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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by hazelbwneyes

  1. Hey we were banded on the same day and really the same time. I remember being wheeled into the or room at 7:32 am and the last time I remember them saying was it was 7:40 am and the gas was starting. That is so cool. How are you doing I am doing great, tired of the liquids already because nothing tastes right. What was your starting weight if you don't mind me asking. I weighed 372 the day of my surgery. Maybe we can keep in contact since we are going through this day by day together.

  2. It is here my BIG DAY and I must say I am so energetic I can't sleep I have to be at the hospital at 5 am in the morning June 24, 2008 and here it is 1134 and I am wide awake. I feel like just staying up until it is time to go but I am going to try to take a nap or something I hope. Good luck to all who are getting banded on June 24, 2008 I pray that everything goes smoothly for all. God bless all. We are on a journey to our new bodies.

  3. I noticed that most of you are on a 2 week liquid diet. I feel like I can do 2 weeks but my dr makes you do 4 weeks liquid and 2 weeks soft to pureed. I am going to need lots of help with this 4 weeks it is going to be real tough but I know I will get through it one day at a time.

  4. Don't worry my platelets are always sky high I am talking about in the 567 range and they are only suppose to be aroound 450 or a little lower. I have been tested for many different things but my high platelets are from my not so normal periods I use to be so irregular that I would go six months without one. I am a phlebotomist and the only thing I can think of off the top of my head your Dr. would be concerned about is you having clots after surgery. Just ask him what his concerns are and get him to explain it real good to you. I don't know how the other hospitals do but at my hospital anyone who is having surgery get a blood thinner shot before surgery just as a prevention measure. Again I say check with your Dr. Good luck and be blessed on the day of your surgery.

  5. I looked at a lot of before and after pics an they are great. I see so many different weights that people are down to and what they started out at that I am amazed. In my mind I think if I was at the starting weight of some I would be happy but hey I will be there soon.

    My nerves are starting to get the best of me and my mind is working overtime here. I have gone through so many different emotions in the last two days that I am confusing myself. I can be my worst enemy sometimes. I have my surgery on June 24, 2008 only three days away and I am like whoa and this cleaning thing you would think I was having a baby and I was nesting. Did anyone else do that whole cleaning thing before your surgery? Please let me know that I am normal here because I am starting to wig myself out. Well good luck to all the upcoming surgeries!!!!

  6. This is my first blog ever but I am so excited to have found a site of fellow bander's. At this moment I am 376 lbs but my heaviest was 386 lbs. I am not shamed of telling my weight I am shamed for letting myself get like this. I got real depressed after I had my son, I gain so much weight when I was pregnant with. With the depression I gained even more so this is where I am.

    I am ready for this I have tried every diet there is and even invented a few. Needless to say I lost the weight but gained more back. It has taken over a year to finally get a date set June 24, 2008. I am calling this day my new beginning. I am getting a second chance to make my life what I want it to be and I am going to take full advantage of it.

    I have looked at other blogs and I have found some helpful ideas. I look forward to telling my weight loss journey in hopes that it will help others.

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