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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by Bino

  1. Hey all you April peeps how would you like to become Facebook friends where we could message each other and get to know each other better. I don't discuss this directly on fb tho. But messenger is a nice fast way to chat. Anyone interested?

    I think that's a great idea! You can have a closed group so no one outside the group can see what you are posting.

    I just had my second post-op visit with the doc yesterday. Everything is looking good. I'm a week and a half out from surgery and get to start mushies, i.e. mashed potatoes, hummus, Greek yogurt, etc. I feel really good. From the two-week liver shrink diet to now, I've lost 21 lbs.

  2. I also have a desk job. I'll be going back to work one week after surgery. However, the first three days will be half days since my biggest complaint is I get tired easily. The doc agreed that a few half days was the best way to ease back into work.

    I also have a desk job. I'll be going back to work one week after surgery. However, the first three days will be half days since my biggest complaint is I get tired easily. The doc agreed that a few half days was the best way to ease back into work.

  3. Here's a little update ... day five days post-op. Doing really well. Already my sugar level is normal. Hardly any pain. That I attribute to walking as soon as you can and moving your bowels (it also releases the gas pumped in during surgery).

    I've been following my doctor's orders to the T. I'm now on full liquids and having the 4 oz of Protein drink has alleviated some of the tiredness I was feeling.

    Best wishes to all.

  4. My date is set for April 7. My doctor has me on a high-Protein restrictive diet...last week was Protein drinks, fish, and yogurt. This week is Protein Drinks and fish. Night before is only liquids.< /p>

    I've never heard of this preop before. The fish I'm sure is so you get Vitamins and protein in also. Good source. Your day is coming up soon! I wish you the best!

    I know... the fish is a bit weird, but it keeps me from getting really hungry or tired. And, the pre-op diet is supposed to shrink the liver.

  5. The last year and a half have been filled with one medical issue after another. I'm a year out from having the sleeve.

    I started with having the band removed...ended up having a freak reaction to the anesthesia and one week spent in the cardiac unit.

    After a few months of having my heart monitored, I had the sleeve done. No complications. Except that in my own rush to get on the road to better health, I didn't ask any questions about whether the sleeve is right for me or if I should go with the bypass.

    My insurance changed at the beginning of the year, so I had to switch doctors. My new doc wanted me to go through a bunch of tests. He wanted to know exactly where I stood since he didn't do the surgery and, after nine months of only losing 23 pounds (the first two months), my old doc just said I needed to go back on two Protein Drinks a day and up my Water to 94 oz.

    1. Endoscopy showed that I have a small pouch at the top of my sleeve (consistent with having a lab band previously). Not unusual. It also showed that I have Barrett's Esophagus. Unfortunately, this is severely aggravated by GERD and mine is aggravated by the little pouch.

    2. My blood work showed I was severely low on Iron...my old doc missed this in my blood work.

    3. I also have a sugar issue...not diabetic yet...but definitely an intolerance issue.

    Forward to this week, after a huge host of tests, and it boils down to I should have had a bypass rather than a sleeve.

    The point of me typing all this... don't take any shortcuts. Get an Endoscopy and updated blood work right before you make a choice about which surgery is going to work best for you. Each one has it benefits and drawbacks, just make sure which is right for you.

  6. I'm struggling. Ten months out and I've only lost 10 lbs. In the spirit of full disclosure, I do not exercise.

    I haven't had any restriction since the swelling went down after surgery. And, I can eat huge amounts of food compared to what I see others posting ... I'm talking 1/2 a bagel or 6 oz of chicken breast.

    My surgeon feels part of the problem is that two months ago my GYN put me on hormones for cycle issues. Or, he said I've stretched my sleeve. Not sure how I could have stretched it when I don't over stuff and I don't drink anything carbonated or while eating.

    Well, due to my insurance changing, I have to get a new doctor. In my interview, I found out that due to my having the lapband first, the sleeve may have been left too big.

    Now I'm going to have to go for some testing...not sure just what yet. And, possible revision surgery.

    Anyone else heard of this?

  7. It turns out that I might have a complication with my sleeve, I'm scheduled for an endoscopy. When a lap band is on your stomach it widens the sides like ears on your stomach, when it is converted to a sleeve, the surgeon might not cut the necessary amount leaving a big sleeve that leads to technical failure.

    What was the outcome after they found out your sleeve was too big?

    I'm going through something similar. I'm only ten months out but I know I can eat way too much and have been able to for months. The original doc said I may have stretched it out but I was thinking it had to do with my having the band first. However, due to my insurance changing I'm going to a new doctor next week and they are already saying something is wrong since I've only lost 10 pounds. I'll be having some testing done to see what's up.

  8. Thanks for your reply bino. Dr. Nusbaum comes highly recommended! Somebody from dr. Ward office actually recommend him that's why I decided to go on a second consult. I can already tell the staff is friendlier over the phone. I cannot wait to meet him !

    How did your consult go? My weight loss is going slow, but I've been under a lot of stress with my mom being very sick and having to put her on hospice.

  9. Hi fellow sleevers! I'm new to the group. I'm in northern jersey am I'm going to have my surgery at Morristown medical center. Anybody used Dr. Ward or Dr. Nesbaum? Those are the 2 surgeons I was deciding between. I'll figure it out when I see dr. N on Monday. This is a scary experience and I'm looking for all the support I can get. My family keeps telling me that I don't need the sleeve being that I don't look " that big". But I'm 5'5 245lbs. I may not " look that big" but I'm unhealthy and I want to prevent any weight related issues that run in my family. Am I wrong for wanting surgery? Ugh. Sorry I'm all over the place , I have nobody else to talk to

    I used Dr. Nusbaum. He was very good and the people in his office are wonderful. The surgery coordinator, Denise, is amazing and very helpful. Morristown Medical Center is awesome. The nurses take such care of you. And, unlike some other hospitals, you get taken in when your appointment is so that you aren't kept waiting.

  10. Hi Bino,

    I started bleeding internally and had to be rushed backed into surgery. I got four pints of blood and have been having an uphill battle since the surgery. Spent a couple of days in ICU before going to a regular room. Spent an extra day in the hospital. This definately wasn't what I had planned. I just hope to regain strength and move forward.

    I'm glad to hear that you are doing better. I'm sure you will get stronger each day!

  11. I feel a bit better today and will probably feel even better when I get something to eat. My doctor has his post-op patients on broth, sugar free Jello and Water for a week. I am trying to move around to regain strength. I also have pain in my left shoulder. I am hoping it is gas and will go away.

    Had my surgery on Tuesday. Unfortunately it didn't go as planned and had to do emergency surgery a couple of hours later. Had four pints of blood and was finally released today. My experience has certanly made me second guess this surgery. I wish everyone much luck. I may have to go back to the hospital if I have any symptoms of low hemoglobin.

    How are you feeling? What kind of complications did you have in surgery? When I had the band removed, I had a bad reaction to the anesthesia and had a heart attack. Fortunately, i don't have any heart or cholesterol issues, so I've received with no permanent issues.

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