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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by clayverde

  1. clayverde


    You know it's funny, my doctor (as well as the surgeon, the nurses, nutritionist, etc.) NEVER mentioned anything about caffeine. After reading lots of posts on the board about having caffeine in the no-no category, I asked my doctor about it. He gave me an odd look and said, "No, why would caffeine matter to the band? Just be careful about what you put in the coffee like the sugar, cream, and lattes, etc." And when I had the surgery, while in the hospital I had a cup of tea AND coffee. So I guess it varies a lot from doctor to doctor. I have coffee and tea all the time, but I am careful to use Splenda and a little of the sugar free, non-fat creamer, etc. So as long as the calories are low, they don't care for me. (Not trying to rub it in, just trying to let you know!) That's okay though, my doctor DID require a full 2 weeks of liquids only before the surgery and that was HELL!!:biggrin: I used to read so many people talk about eating steak dinners the night before surgery and I would cry! But that's over now and the caffeine is a forever thing, so I guess I'd rather the way it is. :smile2: Good Luck!
  2. clayverde

    PCOS & the Lap Band?

    Sorry, that didn't post as a link because I made a mistake - doh! Here is is: http://jcem.endojournals.org/cgi/reprint/90/12/6364.pdf
  3. clayverde

    PCOS & the Lap Band?

    Hi - just wanted to let you know a few things - First, there is a PCOS group here on the website if you are interested... Second, if you search the forums for "pcos" you find a TON of various posts all about pcos (a lot to search through, but another resource if you really want it) Third, I have PCOS and was pretty bad before the lapband. I had no periods at all for almost 7 years and I was on both Metformin (max dose) and Avandia (and then Actos, which is similar) I stopped taking both the metformin and the actos before the surgery (per the surgeon) and I haven't gone back on them since. I have begun to occasionally have spotting (again - a huge deal when you haven't had this in 7 years!!) and obviously I haven't had an issue with losing weight! (I'm down 53 lbs now, as you can see in the signature!!) I feel better than I have in YEARS!! Finally, I wanted to relate some information that my doctor gave me when I basically asked the same question of him (an endo). He said that the band is just a tool and I have to eat right, follow the rules and exercise. BUT he also said that they don't know all the reasons of why certain people have metabolic disorders (which PCOS is) and how hormones play into it all, etc. He said that they (doctors) expected the band to help with PCOS symptoms because it helps the patient lose weight, which is a big part of breaking the PCOS cycle (as someone else mentioned here with insulin resistance, etc). BUT in studies, they found that people with PCOS and the band respond better than the control group that lost the same amount of weight in the same amount of time using just diet and exercise. So obviously there is something else going on there, but they don't know what or why. The women in the study ended up at the point that had they gone to the doctor now, they would no longer be diagnosed with PCOS because they has so few of the symptoms. Here is a link to that actual study: The Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Associated with Morbid Obesity May Resolve after Weight Loss Induced by Bariatric Surgery -- Escobar-Morreale et al. 90 (12): 6364 -- Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism I know that is a ton of information, but given that I have the same problem and issues and have so much success, I thought I'd pass it all along. Getting the band was the best decision I have made for myself - LOVE IT! :smile2:
  4. clayverde

    Holy Protein Cow! Cottage Cheese!

    I have to say that I used to HATE cottage cheese. Hate it. Now I really enjoy it and love the protein and all, but I only eat it one way. With salsa. Everyone recommended to go the sweet route and add fruit, etc. and I still didn't like it. But someone else recommended salsa and I was amazed. I actually liked it! I really love it with Pineapple Salsa from Target. Very yummy - low in fat and high in protein. Plus is is super easy and super quick - I love it for lunch when I am often busy and want something fast.
  5. Hi - I wonder even about the $18. And I just checked again with the Tricare Fraud division and was told that the clinic had adjusted my account to show a $0 balance and that all was taken care of. So.... I guess Tricare talked to them and they backed off. But it does make me wonder how many other Tricare people on here are paying for things they shouldn't!! I saw a few different military people saying they paid quite a bit for nutritionist appointments!! I hope that my post helps a few - thanks for the comment!!


