLY YOUR DAILY VITAMINS), you are really setting yourself up for serious problems (I have a personal story about a family member to back this one up - but I won't post it here to avoid upsetting anyone. If you want to know it, just let me know and I'll send you an email with the details) Anyhow - those are just the primary reasons I felt lapband was a choice and gastric bypass was not. Hope that helps.....

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