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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by flowers

  1. flowers

    Anyone in Dallas Tx

    Im self pay, so I went to Juarez, flew into El Paso on SW and they drove me to the hospital. Had the surgery July 9th, I was supposed to stay an extra night in a hotel they had arranged, but I paid to change my flight and came on home. I probably should have stayed and rested an extra night, I came home awfully tired. Except for this nagging small stomach pain, no other problems. My first fill is Aug 16th. So, right after your surgery, Ill have my first fill. Right now I have zero restriction, I can eat anything. Im back from my walk, didnt do much jogging, just a little, hopefully I will keep upping the pace. I tried a taco from Taco Bell this weekend and np, right on down. People keep acting like Im supposed to not be able to eat as much. Worrying me. Cant wait for some restriction.
  2. flowers

    Anyone in Dallas Tx

    I think I introduced myself earlier in the thread, Im in the Dallas area, not losing real fast but working on it by walking every night and now adding in a little jogging. Still havent gotten rid of this little bit of stomach ache since surgery, but will see a doctor in a few weeks for a fill. When I asked my surgeon he says its gas. Waiting on it to cool off some, today was really hot in Dallas huh?? Then I will put on my shorts and get outside. If my scale is accurate I was 234 when I went for my surgery and down to 221 lbs this morning. Im really pushing for Onederland. My goal is 120 lbs, so 100 more lbs. Im over 5 6, but small boned. (yes I need to see about a ticker). I lost the easy weight pre surgery, now its coming off much harder, I was as much as 243 when I applied for the surgery. Iv been really good about my walking at night, but having trouble getting up in time to do it in the morning. My goal is twice a day to speed up the weight loss. Just signing in before my walk/run tonight. Hey everyone. :teeth_smile:
  3. flowers

    Protein-Please help

    I have found a few flavors at the Super Walmarts, the bigger ones, not all have them. Top shelf above the coffees. I told someone I bought all mine at World Markets, and they were upset with me, because they went to Sam's where they were $1 less a bottle. You can probably find them for cheaper than you are showing in your area I would think?? I like them. I have all the berry flavors, plus peach, chocolate, you name it. Everything but coconut which Im allergic to. I put them in my shakes.
  4. flowers

    Hi all Im sad

    Im betting you are getting more exercise keeping up with a 2 year old than Im getting with my 1.5 mile walk. Iv only lost like 13 lbs since my surgery which is less than most people and I feel like Im really trying. So, if you are down 20+ lbs, you have already lost a nice chuck of weight. You will get there. I know Im trying not to count the days until my scheduled fill. Its not easy with no restriction. We just have to pull each other thru this.
  5. Im so glad you asked. I had my surgery 7/9 and I still feel sore in my stomach all the time. I have been worrying something is wrong, he knicked something, what is wrong with me?? Will it ever go away. My doctor says its just gas, ya think? Would I know if its real pain or just from gas, it just hurts a little, but never stops.
  6. flowers

    Hi all Im sad

    Dont cry, please. This is the time for healing, not for losing weight. I know how hard it is to be patient. I am in the same place you are, I came out of surgery hungry, always hungry. I started walking a mile and a half, well not all at once, but I upped my distance until I got there and would like to do it twice a day, except its too blasted hot here, so Im frustrated too. I cant cut down on my eating and snacking so I had to up the exercise to keep losing anything, and I havent lost as much as you have, even counting what I lost pre surgery. I dont get a fill until august 16th, and from what I hear I probably still wouldnt have any restriction. They say it will be probably my 3rd fill before most feel enough restriction that it stops them from being so hungry. 3rd fill??!! So, even if you had gotten a fill last Thursday, you more than likely still would be just as hungry. Another trick is to concentrate on short term goals, 10 lb intervals, 20 at the most as a longer term goal. Any longer than that you will get too discouraged. You cant say well I need to lose 100 lbs, because then you will think you will never be able to get there and give up. Im right there with ya. hugs. My worst time is at night when I start grazing. Get a big box of SF popsicles and stick one in your mouth. I still want CANDY lol. We are all in your boots and know just how you feel, its called bandster hell.
  7. flowers

    Uhh how long do I have to wait

    Sounds like you arent getting enough calories a day or Protein, which would certainly cause most people to be dizzy. You arent allowed to have more a day?? No wonder you are dizzy, 600 calories a day!!! I only lost 9 - 10 lbs in the first two weeks, but then I could have mushies and I have been eating since the first 3 days.
  8. flowers

    Pre-Band Question

    I have seen multiple people on here who had a hernia repaired at the time of their lapband procedure. I dont know why prior surgeries would stop them from banding you.
  9. flowers

    Lap-Band vs. Realize band?