  6. clayverde

    needing some kind of.. reassurance

    You know, I just had to comment real quick. I remember thinking to myself, "Hey - I'm a grown up. I've been through boot camp. I have had not one but two children and one of them completely natural. I CAN do this liquid stage standing on my head!" Cue to about 4 days later. My husband is starting to cook dinner for him and the kids and I am at the end of my rope, so I decide to take a shower. Some hot Water therapy for me and I don't have to watch them eat. I get done and open the door and the smell of garlic and olive oil waft to me and I start BAWLING!! And I am so mad at my husband. I yelled at him, how could he do that to me?? He knew how hard a time I was having. Blah blah. I went to bed that night and cried myself to sleep. My poor husband was completely bewildered. The next day he made me come up with a list of things he could make and how he could make them that wouldn't upset me!! And I know you keep getting the same advice, but that is because it is good advice - This too, shall pass. This phase will not last forever. And the next thing you know, you'll be one the wise lapbanders on here giving advice to the newbies!! BTW - it seems like forever ago I was in that phase and I have lost a total of 50 lbs - you'll be here soon and it will feel great - just keeping thinking about that!!! You can do it!!
  7. Okay, this is going to be a long post - I'm warning you now!! :thumbup: But it is really important and I really think I should pass it on, so here goes... I live in Minneapolis MN, so I am part of Triwest, but I have Tricare Prime Remote. I have already had my lapband surgery (love it!! best decision ever!:w00t:) and the whole process with Tricare has been great. I had no problems with approval, fills, etc. Recently I got a bill from Park Nicollet (the clinic where I am seen and is affiliated with the hospital where I had the surgery) for my nutritionist appointment. It cost about $130. It said that the claim had been filed with Tricare and was denied, so it was now the patient responsibility. I went back and looked at the Explanation of Benefits that I got in the mail (BTW - NEVER throw those things out. Keep them!! They are critical for circumstances like these!!) for that appointment and it showed that they had indeed denied payment of the bill, however it also showed that the patient responsibility was *0*. It also stated “This service is non-covered. Network providers may not charge beneficiaries for the services under the hold harmless provisions of their network providers. Providers are eligible for an allowable charge review. Please note that the 90 day appeal period begins with the initial denial of the claim.” So it seemed pretty clear that I don't have to pay for the appointment, regardless of the denial. I call Tricare and ask what was going on. I was told that I AM responsible for the bill. That if I think Tricare should have paid for it, then I can file an appeal and I have 90 days, etc. So she gives me a bunch of info and we hang up. I begin to do research on how to appeal and how to prove that the nutritional appointment was medically necessary. I end up having a question and call Tricare back a few days later for clarification. This time, the lady I speak with is very clear - I do NOT owe that money. She explains that first of all, the explanation of benefits is pretty much the law - if it says you don't owe anything, you don't owe it. She said that the clinic and hospital has a contract with Tricare. Part of that contract is to accept a certain amount for services and waive the balance (so you often see that Tricare paid one amount even though the doctor charged more, but you don't owe the difference). The other part is to accept what Tricare covers for services - I don't know if this is part of the remote deal, because I don't have a choice of going to a military clinic or hospital. I have to go to a civilian hospital. But it might not be - it might just be a normal part of the Tricare contract. That for them to be able to accept Tricare insurance, they have to accept that they may provide services that Tricare simply doesn't cover and they can't turn around and bill the patient. Regardless, I am not responsible for the cost. She tells me to call the billing office and basically, nicely tell them to review their contract and the copy of the explanation of benefits that they received (apparently when you get one, they get their own copy) and notice that my responsibility is $0. She said that should clear it up and I'd be good. I called the billing and basically they told me that the doctor doesn't provide charity nutritional appointments and of course the bill had to be paid - either by me or my insurance, but it didn't just get dismissed. I called Tricare back and spoke with someone new, who said that same thing as the last lady - that I did not owe the money and she would be happy to talk to the billing office. The three of us had a phone conference and the clinic agreed to investigate the bill and let me know of the decision. We hung up with them and the Tricare lady let me know that this might be an issue because they didn't deal with Tricare that often, but she was sure that the manager or someone further up the food chain would look into it and realize they were violating their contract with Tricare simply by sending me the bill. She said once they realized that, they would probably let me know it was taken care of. (can you guess where this is going??:w00t:) I get another bill from the clinic that says they did an investigation and determined that they provided services and I accepted them, so I should pay. They also send me a copy of a paper that I had signed at the time, stating that "Medicare may not cover this appointment. Should they deny payment of this appointment, you will be responsible for it, etc." [Okay, side note here, why did I sign that?? Because I don't have Medicare! Because it was obviously a form that they had every single patient sign and I figured, well, I don't have Medicare, so it doesn't matter AND I have Tricare Prime, so I know I'm good - I don't have copays, etc.] I call Tricare and basically ask, WTF?? The lady I speak to there tells me that I owe the money. That if I want to appeal, here is the info to appeal. AARGH!! :thumbup: After cursing some more, my hubby convinces me to calm down and call Tricare again. I do and this time I talk to a guy who is great! He explains to me that I am absolutely, 100% NOT responsible for the bill. He says that if the clinic wanted the bill paid, they should have appealed the denial and proved that it was medically necessary. He said that almost always if they appeal it (for that specific appointment for lapband patients) it will get approved. He said that right now, Tricare doesn't have the nutritional appointments already covered as part of the lapband surgery process, but the surgery coverage is still new and they are in the process of figuring out what is necessary and what isn't etc. He said this is part of the normal growing pains of adding a new surgery to their coverage. But the responsibility of appealing is on the clinic NOT me. He explains further that not only does it not matter that I signed that form about the Medicare (because I don't have Medicare), even if it had specifically said Tricare, it wouldn't matter because as part of their contract with Tricare, they specifically state that the clinic can NOT allow a patient to sign away their rights. He said they should know better than to try and have me sign it anyway. But again, he thinks it has more to do with their lack of knowledge of Tricare than a deliberate attempt to trick me into paying the bill. So he goes over it all with me and we talk to the clinic AGAIN, and basically, we get told the same thing. Pay us the money. Plus, the manager says that she talked to Tricare and they agreed that I was responsible for the bill. We hung up with them and that is when the Tricare guy told me to file a fraud complaint. He explained that the clinic had more than enough chances to read their contract with Tricare and figure out that I was not responsible for the bill. He said at this point, he had to assume that they were trying to commit fraud. So I wrote a letter with all the information, added copies of the bills, etc and sent it all to the Tricare Fraud department. Eventually I got a call from a guy at the Fraud department who said that he is working with the clinic and explaining to them in no uncertain terms that I do no owe the money and the possible repercussions of them pursuing the bill. He said that they are breaking not one but TWO federal laws by attempting to have me sign away my rights and by sending me the bill they knew I didn't owe. He said that they were in danger of 1. nullifying their contract with Tricare, which would not only mean they can't accept Tricare as insurance anymore but they wouldn't ever be able to and 2. begin a federal fraud investigation into their billing practices. He said that if there continued to be a problem, he would contact me to let me know. Needless to say, I have not gotten another bill from Park Nicollet and I have not heard anything more from either the clinic or Tricare or Tricare Fraud. So the moral of this very long story is: You can't sign away your rights Don't sign them away anyway, it just makes things more confusing. You probably don't owe that copay or that nutritionist bill Even if you call Tricare, don't assume they have given you the right information!! I think it is ridiculous that I can call Tricare and keep getting the wrong information. But the point is, that the information you are getting might be wrong. Keep calling, keep notes on every single time you call and who you talk to you (that saved my butt this time because when I was told again from Tricare that I owed the money and I was responsible for the appeal, I was able to say, I talked to Diane on 10/13 and she said I wasn't. Which forced her to go and read the notes on the file and realize she was wrong!! She didn't apologize or anything, but she did put me on hold, talk to a manager, and come back with the correct info and told me that I was correct, I did not owe the money!) Good Luck and I hope this info helps!! :thumbup:
  8. clayverde

