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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by thatDEgirl

  1. Hi all, I just wanted to pop in and say hi and give a quick update. I read all the entries in my email, but rarely get

    over here to post.

    I'm down 68 pounds so far and feel fabulous. I am 3 pounds from my initial goal of 160, but have now changed

    my goal to 140 since I can see the smaller me. That puts me right into the normal BMI category which would be

    great. That being said though, if I stall here I would be okay. I am in a size 12, run approx. 10-12 miles a week

    and just plain feel good.

    On the band front, I have been having a few issues. The first four months were a breeze but the last two have

    been up and down. I got a fill on 12/3 and had to go in for a partial emergency unfill on 12/8. Things were still

    iffy and then two weeks ago, I suddenly got super tight. Period came, so I assumed it was that. Period left and

    the tightness stayed (I would get stuck on pureed Soups some days). I haven't been under any more stress than

    usual so I don't know. I didn't schedule a new appt since I already had one on 2/4 but ended up on liquids for

    those two weeks. At my appt Wednesday, I told him what was going on and he wants to err on the side of

    caution. Complete unfill, test for h-pylori and I have to go in today for a gallbladder u/s. If all that comes back

    alright, in 4 weeks we can start filling again. We shall see...

    My timeline/story is here if anyone wants to see...

    Life With A Lap Band | this life of mine

  2. Well, I went to the gym tonight and ran. I only did 3.1 miles but I decided to do things a little different to try to improve my speed. I ran the first mile at 4.7 (I usually run at 4.4). Then I did high speed intervals (high speed for me anyway, lol) for the rest of the time, walking at 3.6 and running at 5.5 (walk 0.3 miles and ran 0.2 miles in intervals). I was surprised at how much increasing the speed effected me. It was A LOT harder!

    After I finished the C25K program, I really started to work on my speed and it kicked my butt in the beginning. I am FINALLY up to 5mph for 40 minutes straight but never thought I would get there.

    I plan to run today, but we shall see. I haven't been running much lately because my nutrition (and in turn my energy) has been bad. I got tight when my cycle came last week and have been on practically liquids since then...the tightness hasn't let up, even though the cycle left, so I will be getting an unfill tomorrow. Thank goodness!

  3. Alrighty. For the team challenge i sent the invites.

    Looks like this:

    Georgia & Whosya

    MacMadame & Renewed

    ThatDEGirl, Kathy Bad and Salsa

    I sent them out today. It was kinda weird how they went out so if you dont get an invite let me know asap. I did wwith your user names (except Georgia) and if it doesnt work i am going to have to send the invite with your email.

    I noticed some of you didnt join LBT Frost feeling so i sent then one out again too.

    Contact me asap if you didnt get you invite.

    I set up an extra team too if anyone else wants to join.

    I didn't get the new one...

  4. I need some advice. I started the c25k this week.I'm running on a treadmill since it's cold outside. I am unfamiliar with a treadmill. I put the incline on 3 and the speed on 3.5. I did the intervals with these settings. Is this ok? I tolerated it fine, so should I continue to increase the speed? Any help appreciated!

    I started out walking at 3.5mph, running at 4.5mph with an incline of 1. I still do the same walking speed and incline, but my running speed is 5.0mph for 45 minutes straight.

  5. I've been making crappy choices too, all because I feel like if I ran, I can eat dessert. It is amazing that we will probably always have to battle the head stuff.

    I also had a blonde moment today...went to run and left my Nike+ sensor at home. Had the ipod and the shoe dongle...they don't help though without the other part...LOL! So, my run today didn't get logged into the challenges :thumbup:

  6. I think it depends on your goals. My goal is to be able to run a 5k so I wanted to get to the point where I was running 25 min. straight and then adding on every week by 10% until I was doing the whole 3.1 k at a run. I got to this point last week.

    I found if I followed the program intervals, I progressed all the way through the program. Sometimes, if I felt I had more to give, I'd do an extra interval on the end, but I alway run the amount they say and walk the amount they say. If I don't do this, then I get stuck on a particular week and can't get off. I also had to do 3x a week minimum and couldn't do 2x a week like I tried in the beginning.

    I followed the program on as well but added more intervals on at the end too. I'd typically do anywhere from 2-5 more intervals.

  7. Anyone want to join me with a ticker update in the morning. A fresh start we might say. I don't want to have to lose 7 pounds before any of it "counts".

    ANy takers??

    I'm with you. Also, thanks for adding me to the challenge, I know I won't rack up the most miles but it is great motivation. Today was my first day back running since Dec. 27th and it felt good.

    BTW, does anyone else have any issues with their Nike+ sensor being off? I calibrated back in September and then again a month ago and it is still off by 0.30 miles average (0.30 lower than I actually ran).

  8. All of you Nike+ people, I am going to set up a challenge to begin on the first and end on the 21st. Since it takes 21 days to form a habit, I figure that is a good place to start. So...send me you email address and userid for Nike+ and I would love to add you to our challenge. Whosya and Kathy I have yalls.

    Is it too late for me to join in?? lacey@digital-drama.com or thatdegirl , whatever it needs...

  9. Dr. Nye did my surgery, in fact I have seen them twice in the last week...LOL (I had a fill and then ended up having to go back in for an emergency unfill). I love him and their staff...they are VERY busy though, so the appts aren't super long.

    We are stationed at Eglin and live in Niceville if you'd ever like to meet.

  10. I played around with the running speeds: 4, 4.5, 4.8, and 5. I felt pretty comfortable at 4.5. Is that slow? I know I will have to work on my speed later. The fact that I am doing intervals is the important part.

    I run at a 4.5mph right now....it's slower than some but works for me.I am also short :angry_smile:

  11. I've had 3 fills (one at surgery, one in October and one this past Wednesday)...I go in today for an unfill as I now can't get any liquids down. I am currently at 3.5cc in a 10cc band...the doc plans to take out .5cc and I hope that is enough. 2.5cc was great for me for almost 2 months.

    I have lost 56.8 pounds since 7/25 but the last 6 have been in this last week of being entirely too tight. Happy to see the loss, but not the way it came.

    If you are interested in my progress through time, take a peek here http://www.digital-drama.com/blog/life-with-a-lap-band/

    Also, are you exercising? I fully contribute my great (in my eyes) loss to that.

  12. I don't have any first-hand knowledge, but my friend fought them for 9 years. From what I understand, there has to be a proven medical necessity (such as rashes, etc) and they are still pretty rough to get approval from.

    I'd love to hear more input though, as I know I will need one as well.

  13. Yay, I made it!!





























    lindar172 .........274.2..........258............256.........16.2


































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