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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Betty1971

  1. Betty1971

    Gas! Ugghhh just Gassyyyy!

    I had the Gastric Sleeve done gas was rough but I found the more I moved around the better I was. I also found that sipping hot tea with a good grade peppermint essential oil helped a great deal with the gas. Even today at almost three months out, if I have a gas issue I will grab a cup of tea and put a couple drops of peppermint oil in and it seams to take away the gas pain. Make sure you use a high grade essential oil but even my surgeon agrees that most of the time he found that takes a great deal of the gas pain out of the picture. Hope that helps!
  2. Betty1971

    Pre op pio

    I’m a work in progress, almost three weeks post VSG. Super happy with progress. I wish I had done this years a ago!!!
  3. awesome!! be super proud of yourself, thats an amazing transformation!!
  4. Betty1971

    Progress, Soft Foods start tomorrow!

    You may find your new system may find a new set of likes and dislikes! Don't be surprised if you can only get a few bites of that egg in and it may take you an hour or so to eat an egg! I am almost three months post VSG and I can only eat one scrambled egg and I am absolutely stuffed, some mornings I can not even get the whole egg in. Foods that are more dense set differently and just one more bite will make you sick like you wont eat again for two days ! I used to absolutely hate gravy now all my meat has to have gravy on it or I cannot get it down, strangest thing ever....I don't know if they did a brain surgery on me when they put me under at the same time as my VSG or what but now if my chicken or beef doesn't have gravy on it I cannot eat it. I used to love veggies of all type, now I am uber fussy about which ones I like and most of them have to be raw??? super duper odd...... Pizza makes ill and I used to love it...all my tastes have changed. BUT I am losing weight so I am happy
  5. my first stall lasted two weeks, and I was livid! I was sad, depressed, mad, angry, hurt, cranky, every mood, emotion you can imagine all in one crabby person. I ready everyones posts here and had faith, kept drinking a lot of water, bone broth and tea. One day I upped my calories (thought it was silly)my dietitian went over my baristatic app and said I wasn't getting in enough calories and I added a few things in to my day and like magic I started dropping pounds. Stick to the program your surgeon gives you, it will work. Your body will go through adjustment periods and it will be emotionally hard but it will come out in time.
  6. I had a few stalls and its super normal!!! Just focus on the NON scale wins. Try measuring yourself, or just notice how different you feel!!! Non scale wins count as well!! The scale will follow suit in time!
  7. Betty1971

    1 week out

    I had VSG done, I spent one night in the hospital. I didn't take any pain medication once I got home. Gas pain was a big deal but the more I moved around the better it got. I had some issues with constipation later in the game but got that under control with some education. I have lost a bit over 60 pounds in a little over 2 months, I had some tough times in my head but just short periods of time. All in all super happy I went through surgery. Always remember that everything in healing is a stage, don't get hung up on the little things. Its a stage and and will pass. Keep moving around and drink plenty of fluids in little sips!!! Happy thoughts, don't let the fear take away your joy, you got this!!!
  8. Betty1971

    Gas! Ugghhh just Gassyyyy!

    I had the sleeve BUT I say take the farting and the pooping because the constipation is HORRIBLE if you get that. Pooping is embarrassing but a natural thing I mean lets be real, we all fart and poop. If you think gas pain is bad holy moly! I have a incredible pain tolerance and I have prayed to God to just take me at more times than I care to admit at a few points in this journey until I got the constipation under control. Before I got to eating enough calories and getting the whole exercise and fiber thing right I was bound tight and ended up in the ER thinking I was going to die. Only to find out I was not dying, just FOS, a nice medical term, FULL OF ****! LOL After two days of liquids, miralax and finally an enema (that is embarrassing) I was better, and that hasn't happened since. So take the pooing in the meantime you will appreciate this post at some point I promise This too shall pass
  9. Betty1971

    Gas! Ugghhh just Gassyyyy!