    Tummy tucks & tri care prime

    Hey - I have been told that getting the military to pay for the tummy tuck and possible breast reduction or whatever can be tricky. Basically, they will cover it but you have to prove medical necessity. I was told to start early!! So as soon as you start losing weight, make sure you have the doctor note every single tiny rash, etc in your file. Make sure you start taking pictures and just saving them. So when the time comes and you have lost the weight, you have a lot of documented history and notes in your record that you have had ongoing issues with rashes, etc. That is what is going to convince them that it is beyond a cosmetic issue. And honestly, if you are losing any kind of significant weight, I think that it really IS more than a vanity issue. You have folds of skin lying against each other while traps sweat, etc. It is just basic hygiene that this is not good!! So I have already started following that advice for myself to put me in the best position when I am ready. Also, about the breast and all, a breast reduction is possible, as is a breast lift, but probably not a breast implant. That is kind of hard to argue for "necessity" - perky boobs are nice but not necessary! But for that, I have heard that you may be able to get insurance to cover a breast lift (for the same reason as the tummy tuck - the excess skin) and just pay the difference for the breast implant at the same time. Should you decide you want to go down that road.... I don't know how much of all of this is true or not, but I am getting ready and beginning to research it all - can't be too prepared!!
  9. clayverde

    TriCare Prime Remote

    Hi - I have Triwest and am Tricare Prime Remote and I was approved in 2 days. So I really think it is all about the little things - how your doctors office filed the paperwork, who it was filed with, the office it got sent to, the planets in alignment! I was surprised at how quickly it got approved - and I saw it on the website first. Then I got a call from a lady from Tricare who congratulated me and asked if I had any questions, etc. So I have had a really good experience with Tricare. Good Luck and keep us updated!!
  10. clayverde

    The fill from HELL!!!!

