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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by msrn

  1. hey!!! how are you doing??? tomorrow is my first dr.'s appt. so i made myself go to the gym because i have 1.5lbs to lose to be 40lbs lost. and i wanted to have 40lbs gone by the time i see him. i can't wait to be able to eat different food with SUBSTANCE!!! but then again i am scared that i will over eat!!! well hope everything is going well. hope to hear from you soon.

  2. hey thank you for your support i really like to hear other peoples story. have you been banded yet??? well my surgery is tomorrow and i am soooooo excited. try to keep every body updated. again thanks for the support!!!

  3. hey thanks!!! today i actually can have jell-o and broth. i am so excited b/c 2 weeks of water and protein shakes (UGGGGGH!!!). my surgery is tomorrow morning and i am sooooooo excited. hope everything is going well for you pre-op!!! i will put a post up tomorrow or wednesday and let u know how it went. good luck to you if i don't get back on line before your surgery!!!

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