    It does, best thing you can do is walk it off. The more you move around the more it dissipates. It sounds funny but walk it off. I had it bad in my upper chest and shoulders so I felt better after I would lift my arms up over my head as much as I could, just moving around. It does get better, every day.
  10. I did not have much pain at all. This biggest issue was gas. Move around as much as possible to keep the blood flowing and the gas moving congrats and best wishes. The first week was the roughest as far as getting in the fluids. Just remember this is just a little stage and soon it will be just a memory. Small sips to stay hydrated is the best thing you can do, keep moving to keep the blood flowing and the gas moving and just a tip from old nurse in me, pain meds are constipating, less is more as far as they are concerned. Liquid Tylenol or the powdered dissolvable Tylenol is super helpful and not constipating, I found that super helpful with the incisional pain while I was healing up!!!
  11. I am 2 months out and the last three weeks had stall after stall and had to eat my way through them. As strange as it is, I am losing more weight at 800 to 1,000 calories than if I go below that. I make sure I get my 80 to 90 grams of protein and then push to hit at least 800 calories and then the stalls stopped. If I drop below 800 calories I stall out. The surgeon said my sweet spot will be 1000 to 1100 calories but I just cannot get that much in when I am working during the day. I would say I am fairly active as far as working out 4 to 5 times a week and I really try to make sure on those days I get to 1,000 calories a day. I haven't figured out how I will go up to 1200 in the next few months but I figure I will worry about that when it comes. I had a 10 day stall at one point when I was consistently at 650 a day, I guess everyones body is different so you have to find that sweet spot
  12. Betty1971

    Sleeved 11/30/20

    I had surgery just a couple days before you. I don't think you failed at all. If you do the math you are on track to lose 120 pounds in a year? Math isn't my strong suit but I think that is pretty incredible. I have ran into a few stalls in the last couple of weeks that really bummed me out but after measuring myself and realizing the medications I am off I have learned to celebrate that Non-scale wins along with the scale wins. I have had to really bounce my calorie intake around to find that I believe I was actually restricting my calories too much. Now that I increased my calories to 1,000 a day ( I feel like all I do is eat) my scale is starting to see progress again. I was focusing on just protein and really restricting my calories so much I was actually limiting my own weight loss. I think we all learn a lot about our own bodies along the way of this journey. My exercise also looks different that I thought it was going to. I am doing less cardio than I planned and more weights and yoga, really focusing on core muscle groups and trying to strengthen those muscles that are needing to be retrained after so many years. Do not be so hard on yourself. Your learning as you go, we all are. Play with your calories a little and see if that helps a bit, push yourself a little with your physical activity. A little change can cause a ripple affect in our new metabolism and you may see some more progress. But 12 to 15 pounds a month is nothing to scoff at, they claim 2 pounds a week is a healthy weigh loss, we want to see that every day but its just not possible to see that week after week
  13. This morning I was putting together my end of the month list of goodies I need to purchase. Normally it includes my supplements and Tylenol along with all the other crap that ends up costing an arm and a leg. I realized I haven't ordered Tylenol for a long time and I checked on my amazon list (I live in the middle of nowhere and they carry the powdered Tylenol and I found I really like that better than the capsules) and I have only ordered that one time since surgery! I used to take Tylenol around the clock for back aches, knee issues and headaches along with NSAISDS and other prescription meds and now I am only taking my thyroid med, my protonics, and vitamins!!! I don't remember the last time I took Tylenol !!! Ditching the medications feels so good!!! I wish I had done this years ago!!!!
  14. Betty1971

    Gastric Bypass Reversal

    sorry, my bad.
  15. Betty1971

    Gastric Bypass Reversal

    How on earth do you reverse a VSG? I guess I thought once they remove most of your stomach its gone? I would never consider it but I can't imagine it being reversible ?
  16. Betty1971

    Major stall!!

    Is your water intake high as well, I know its tough but that water in super important.
  17. Three years ago I was diagnosed with POTS Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and for some strange reason it went away after I was on meds for about 7 months. It was horrible, I would stand up and black out, black out in the shower, get up to go to the bath room and wake up on the floor and oddly enough one day it went away as fast as it came on........ I was on a medication that raised my blood pressure and it was very strange indeed, it was called midodrine.
  18. Betty1971

    Cryotherapy for healing?

