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LAP-BAND Patients
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About monknurse1

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/27/1949
  1. Happy 64th Birthday monknurse1!

  2. Happy 63rd Birthday monknurse1!

  3. monknurse1


    congratulations!!! I am still waiting on approval from my insurance....it's been over three months since I started with the appointments and tests...and it's been wait and see for at least six weeks...but I'm hopeful....God bless you on your journey... Helen
  4. monknurse1

    March 7 Banding Scheduled

    Hi my name is Helen...I just recently had my first appointment with the doctor and tomorrow I will have alot of lab work and have to talk to my insurance company...I'm a bit excited but at the same time nervous about the procedure...I'll be 57 years old this may...the older I get the more I feel that this excess weight is slowing me down...I don't want to slow down...I am also diabetic and have high blood pressure...I take a number of prescription medications and would love to be able to get off of some of them forever...I'll be lurking around this website for awhile...any advise anyone has for me...I welcome...

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