    Well, so much for posting once a week! :cursing: I have gotten so busy with school and kids and my mother in law visited and all. Plus, I find that after losing 40 lbs!!! I have a lot more energy and so I'm more likely to get busy with things! Anyway, I recently (a week ago) had another fill. And what an experience that was! Last time I almost passed out so this time I wanted my husband to go with me. At the last minute, the computers at his job crashed and he had to go in, so I was left going with me and Molly (who is 4) to my appointment. We get there and talk to the Dr and she is very happy with my weight loss and all. She agrees that I would do well getting another fill. So she decides that I will get a fill of 3ccs. (I already have 6 in there) So I lay down and she numbs the area which burns a little but not bad. I am determined this time to not pass out - I figure I know what is coming and it's no big deal. Well she pokes and prods and pushes and she can NOT find the port. Finally she is pretty sure that she has found the port and sticks me. And it hurts. And then she goes to withdraw the fluid and it HURTS! So she tries again and again and at one point it slips down the side of the port. Man, it was NOT fun. Not agony, but really unpleasant. And I am feeling more and more lightheaded. Finally she quits and asks me if I want to try again. (I love this doctor and she is really great - last time she got it right away, but I was still pretty swollen, so...) I told her that the adult part of me was telling me to suck it up and try again - that I would be very annoyed later when I go home and didn't let her try again and now I have to wait for another month for an appointment and a fill. But the rest of me was screaming to not let her touch me again!! :cursing: Finally after a few very cold washcloths on my forehead and neck and some sips of water, I am no longer about to pass out. (Molly was an angel and playing the entire time!) So the doctor suggests that we do this a different way, especially given my tendency to get so lightheaded. She said that I could go over to radiology and they would do the fill there with an x-ray so that they would definitely know where the port is. But then I have to have a few sips of the barium stuff so they can watch the fluid go down and make sure that it wasn't too tight. She asks if I want her to see if they can take me right now. Of course I want to tell her NO! but I said yes and of course they could! Molly and I walk over there and they bring me right back. Of course Molly can't go in the room, but luckily it is set up that the xray room is very large and almost one wall is glass and on the other side is a small office with monitors to see the xray, etc. So Molly was able to sit in there on a swivel chair and watch me on the monitor or look through the glass and see me. So the doctor and aide say hi. I lay down on a small gurney/table and they bring this huge thing with handles over my stomach and whatever and then double check that I'm not pregnant and take the xray. So right away they see the port on the monitor right next to the table. He preps everything and I studiously look at the opposite wall and ceiling, trying to count the tiny dots in the ceiling and hoping that Molly doesn't decide to run into the room to see what is going on. (She didn't! :cursing:) So he sticks me with the numbing stuff (which you would think I wouldn't need because I already had some but it still hurt and burned, so either the other wore off or it was in the wrong place or whatever!) but not terrible. Then he puts the needle in and pulls it out a little and puts it in and then stops to xray while the needle is in to make very sure he is in the right place. The sensation doesn't hurt really, but it is a terrible feeling - the pulling and odd resistance of the port to the needle and then suddenly it's in and it feels like it should hurt - the whole thing is not painful but very odd. At least I'm not lightheaded, right? So finally he gets it in and puts in the 3 ccs. Right away I KNEW it was way too tight. It was a terrible feeling. I don't know how to describe it - like a belt wrapped too tight around your tummy on the inside - I know that is silly because of course that is exactly what it is, but really this time I FELT it and it was not cool. But I take a sip of the barium stuff and another quick sip and immediately it burns the whole way down - like the reverse of heartburn. And then it felt like it was a small ball of burning at the very back of my throat. Like a small pea size of heartburn is just sitting in the very back of my throat and stuck there. It was terrible! I felt panicky and told the doctor "Get it out - get it out right now!!! That feels terrible!!" I don't even think I meant the fluid, I meant the needle, I meant get me out of here, make this crap stop!! Again, it wasn't agony, but it was so uncomfortable I felt like clawing my own stomach to get that damn band loose so that I could just swallow. So he immediately pulled out 1cc of fluid and said "Yeah, the barium didn't go down at all, that was way too tight." As soon as that 1cc was out, I felt somewhat better and that ball of hearburn slid down to my stomach. But again, like heartburn, I could feel that terrible scorched throat feeling all the way down. I was a little nervous that it was the same problem but not as bad so it didn't feel as strong but maybe it was still backed up. Like I couldn't tell if the heartburn was gone and this was the residue effect or if the heartburn was still there but not as bad, so it just felt like it might be gone. Plus I kept thinking of Molly and being so nervous that she was going to touch things in there and break something or walk out here or wander out the door.... :clap: So the doctor asks me if that is better and I told him I thought so but I wasn't really sure. He looked at the xray and said that it DID go down this time, but it still looked pretty tight to him. He asked me if I wanted him to leave it or take out a little more - maybe .5 ccs. I was nervous, part of me wanted him to leave it because I'd be more restricted and all, but finally I thought that I WAS losing weight this whole time and the point is not to starve yourself PLUS if it was still blocking up I was only going to be in pain and end up in the ER. So I ask him to take out another .5ccs so the fill was only 1.5ccs instead of the 3ccs originally ordered, if that was all right. He laughed and said - hey you're driving here! You decide what you are comfortable with - we don't want you to end up in the ER later!! So he did that, I took some sips of the barium stuff again and it went down fine - it felt like normal. The doctor looked at the xray and said, it still looks pretty tight to me - are you sure? I said, yes this feels fine. He says, well, I guess the whole point IS to be tight, huh? Then he said he didn't get many of us (lapbanders) that often, but it was starting to be more and more as the surgery is getting more popular. He said that he thought finding the port was somewhat difficult with the xray - he couldn't imagine going in blind!! But he laughed and said that they did it all the time over there in the bariatric surgery ward, so they must have some pretty good skills!! I got up and went into the room and there was Molly, sitting in the chair and chatting with FIVE different doctors - men and women - and charming them all!! Like flies to honey! So that was good at least! :cursing: So we went home and I was very sore as the numbing stuff wore off. The whole area was bruised for a few days as they had physically poked and prodded so much and then done the same with the needle. But the fill felt good - not too tight. Since then, I have not noticed a major difference in terms of what I can handle - I did finally try a wheat bread sandwich yesterday and it went down all right - but it was the tiniest bit painful, like a warning of what will come if I'm not careful!! But everything else is fine. I am less hungry, eating smaller portions and lasting longer, so it is working like it is supposed to. But given that I am two months out and pretty much can eat whatever and have never had an issue with things really feeling too tight, never mind sliming or PBing or anything like that, I still sort of feel like maybe it isn't tight enough, or maybe I'm doing this wrong or whatever. I don't know, I can't be doing that badly because I have still been losing weight, but still. It is weird to read the boards and feel like I don't have any of the same problems - am I really just that lucky or am I not doing this right??? :cursing: And, for the first time, I got on the scale the other night and noticed that my weight has gone UP one pound. It is only one pound, but it is the first time since the surgery that is hasn't actually gone down. But my mother in law visited and I started drinking tea with her and she kept making it with sugar instead of my splenda and I kept forgetting and I liked it better so... Plus I have gotten lax in my walking and exercising. So I know what my problem is and what I need to do to correct it. I mean, I haven't gone crazy blowing it or stretching the pouch or anything like that, but I know I am getting a little too complacent and I need to adjust that right quick!! As a final note, I when you take the total weight I have to lose and break it down, and I have already lost 40 lbs as I said above, I have technically lost 1/4 of the total weight I have to lose. So, put another way, I have completed 1/4 of the journey to reaching my goal weight!! Pretty freakin' sweet!!!! :rolleyes2: Go Claire!! :tt2:
  11. clayverde

    The fill from HELL!!!!

