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Posts posted by msrn

  1. i like to hear from people. thank you for saying i inspired you. and i love your quote at the end. it is so true!!! things in my life are falling into place since i have been believing in myself and feeling better about myself. just yesterday my husband went to give me a hug, and he said"holy crap!!! my arms go all away around and much more, you are getting so small!!!" and to hear that feels great:thumbup:!!! i love my husband, children and family but i first need to love myself to be able to give them the love that they deserve. and i think i am on my way. the thing is now is that i am on the countdown to be under 200lbs. that will make me feel so good. to get out of the deuces!!! my friend said that i need to get a pair of jeans (since i have none that fit) and have them for inspirational jeans. i don't know about that because it just makes you feel fat when you think you might get into a certain size and you go to try some clothes on and you get depressed cuz there is no way those jeans are getting fastened:thumbdown:!!! i had to get new scrubs for work the other day and i was excited that i got into, and they are comfortable a large pants. i would be able to wear a large top, but i have a little too much breasts. my doctor says i will not lose very much of them. i have had breasts since i was 13!!! so for right now i have to wear an XL scrub top:mad2:!!! oh well atleast i am not wearing XXL now!!!:) so anyone who is wearing that size or bigger just wait you will get down!!!

  2. i had my surgery june 24th and i started out at 266lbs:thumbdown:. as of today i am 215lbs:thumbup:. better but still a long ways to go!!! i would like to get down to 150lbs. that seems so far away!!! i have been exercising 4-5 days a week (sometimes more!!!) i am so excited cuz i can finally run on the treadmill. i was never able to do that before:thumbup:. i am jiggling but i don't care i am just glad i can finally run!!!

    i am also glad because my husband has gotten into eating healthier and exercising!!!

    if anyone has some good ideas on foods and exercises that would be great i would like to change things up a notch so i do not get bored and stop going to the gym:ohmy:!!! and food i would like some ideas so i do not make bad choices when i get tired of the same food!!! love to hear from anyone!!!

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