    To be honest I had VSG and did not have any issues. The first day home was a little uncomfortable but I did not need pain meds, just rested and took it easy. By day two I was up and moving around and doing pretty well, day three was pretty much business as usual but without eating ?? My biggest issue the first week was not being able to sleep, I had an incredible amount of energy and was unable to do anything because I just had surgery I am interested to follow this thread
  19. Betty1971


    I found that my super sensitive vomit button got better as time went on, from week 2 to 6 was crazy and then it really got much better. I only get the gags now when I put something in my mouth now that is one too many or something that just isn't going to set well and I should better
  20. I have been blessed in life to be able to work with Dr Gabor Mate out of Canada in a few projects and love, love love his books. I am a poster child for trauma. I come from a family fueled from addiction, I was lucky to be able to say my addiction was good food and bad relationships in the past instead of drugs and alcohol. Fast forward 25 years and one amazing marriage (two failed) and now WLS I hope to have food addiction under control. If you have a chance to read any of his books I strongly suggest it. It’s amazing to see how trauma and the body have so many connections, long term!! Dr Mate opened my eyes to so many connections to my past and current situations and gave me the keys to get in control of my life, his books are amazing!!!
  21. Betty1971

    The dreaded stalls.... Help

    Same same same, I like to measure myself on and off when I want to throw the scale out the window. That can be uplifting at times But the stalls surely suck !!!!
  22. I got ice chips as soon as I got to my room. I got water as soon as they did my leak test
  23. Well here I am, sneaking around trying to hide from the stalls and #2 found me anyway. I am exercising my butt off (literally), and tracking my food, keeping my protein numbers high and calories around 750 tops, my water intake is around 90 ounces and stall number 2 found me and has kept me hostage for 7 days and counting. I intend on measuring myself this weekend in hopes of seeing inches be gone but holy hell that scale is about to go through the window. My husband thought he hid it from me (like I cannot open the bottom closet in the bathroom and move the towels around), but I still find it every morning and cuss it out under my breath. I am really bummed out about the numbers right now, and I know I need to get over it. My daughter is 27 years old and has two beautiful baby girls 24 months and 12 months, she is a diabetic (type 1) and recently told she is needing a kidney transplant. Guess who is the closest match, ME. We have a long way to go before we are ready for the transplant so I cannot get to ahead of myself but I will need to be on a low protein diet at that point and it is going to be a huge change in my world again. Had I known that was going be coming it may have be a factor in my decision about WLS. I know whats done is done but I really wish I was closer to my goal weight and just healthy and strong and ready to move to the next challenge. It is a no brainer in my world as if one of my children needed my heart I would give it to them but Lordy let the scale move tomorrow so I don't have to fix a window before we have a blizzard this weekend!!! My nerves are shot and I don't need this in my world this week!!!!!
  24. Betty1971

    stall #2 found me!!

    I will give it a try because I am ready for good news on the scale!!! The last stall I had to up the calories a bit to get it going again as well, I don't understand it but it worked so I will try it again. I almost feel guilty when I do that? I also feel kind of crummy physically when I up the calories but at this point I am really ready to try anything!
  25. This may not sound like an answer about weight loss surgery to begin with but it is: are you familiar with ACE - Adverse Childhood Experiences study. Its a pretty amazing concept and I am going to dumb it up just to shorten this post. Basically its a few questions you answer and it gives you a numerically score and that score tells you how messed up you as an adult should be. I should have childhood amnesia (I do) and I its not just you. If you are interested in a few books about healing your inner child and allowing yourself to heal as an adult I would love you send you some ideas. Private message me if you a reader or an audio book fan. Its pretty amazing how the body builds protection mechanisms as small children and adapts throughout life some in healthy ways and some unhealthy but all to survive ..... the human body is amazing.

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