    Aren't they both lapbands?
  10. flowers

    Protein-Please help

    I add SF syrups to my protein drinks right now. Later I can add real berries to my drinks. I mostly add carmel and raspberry flavored syrup to my protein drinks. Yes, I know making them sweet, but I liked them that way better. Im also just drinking plain ole skim milk to get protein. A couple of glasses a day. Some doctors allow skim milk as a clear liquid and some as a full liquid. It will also coat your stomach lining if you have gas. I bought a 4 pack of lite laughin cow cheese. lite string cheese and lite laughing cow are the only two cheese products that have enough protein for the amount of calories to be allowed on most low gi diets which Im sticking to. Laughing cow is 35 calories and has 2.5 grams of protein. I cant eat regular meat yet, Im still on mushies.
  11. flowers

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    As a nurse maybe you know if I will eventually be able to get over on my stomach to sleep again as I lose weight (Im hoping so). I broke my shoulder a week before last Christmas and have bad osteroperosis, bones 70 to 80 years old the bone doc said. I havent been able to stand the pressure on that shoulder since I broke it. I sleep so much better on my stomach. Actually the lapband surgery has taken my mind off the constant pain from my shoulder break and its not bothering me as much lol
  12. flowers

    Another mushies question

    I got one of those marinated chickens rather than canned chicken and making chicken salad up as I need it. Second chicken lol. I have scrambled eggs forked smaller for Breakfast. Usually get in a Protein shake during the day. I did finally today have a taco, no ill effects that I know of. I was hungry after surgery. Not sure if you know someone who was dizzy, never heard that symptom. It will hurt to bend over and tie your shoes for a week or so.
  13. My doctor and I had a miscommunication about the stitches. I swear he said they were dissolvable, but they werent and I was three days over a long weekend before I contacted him and found out they should have been out a week ago. My skin was pulling up in the corners and the scars will be worse now. I have a little bit of a tummy ache my doctor said was gas, couldnt prove it by me. He said prilosec and malox, he didnt like gas x strips everyone else was using.
  14. flowers

    Lap-band port

    My port is right above belly belly level, if you bra is that low, you must be huge. I didnt have any trouble with that incision, just the one by my belly button, but hopefully now that the stitches are out its on the mend. The port area doesnt hurt. They say you can find the port when you lay down and lift up your legs, it will show thru the skin. Im afraid to push on the skin and feel it.
  15. I made a appointment with Dr. Stephanie. lol, didnt realize how far Tyler was, but oh well, I like to drive, this is a good excuse for a drive. Yea, I have a fill appointment finally.
  16. Im a 12 hour car ride from El Paso, each way, so Im trying not to have to go back to my doctor with the price of gas. As far as some old timer who would probably say I should have planned this out in advance, I do have the one doctor from the patient advocate in this area who will do it for $250, just was hoping for a better price. But from all the doors slammed in my face, sounds like that is who it will be.
  17. His office just called me back, saying if I got a OP report from my doctor and then I went for some test to look down into my stomach, she thinks runs $400 or $500 then I could pay $1000 up front which would cover up to 5 fills :biggrin:
  18. Thanks, Ill have to go look up Tyler on the map first though lol. Then Ill give her a call. Im about fed up with frustration.
  19. Same ole BS. Well, actually new BS. I was told it would be unethical for this doctor to do my fills if my doctor was still practicing. They all sure have excuses dont they?? She said on rare occassions Dr. Stewart would see a patient referred to him, but not on a ongoing basis, I needed to find a fill center. Well, duh, thats what I wanted someone who would do fills on a cash basis.
  20. Once they give you the doctors name, then you can start to dig and find out what you need to know, how many lapbands have they done, ask questions. I went to El Paso and across to Juarez, for not much more than you paid.
  21. All you need is to shave some off your height. One place measured me 5 7 in my tennis shoes and took off an inch for the heels, poof, Im a higher BMI when Im only 5 6. Iv been at least 5 6 1/2 all my life, but they did help me have a higher BMI for their records. No insurance, but was interesting how they came up with my BMI.
  22. Iv living on chicken salad, no onions or celery of course, just the chicken and mayo. Im going to try fish soon, and not add the mayo, I dont seem to need things this mushy imo. Instant oatmeal and eggs for Breakfast and a Protein shake. I could have egg salad too if I wanted a change up, but as Im having scrambled eggs, enough eggs to me.
  23. that would be awesome. I tried and it said everyone is away from the desk or something, might still be at lunch. Ill try in 15 minutes. Thanks for the info. I left a message for the Nurse - Sue at 1 pm and at 3:45 pm. If they dont call back today, Ill follow up tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed.
  24. It could also be fluids. I vary 3 lbs just if I walked and then Im at my low of the day, and then drink water and replinish my fluids. It will come back off. Like the other poster, I keep on using the lowest weight I saw and wait for the needle to go lower.... it will eventually.
  25. flowers

    Switch to mushies early??

    My doctor allows you to start having mushys after 3 days of clear liquid. I hate instant oatmeal, but started to make maybe 1/2 package of it once in a while. I have scrambled eggs (yes plural 2) for Breakfast. I was banded 7/9. I do have to stay on mushys a whole month. You cant have chicken unless its been shredded and then you need to add liquid, or mayo, can just have it by itself, liquidified for all chicken or fish.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