    Well, so much for posting once a week! :tt2: I have gotten so busy with school and kids and my mother in law visited and all. Plus, I find that after losing 40 lbs!!! I have a lot more energy and so I'm more likely to get busy with things! Anyway, I recently (a week ago) had another fill. And what an experience that was! Last time I almost passed out so this time I wanted my husband to go with me. At the last minute, the computers at his job crashed and he had to go in, so I was left going with me and Molly (who is 4) to my appointment. We get there and talk to the Dr and she is very happy with my weight loss and all. She agrees that I would do well getting another fill. So she decides that I will get a fill of 3ccs. (I already have 6 in there) So I lay down and she numbs the area which burns a little but not bad. I am determined this time to not pass out - I figure I know what is coming and it's no big deal. Well she pokes and prods and pushes and she can NOT find the port. Finally she is pretty sure that she has found the port and sticks me. And it hurts. And then she goes to withdraw the fluid and it HURTS! So she tries again and again and at one point it slips down the side of the port. Man, it was NOT fun. Not agony, but really unpleasant. And I am feeling more and more lightheaded. Finally she quits and asks me if I want to try again. (I love this doctor and she is really great - last time she got it right away, but I was still pretty swollen, so...) I told her that the adult part of me was telling me to suck it up and try again - that I would be very annoyed later when I go home and didn't let her try again and now I have to wait for another month for an appointment and a fill. But the rest of me was screaming to not let her touch me again!! :cursing: Finally after a few very cold washcloths on my forehead and neck and some sips of water, I am no longer about to pass out. (Molly was an angel and playing the entire time!) So the doctor suggests that we do this a different way, especially given my tendency to get so lightheaded. She said that I could go over to radiology and they would do the fill there with an x-ray so that they would definitely know where the port is. But then I have to have a few sips of the barium stuff so they can watch the fluid go down and make sure that it wasn't too tight. She asks if I want her to see if they can take me right now. Of course I want to tell her NO! but I said yes and of course they could! Molly and I walk over there and they bring me right back. Of course Molly can't go in the room, but luckily it is set up that the xray room is very large and almost one wall is glass and on the other side is a small office with monitors to see the xray, etc. So Molly was able to sit in there on a swivel chair and watch me on the monitor or look through the glass and see me. So the doctor and aide say hi. I lay down on a small gurney/table and they bring this huge thing with handles over my stomach and whatever and then double check that I'm not pregnant and take the xray. So right away they see the port on the monitor right next to the table. He preps everything and I studiously look at the opposite wall and ceiling, trying to count the tiny dots in the ceiling and hoping that Molly doesn't decide to run into the room to see what is going on. (She didn't! :mad:) So he sticks me with the numbing stuff (which you would think I wouldn't need because I already had some but it still hurt and burned, so either the other wore off or it was in the wrong place or whatever!) but not terrible. Then he puts the needle in and pulls it out a little and puts it in and then stops to xray while the needle is in to make very sure he is in the right place. The sensation doesn't hurt really, but it is a terrible feeling - the pulling and odd resistance of the port to the needle and then suddenly it's in and it feels like it should hurt - the whole thing is not painful but very odd. At least I'm not lightheaded, right? So finally he gets it in and puts in the 3 ccs. Right away I KNEW it was way too tight. It was a terrible feeling. I don't know how to describe it - like a belt wrapped too tight around your tummy on the inside - I know that is silly because of course that is exactly what it is, but really this time I FELT it and it was not cool. But I take a sip of the barium stuff and another quick sip and immediately it burns the whole way down - like the reverse of heartburn. And then it felt like it was a small ball of burning at the very back of my throat. Like a small pea size of heartburn is just sitting in the very back of my throat and stuck there. It was terrible! I felt panicky and told the doctor "Get it out - get it out right now!!! That feels terrible!!" I don't even think I meant the fluid, I meant the needle, I meant get me out of here, make this crap stop!! Again, it wasn't agony, but it was so uncomfortable I felt like clawing my own stomach to get that damn band loose so that I could just swallow. So he immediately pulled out 1cc of fluid and said "Yeah, the barium didn't go down at all, that was way too tight." As soon as that 1cc was out, I felt somewhat better and that ball of hearburn slid down to my stomach. But again, like heartburn, I could feel that terrible scorched throat feeling all the way down. I was a little nervous that it was the same problem but not as bad so it didn't feel as strong but maybe it was still backed up. Like I couldn't tell if the heartburn was gone and this was the residue effect or if the heartburn was still there but not as bad, so it just felt like it might be gone. Plus I kept thinking of Molly and being so nervous that she was going to touch things in there and break something or walk out here or wander out the door.... So the doctor asks me if that is better and I told him I thought so but I wasn't really sure. He looked at the xray and said that it DID go down this time, but it still looked pretty tight to him. He asked me if I wanted him to leave it or take out a little more - maybe .5 ccs. I was nervous, part of me wanted him to leave it because I'd be more restricted and all, but finally I thought that I WAS losing weight this whole time and the point is not to starve yourself PLUS if it was still blocking up I was only going to be in pain and end up in the ER. So I ask him to take out another .5ccs so the fill was only 1.5ccs instead of the 3ccs originally ordered, if that was all right. He laughed and said - hey you're driving here! You decide what you are comfortable with - we don't want you to end up in the ER later!! So he did that, I took some sips of the barium stuff again and it went down fine - it felt like normal. The doctor looked at the xray and said, it still looks pretty tight to me - are you sure? I said, yes this feels fine. He says, well, I guess the whole point IS to be tight, huh? Then he said he didn't get many of us (lapbanders) that often, but it was starting to be more and more as the surgery is getting more popular. He said that he thought finding the port was somewhat difficult with the xray - he couldn't imagine going in blind!! But he laughed and said that they did it all the time over there in the bariatric surgery ward, so they must have some pretty good skills!! I got up and went into the room and there was Molly, sitting in the chair and chatting with FIVE different doctors - men and women - and charming them all!! Like flies to honey! So that was good at least! :w00t: So we went home and I was very sore as the numbing stuff wore off. The whole area was bruised for a few days as they had physically poked and prodded so much and then done the same with the needle. But the fill felt good - not too tight. Since then, I have not noticed a major difference in terms of what I can handle - I did finally try a wheat bread sandwich yesterday and it went down all right - but it was the tiniest bit painful, like a warning of what will come if I'm not careful!! But everything else is fine. I am less hungry, eating smaller portions and lasting longer, so it is working like it is supposed to. But given that I am two months out and pretty much can eat whatever and have never had an issue with things really feeling too tight, never mind sliming or PBing or anything like that, I still sort of feel like maybe it isn't tight enough, or maybe I'm doing this wrong or whatever. I don't know, I can't be doing that badly because I have still been losing weight, but still. It is weird to read the boards and feel like I don't have any of the same problems - am I really just that lucky or am I not doing this right??? :cursing: And, for the first time, I got on the scale the other night and noticed that my weight has gone UP one pound. It is only one pound, but it is the first time since the surgery that is hasn't actually gone down. But my mother in law visited and I started drinking tea with her and she kept making it with sugar instead of my splenda and I kept forgetting and I liked it better so... Plus I have gotten lax in my walking and exercising. So I know what my problem is and what I need to do to correct it. I mean, I haven't gone crazy blowing it or stretching the pouch or anything like that, but I know I am getting a little too complacent and I need to adjust that right quick!! As a final note, I when you take the total weight I have to lose and break it down, and I have already lost 40 lbs as I said above, I have technically lost 1/4 of the total weight I have to lose. So, put another way, I have completed 1/4 of the journey to reaching my goal weight!! Pretty freakin' sweet!!!! Go Claire!! :crying:
  12. clayverde

