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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by msrn

  1. it will be 2 weeks tomorrow since i was banded. i am so ready to eat food with substance. hopefully my dr. will let me. i get my first fill on thursday so we will see. it was very hard over the holiday weekend and also my husbands birthday. can you say bbq, cake, and ice cream. and boy did that bbq smell good:tt2:. but i was good i stuck with the protein shakes and clear and full liquids. so i was a good girl. if anyone has any ideas for full liquid that would be great. and also i am not losing as much weight as i would like. i would think i haven't eaten so i should lose more. plus i am going to the gym. well hope everyone had a good and safe holiday weekend!!!:thumbup::thumbup:

  2. alright i made it through the fourth of july without killing my diet. i was banded a week in a half ago and i am still only allowed to have full liquids. now i did have a couple of bites of scrambled eggs because i felt awful and needed something to help me stop shaking and my protein shake just was not cutting it. it was very hard this weekend cuz i was with my family at the lake of the ozarks and it was my husbands birthday. can you say bbq and cake and ice cream. oh man the bbq smelled so good. but the weekend is over and i get my first fill on thursday and i am so excited to be able to eat soft foods!!! hope everyone had a safe holiday weekend!!! if anyone has any advice b/c i am not losing weight and i have been drinking my shakes and walking on the tread mill (1-2miles). and i have only lost a few pounds and it will be two weeks on tuesday. before i had my surgery i lost 30lbs. what is the deal???

  3. I am feeling pretty good. have to make myself take the protein shakes. I just am not feeling hungry. my starting weight on this whole journey was 266lbs. the day of surgery i was 233lbs. i haven't weighed since surgery because they gave me a whole bunch of fluids so i am staying away from the scale for a few days. i am a little swollen. i hope everything is going well!!! i would love to keep in touch, with someone who was banded the same day i was (almost same time). i will write more later. hang in there with the clear liquids, remember the long road is going to be well worth it.

  4. I finally got banded yesterday 6/24/2008. Went pretty well. I had my surgery at 7:45m and i was out of there a few minutes before noon. doing pretty well i think. it is really weird though i am so not hungry!!! I am very thirsty though. they put that patch behind my ear before surgery to dry up secretions so against dr. advice i took that sucker off. all i have to say is that versed if my friend. all i remember them doing was putting it in my iv, and i was talking to the nurses, the next thing i knew i was waking up in recovery!!! GREAT DRUG!!! ask for it if you can!!!:)

  5. This is my first blog here but i needed to start because my surgery is tuesday at 7:45am!!! I have been on the water and protein shakes for 2 weeks now. The scale has gone down 30lbs but the thing that i am so proud of with myself, is that i did not cheat. That is a huge accomplishment since i have a husband and 2 little boys!!! trust me i wanted to have some of that pizza, cheeseburger, and cake!!! sometimes i thought maybe if i just could have a lick:rolleyes2:!!! but anyways i started this journey at 266lbs at 5'5". that is the hightest i have ever been. the reason i chose the lap-band is first of all i am an ICU nurse and i know the effects of being fat and unhealthy:sad:!!! then i have two little boys 7 and 3 that i love more than life itself!!! since i have started i am down about 30lbs and people already see the difference, which is nice to hear. another reason i got on this site is i need more support because there is a lot of people who are just against having surgery!!! i understand their worries and concerns but very soon i am going to have some health issues that will be way worse than having a surgery that is a tool to help me. If food just wouldn't taste so dang good!!! i would probably be okay.

    but anyways if anyone has some good ideas on different things you can eat and drink post-op i am all ears!!! I will probably have pics soon i am going to have my husband take the dreaded before pic, than i will try to post new ones as much as i can.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
