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Posts posted by Bino

  1. My biggest problem is my back and leg pain, but my cholesterol keeps creeping up and my blood sugar is high. There is a strong family history for diabetes and cholesterol problems, so I know they will only get worse. My PCP told me that if I didn't take care of the blood sugar, I'm going to have diabetes. And, then there is the depression, which is bad. I think I'll talk to my psychiatrist and chiropractor before my consultation to see if I can get letters beforehand.

    Best wishes on Tuesday!! I can't wait to hear how you do.

  2. Best wishes to you. Keep posting...I'd love to hear how well you do. My mom is worried that she is too old to be banded. She is only 62 however. She also has high BP, arthiritis and is spending her retirement housebound because it's so hard to move. Hopefully, once I'm banded and she see the benefits and with the examples here on this board, she'll see the health benefits are worth it.

  3. This is my first post, although I've been reading the posts here for a while.

    I never had a weight problem until I got married and my mil put me on my first diet (I was a size 5). Since then, I've tried so many different things to lose weight and always gain it back with a few of its friends :lol:

    I had gone to a seminar a few years back, but felt out-of-place since everyone there was much larger than I was and had serious health issues. I felt like I was trying to take the easy way out. So here we are five years later and still the same ole size. UGH!

    I've been doing more research and have come to the conclusion that having the lap-band will be the best tool to take this weight off for good. Unfotunately, now that I've made up my mind, I'm so nervous that I'm going to chew off all my nails! I'm very worried that I won't meet the criteria. I'm right on the boarder...I'm 100 lbs overweight, but my BMI is only 39.9. I have to wait until the seminar on July 16th to even get started.:smile2:

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