    Help with Scholarship!!

    Hi all - as you can see I am a recent bandster who is having great success! So much success, that I have gone back to college. And as everyone knows, college is so expensive! I recently applied for a scholarship by sending in a funny video. The catch is that the video with the most votes wins - it isn't judged by a panel, it is just a popularity contest. I am trying to pay for college and the scholarship would make a huge difference to me!!!! So please visit this link, take a look at the video and vote for me - it's funny, I promise! You can also vote once a day, so if you could find the time to vote for the next week, it would be amazing. You don't have to watch the video each time, just vote. Thanks for reading this and hopefully taking the time to vote for me!!:thumbup: Why I Deserve A Scholarship
  13. Hi guys! I am a recent bandster and a Navy wife of 12 years. I actually have felt so great lately that I just went back to college!! Yeah! Anyway, I used to be Army myself so I have GI Bill benefits and even with them AND the financial aid, they still don't pay for all the school bills. SO, I have applied for an unusual scholarship. I had to send in a short, funny video telling why I deserve a $2500 scholarship. Then the video with the most votes wins. That's it - so it is pretty much a popularity contest. I am trying to get people to vote for me - so PLEASE take a few minutes and visit the link below and vote for me. And if you could find it in your heart to vote each day for the next week, that would be even more awesome!!! You can vote once a day and the voting is open for another week. You don't have to watch the video each time either! And bonus - each time you vote, you get entered into a $1000 contest drawing, PLUS the video is funny! Thanks for reading and, hopefully, voting for me!!! :thumbup: http://whyideserveascholarship.com/video/show/11899 PS - I swear this isn't Amway or Scientology or anything like that!! It really is just my attempt to pay for school! :smile:
  14. Thanks for the effort anyway! The stupid page has been VERY slow and giving everyone fits, which is very frustrating when you are asking people to go out of their way and vote for you - so I really appreciate your effort!!
  15. lynnie77, I have to say - that was really adult of you. I mean, being able to swallow your pride and admit you made a mistake is something that many people NEVER learn how to do. And given your history, I can understand how you could blindly lash out at something that has caused you so much pain. My jaw dropped when I read about the plants on the side of the house! So kudos to you for doing the hard thing when you left with your kids and kudos again for doing another hard thing by admitting when you are wrong - even when you didn't really have to!:omg_smile:
  16. Tricare definitely covers the fills 100% (at least for Tricare Prime - I don't know about Standard). The only thing to be aware of is the normal issue of network and non-network providers. But if you use a Tricare approved Dr., then the fills are covered completely. Anyone know if there is a limit to them though? I haven't heard of any, but it just occurred to me know to wonder if Tricare will only cover 1 fill every 3 months for instance or something like that. Just curious... I don't think so and I not only really researched Tricare and their coverage, but I had a great Tricare representative who has contacted me at regular intervals since the approval process to check on if i was ready for the surgery, if I felt I was educated enough about the whole process, if I had any questions on my benefits, how am I finding the post-op recovery time, am I happy with my surgeon, etc. So, because of that, I have found my experience to be a lot smoother than other Tricare beneficiaries who have had to do so much legwork on their own.
  17. Oh, that last post was to smsmithart about the woman at work. And I have to say to Miss Understood that every time my sister called me a name like the ones you listed, I'd just calmly come back with "Thanks for the tip, hurtful." or maybe, "I'll make a note of that obnoxious." Maybe we need to come up with some sort of every situation comeback for people who so obviously step over the line and really need to be pulled up short. I really think that most of the time people say things like that because they always get away with it - no one ever really just flat out calls them on it. So maybe something like, "Wow. That was really ignorant and rude. Do you ask African Americans if they want some watermelon and Mexicans if they are illegal too?? You might want to educate yourself a little more. Maybe learns some manners." And just to be absolutely sure that everyone really understands my comments above - I do NOT believe anything like that and I am NOT racist. The point that I am trying to make is that if someone is ignorant and believes stupid things like those racist stereotypes, they often are at least normally smart enough to keep it to themselves because even they know it is so socially unacceptable. But it's okay for them to say whatever they want about fat people, because it isn't generally viewed as THAT offensive. :biggrin:
  18. What a jerk! Jealous, I'm sure. That is when you say, "Thanks for the advice pot. Well, this kettle has to get back to work, see you later!" How obnoxious! And can you imagine the uproar if you said something similar but about race or intelligence?? "Hey, you know, you really have an afro, but I know there are some products out there to help you look less black." or "Hey, I know that you are pretty dumb, so I thought I'd let you know what the morning's memo meant" What a bunch of crap!!
  19. PS - at least it isn't compliments about your boobs! (Hey, you have huge boobs - that is the best thing about fat chicks! You have a face? I've only noticed the big boobs!)
  20. Who knows? Maybe what they really are saying and mean is - wow - your face is so beautiful that I don't even notice the rest of you. Your face just shines and distracts me from noticing anything else! Besides, given how honest people can be (read obnoxious and rude), if they were really thinking that your face is pretty but the rest is not - they'd actually say it! So them NOT adding anything else (you are so pretty, if only you weren't so heavy - you have a beautiful face, just imagine how pretty you'd be if you lost weight!, etc) may really mean that they are thinking exactly what they are saying - that you are a beautiful woman with a striking face!!
  21. clayverde

