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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Neensyb

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  • Birthday 10/25/1972

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  1. VSG surgery was on 4 January and I am very happy with the progress.  I am just on 30kgs down and within a very healthy BMI.  My clothes fit well, but my skin is pretty nasty saggy - a small price to pay for health and wellbeing.  My hair has finally stopped shedding at a great rate of knots, pardon the pun, and I've just had my first haircut by a lovely lady who has had a bypass.  She really understood my concerns and assured me she can see good healthy growth coming through now.  

    It's coming out of winter down here in Australia and I'm looking forward to not being as hot and sweaty as usual this summer, and being able to wear a bathing suit at the beach without feeling embarrassed.

    Onwards and upwards 🙂

  2. Neensyb

    Pity Party - Frustrated - Venting!

    Food can still entertain, just not in the quantities you consumed beforehand. I've been reading so many posts with the theme of missing food....I have to admit it goes through my mind sometimes too. A change that I've recently made is to not be distracted by TV, phone, computer etc, and with every single mouthful think about the nutrition, texture, taste. I feel like I'm eating a lot more mindfully, and starting to really enjoy a (small) meal. I've started growing herbs from seeds. Strange I know, but I work from home in a very isolated place that we have just moved to. No close friends nearby, and sadly had to have our dogs put to sleep last weekend. I have no company at all during the day, and just the family at night. The delivery man must think I'm nuts, I chatter away non stop to him! My point is, I am inside all day at my desk, so taking an interest in growing herbs and shortly a full vege garden gets me outside and doing something that keeps me active and my mind busy. This site is a great place to get advice and just chat to people. Good luck on your journey, it will get easier every day.
  3. I am really sorry to read this. I'd definitely go to a close friend and ask for support; not only for the transportation, but when you need someone to talk to afterwards. This isn't just a physical journey, but very much a psychological one too. Good luck, I am sure your husband will come around once he sees a healthier you x
  4. Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes! You are 100% correct in everything you say....I am also a work from home person in IT....I get the need to remove myself from my desk to have meals. Very wise words!
  5. I most definitely have got used to it. My tummy grumbles mainly after I've had liquid and it stops pretty quickly. I haven't had any heartburn at all, one of the very lucky ones in that instance. I've actually learned to really enjoy my food, which is quite a change from my gobbling down a full plate prior to surgery. I used to tell one of our twins "hurry up, stop damned well mucking around and eat your dinner!". Now I am the one still at the table with him, enjoying every bite. We try to get our kids to eat what's on their plate without thinking about the habits we are getting them to form. Our other twin inhales his dinner just like his dad! It's actually quite awful watching it, but I need to take some of the responsibility for it. I promise you things get easier. You have to remember, with a gastric sleeve they remove up to 90% of a pretty important organ - that's MAJOR surgery. Focus on how much better your life will be once you get through the next few months. Fill up your belly with really good nutrition, one mouthful at a time. Stay on liquids until you feel 100% ok with moving to the next stage - trust me you will know when that is. One thing that I found probably the most difficult is not feeling hungry. That was really odd to me, instead I feel "empty". Does that make sense? Feel free to send me a direct message, I'm more than happy to keep in touch. xxx
  6. Oh gosh, your post brings back memories. I had my WLS done in January this year. Straight afterwards I had buyers regret....what the hell was I thinking....every mouthful I felt ill, I worried I would dehydrate as I wasn't getting enough liquids. So I sat myself down and gave myself a stern talking to 🙂 Take one day at a time. If one mouthful fills you up, great. Just move on and take another mouthful in an hour or so. I still feel full after just one mouthful now, so I break it up into tiny little bits, and graze for an hour over my food. I can get about a half to full cup of food in over that period of time. Psychologically the struggle was real. I fought with myself that I needed to eat more, and when I was full and still had a delicious mound of baked potato with lite sour cream and bacon bits sitting on my plate, I got so sad. That's when I really had to work hard to only put on my plate what I knew I could finish, and start mindful eating and enjoying the company I was with. This is a huge lifestyle change for anyone who has the surgery, and I don't think any of us really understood the impact outside of the physical. If you can only cope with liquids, stay on liquids and make sure it's full of nutrition. Very slowly increase the thickness, puree leek and potato soup, pumpkin soup with tasteless protein (you'll laugh, one pot of soup lasted me 3 months...I froze it in half cup lots). Pulverize chicken noodle soup. Good luck, we'll be waiting for an update 🙂
  7. Neensyb

    One glass of wine....

    Yep about a month out of surgery I did have a glass of wine and it's starting to creep up a little. I've decided to give it a miss altogether, I need to let my body heal. I am four months post surgery.
  8. I am about 31/2 months post VSG surgery and have had a number of weeks in a stall.  I am ok with it, I know it's normal.  BUT...I've found the joy of alcohol again....dammit!  I stopped for 12 months in 2020, gained weight, had surgery in January this year, lost a shed load of weight...and stalling. I do think my alcohol consumption is contributing (doh, of course it is, it's empty calories) so I'm on a mission to knock it back for a while.

    It's never easy huh!  🙂

    1. XtinaDoesIt


      I'm with you on this! Im around 3 month too. Had 2 days of drinking on vacation 2 weeks ago but since then, I've had at least 4 more "occasions" to drink. I know its not the worst but alcohol was definitely a contributing factor to my weight gain and its too early for us to get off track. Let's go cold turkey together!

    2. Neensyb


      Done, stopping today. Let's check in together to stay on track. 🙂

  9. My sugery was 4 January, and I comfortably started coffee 2 weeks later. Now I am back to a max of 4 cups a day.
  10. Oh and I don't take any coloxyl any more.
  11. Gosh I remember month one and two.... no consistency in bowel movements at all!! I had TERRIBLE constipation the first month, only going once a week at most, crying and sweating on the loo... christ it was awful. I was advised to take coloxyl every other day which cleared me out (Thank god I work from home!) and to eat weetbix in the morning, increase water and add some fruit. I did the first two and it made a difference, but I have to say that exercise was the major contributor to regulating toilet habits. Just walking or swimming.... and I had an immediate improvement.
  12. You are so right...my dietician and surgeon have said over and over, eat until satisfied rather than feeling full
  13. Ha, yep, I am LOVING being the winner of flatulence in our house for once (hubby and I have four boys...gross little monsters....two are adults and the twins are 11). Though it can get embarrassing. It will ease, you'll work out what foods it is causing it.
  14. Neensyb

    Fluid intake post op

    Agree, many people have difficulty building up their fluid intake. Just keep at it, things do improve I promise. I mix half and half apple juice and water (I actually couldn't stand apple juice before) as plain water just didn't sit well.
  15. Oh I want to reach out and give you a big hug. I know EXACTLY what you are saying/feeling. I was sleeved on 4 January and have been out a couple of times. I have learned my lesson BIG time! I don't order anything. Hubby does, and I have a couple of bites of his dinner. He might order a side of mashed potato or steamed veges, and i'll have a couple of those too. I still can't get through more than 1/2 a cup at a time, so why waste money on a big plate of food for me, only to walk away from it. I always look at the menu online before going anywhere. It helps me make a decision without holding other people up and drawing attention to myself.

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