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About cutiew/booty

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 08/10/1972

About Me

  • Biography
    For the juicy details read my 1st Blog(:
  • Interests
    Watching my kids (& husband) play soccer, Singing, Dancing, I'm the Tether Ball Champ (At my house anyway!), scrapbooking, sipping Champagne with my friends, and even though I'm a cow now...I am and always will be a total Beach Girl!
  • Occupation
    VP Soccer Mom's Gone Wild
  • State

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  1. hiya

    it went great, the nurse's were surprise that i was up and walking down the corridor 3 hours after id come round, but it really does help with the gas pain in my shoulders, so i did it everytime i needed to. the people i went with always do an overnight stay, and i was glad of that as i needed some IV paracetamol, which made it able for me to sleep, it was the port pain (which is very high up, close to my breast bone) that was really hurting. i was officially discharged by the surgeon at 5pm on the operation day as the nurses had let him know how well i was doing, so lef tthe hospital at 9am on saturday morning. one thing i will say is that they did not send me home with pain relief, so make sure you have some dissolveable paracetamol as i did not have any until about 6pm and was in agony. very thankful to my friend who went out and got some. apart from that it is the easiest thing, so there is no need to be nervous at all. i slept in my own bed all of last night, only waking up because i was thirsty and my sister was talking in her sleep! any other questions you want to ak, feel free.


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