    Just keep on keeping on....

    I am trying really hard to add a new entry to my blog every week or about a week between, but they have been getting just a little further apart each time! I am slipping.... It is really late right now and I am very tired, so this will be a short one, which will probably be pleasantly refreshing from my normal blog entries that look like War and Peace. (I know that is the gold standard as an example of a huge novel with tons of pages, but has anyone actually read the thing? I don't think I know anyone who has, including myself. Maybe that says more about the caliber of who I hang out with than about how many people have really read the book! :thumbup: Anyway, I have started my first class with the Art Institute online and I'm thrilled. I love school and always have and I am so excited to go back. PLUS because it is online I don't have to feel self concious because of my age, I don't have to sit in a room of 18 year old hard bodies, heck, I don't have to even wear pants!! (Sorry about that mental image! :laugh:) I really love the freedom to log on, read some stuff, post something here and there, and log off. Have an unexpected moment of quiet? (yeah right) Just hop back online and get more homework done. I just love it. Of course I tend to be VERY chatty and I am constantly responding to every person's posts. All the time. I am afraid that I am becoming THAT person and very annoying, but then again, I am really making suggestions or giving kudos for great ideas or whatever. I decided that I don't care - if I'm annoying someone oh well. they can just skip my post - they don't even have to actually listen to me! Plus, I don't have to see these people, so I don't have to care if they like me or not. Not that I want them to hate me, but I'm not as obsessed about not wanting to ever hurt someone's feelings or make sure that everyone likes me the same way that I do if I am actually in the room with them. I can't wait to be done with this class (Strategies for online learning) and get onto the "real" art classes. I am so excited. As soon as my GI Bill kicks in and I start getting that money, I can start getting some of my art supplies that I'll need for my next classes. YEAH! Right after the last fill, I felt like while it was doing a good job and not letting me eat more than one cup at a meal, I was starving again 2 hours later. There was no way I was lasting 4 hours. Now I seem to be settling out and it is lasting longer. But I do have to say that while I only eat one cup and I am not really hungry when I'm done, I'm not really full either. And I do mean comfortably full. so I think I need a little bit more of a fill eventually but I'm still really doing well. I am at 6ccs of a 10 cc band and it seems weird that I am so full and have so little room left and I'm still not at THE spot. But I do think I am really close, so I might only need a small fill next time and then be right where I should be. I am a little nervous about it thought - I only have 4ccs of room left. What if I max out and I am still not where I should be - still hungry or whatever?:smile2: But I have decided that there is no point borrowing trouble. IF that should happen, I can worry about it then - and discuss it with my dr. Until then, I am making more of an effort to relax a little - calm down and not stress at every little twinge, every ache, every bite, every number on the scale. Given that obsessing is part of my DNA, this is harder than it seems! But I'm going to give it hell...:tongue2:
  22. clayverde

    Just keep on keeping on....

