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About cutiew/booty

  • Rank
    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 08/10/1972

About Me

  • Biography
    For the juicy details read my 1st Blog(:
  • Interests
    Watching my kids (& husband) play soccer, Singing, Dancing, I'm the Tether Ball Champ (At my house anyway!), scrapbooking, sipping Champagne with my friends, and even though I'm a cow now...I am and always will be a total Beach Girl!
  • Occupation
    VP Soccer Mom's Gone Wild
  • State

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  1. hiya,

    the appointments with the nurse should not be a problem, and therefore i will not have to see the as much, however, i obviously do have go for fills with him. i have my pre-op blood work etc on tues, so am going to mention it again, and also take the academic diary with me, in the hope that i can be booked in before the 2 week notice period they normally ask for. you dont realise that there's so much to think about, like i was going to put some nail varnish on this mroning, and i have to remember to make sure it is all of efore i have my op. have you got those thought of things to remember?

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