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Strong Bird

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  1. Strong Bird

    Why do I feel guilty?

    I'm exactly where you are. Scale is not moving, some days it goes up and then it comes back down, but no real loss in 2 weeks. I've had constipation issues, which is contributing to that. My nutritionist, assigned by the Dr, said eat 5 times daily, 90 protien/ 64 fluid/ Sent from my SM-N976V using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Strong Bird

    Nov 2020 Post Op Thread

    First ever post. I lost approx 20+ lbs pre-op. I had VSG on 11/19. Since surgery, I've lost about 8 pounds in the first week and then constipation and stall set in, before week 2. I have only lost 2 pounds since then and it fluctuates up and down. 10 lbs total in almost 3 weeks post-op is quite disappointing to me. I was so looking forward to that big drop in the first month! However, I feel good. Gas and nausea were excruciating for the first 2 days, but after that I've felt good and getting better every day. Some days I really lack energy. I'm trying to walk a mile or do a walking video every day. Clothes are getting bigger. I'm struggling with getting my fluid and protien when I eat too. If I do food, supplement with shakes, and get all my fluid in, while adhering to the "30" rule, I'm consuming something constantly. If I take a break, I get behind and am drinking at midnight. It would be easier just to do protien shakes only, but I enjoy warm and savory after so many sweet shakes. Also, I can eat about 1/2 cup of pureed or a cup of broth or thin soup. That worries me, because so many others seem to struggle to get in 1/4 cup. My brain is swirling with silly thoughts of the sleeve not being small enough or that I won't lose enough during this honeymoon period... blah, blah, blah! I sure hope the me in 1 year from now laughs at this post and says, "what were you worried about?" Sent from my SM-N976V using BariatricPal mobile app

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