    I am trying really hard to add a new entry to my blog every week or about a week between, but they have been getting just a little further apart each time! I am slipping.... It is really late right now and I am very tired, so this will be a short one, which will probably be pleasantly refreshing from my normal blog entries that look like War and Peace. (I know that is the gold standard as an example of a huge novel with tons of pages, but has anyone actually read the thing? I don't think I know anyone who has, including myself. Maybe that says more about the caliber of who I hang out with than about how many people have really read the book! Anyway, I have started my first class with the Art Institute online and I'm thrilled. I love school and always have and I am so excited to go back. PLUS because it is online I don't have to feel self concious because of my age, I don't have to sit in a room of 18 year old hard bodies, heck, I don't have to even wear pants!! (Sorry about that mental image! :eek:) I really love the freedom to log on, read some stuff, post something here and there, and log off. Have an unexpected moment of quiet? (yeah right) Just hop back online and get more homework done. I just love it. Of course I tend to be VERY chatty and I am constantly responding to every person's posts. All the time. I am afraid that I am becoming THAT person and very annoying, but then again, I am really making suggestions or giving kudos for great ideas or whatever. I decided that I don't care - if I'm annoying someone oh well. they can just skip my post - they don't even have to actually listen to me! Plus, I don't have to see these people, so I don't have to care if they like me or not. Not that I want them to hate me, but I'm not as obsessed about not wanting to ever hurt someone's feelings or make sure that everyone likes me the same way that I do if I am actually in the room with them. I can't wait to be done with this class (Strategies for online learning) and get onto the "real" art classes. I am so excited. As soon as my GI Bill kicks in and I start getting that money, I can start getting some of my art supplies that I'll need for my next classes. YEAH! Right after the last fill, I felt like while it was doing a good job and not letting me eat more than one cup at a meal, I was starving again 2 hours later. There was no way I was lasting 4 hours. Now I seem to be settling out and it is lasting longer. But I do have to say that while I only eat one cup and I am not really hungry when I'm done, I'm not really full either. And I do mean comfortably full. so I think I need a little bit more of a fill eventually but I'm still really doing well. I am at 6ccs of a 10 cc band and it seems weird that I am so full and have so little room left and I'm still not at THE spot. But I do think I am really close, so I might only need a small fill next time and then be right where I should be. I am a little nervous about it thought - I only have 4ccs of room left. What if I max out and I am still not where I should be - still hungry or whatever?:w00t: But I have decided that there is no point borrowing trouble. IF that should happen, I can worry about it then - and discuss it with my dr. Until then, I am making more of an effort to relax a little - calm down and not stress at every little twinge, every ache, every bite, every number on the scale. Given that obsessing is part of my DNA, this is harder than it seems! But I'm going to give it hell...:tt2:
  23. That is the story of my life! Something happens and someone is really rude or mean. And I am just stunned - the the actual Webster's Dictionary sense of the word! I just stare at them and can't believe that it actually came out of their mouth. And then I get flushed and embarrassed and upset. But later that night, I'm lying in bed and suddenly - OH! You know what I SHOULD have said?? And my husband says, "yes that would have been very funny (or a great comeback, or that would have shown them!) had you actually said it at the time. But I don't think they can hear you from here. Maybe tomorrow you can ask her to do it over again and then you can say it" HA! I never think of it at the right time!
  24. OOPS! Forgot the picture of the card - [ame=http://www.flickr.com/photos/clayverde/2792171311/]Lapband card front on Flickr - Photo Sharing!@@AMEPARAM@@http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3065/2792171311_82b43ff10a.jpg?v=0@@AMEPARAM@@2792171311@@AMEPARAM@@82b43ff10a[/ame]
  25. Hey I have that card and I've included a picture of the front and back of it (hopefully I managed to do it right!) As to Souper salad, I have never heard of a discount, I'll have to investigate that! And I had to comment about the whole avoiding buffets and all. That is VERY individual. For some people I can see how that may be a real issue for them - all the food and temptation. And if that is the case for you - avoid them like the plague as it can only cause problems and heartache. But I have to say, I LOVE them because they really work for me if we are eating out (a rarity, but still happens every blue moon)! I can eat as little as I want and pay the same price - like, I don't have to pay a certain price knowing it is WAY too much food and I'll just end up throwing a lot of it out, even if I bring it home in a doggie bag. I can get a few different items and choose my own tiny portion size as opposed to getting the big plate of one item and that is it. I can pick and choose what is healthy. Most restaurants do not allow you to switch out all different parts of the meal. (like if it is a chicken with this and that, you might have a few options to choose from, but you can't ask for something completely different as a side - never mind "I'd actually like four different sides, just tiny portions of each one!") Also, I can always find something that really fits my diet. Most buffets have some vegetables and I can often get steamed carrots or green Beans. They have usually completely overcooked them making them super soft and mushy - a plus for me! I can often find either a baked fish option or a grilled chicken breast option, I can usually find some melon and cottage cheese and nuts (for those of you that are further along, nuts can be a great source of good fats and protein!) at the salad bar, maybe chili at the Soup section, refried beans at the Mexican section, etc etc. So I even have a few choices of what I might be in the mood for. I can often get unsweetened iced tea to drink as opposed to soda or Water. AND I can do all of this without forcing the rest of my skinny minny family to eat the way I am. Given that I am not starving like I used to be, I actually have no problems eating and enjoying my stuff and don't envy them the other foods. But that is just me.... Good Luck everyone!:biggrin:

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