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Posts posted by Bino

  1. I just have to rave about the surgery coordinator at my doctor's office (Dr. Nusbaum in NJ). Denise has put up with all my phone calls and messages. She is patient, kind, and takes the time to listen even though they are short staffed in their office right now. And, today, she helped me move the surgery to remove my band up a few weeks since I'm trying to get the sleeve this year (since insurance has already approved it).

    She is amazing and makes this process so very much easier!! :D

  2. Not sure but I too have Qualcare in NJ from the hospital I work at and I am curious to know your result. I haven't even had my band yet for a year though. I just don't like it. It's either that I'm too tight and can't eat anything at all or later in the day I have no restriction whatsoever!

    I had the same issues. I was told it was from my sinuses dripping that I was so tight in the morning and wide open at night. Then it just would close up completely at times.

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