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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by thatDEgirl

  1. Hey all, thought I would pop in a say hi! I haven't been running much lately, schedules and fatigue are taking their toll but, such is life. Weight is staying the same (+/- 1-2 pounds) so I am okay with it for now. Will be glad when school starts up again and we get into a routine again. I go for another fill on the 19th which I hope will help get these last few pounds off.

    No more races till September and I am still toying with training for a half mary. I see my oncologist in September and want to check with her first though, since my fatigue seems to be increasing. Anyway...

    Anyone interested in the Nike+ system? I have a 2 month old sensor (my first one died after 2+ years), receiver, 2 different shoe holders and armband...all you would need is the nano (or touch or 3GS). $25 plus shipping. I've been using runkeeper on my iphone when I run and love it.

  2. Hey all, just thought I would pop in and say hi! My running has been slacking since the Gate to Gate, I have been swimming instead (I was a competitive swimmer in HS and college then stopped). I forgot how much of a workout it is. My next race isn't until fall, it is just too darn hot here.

    Everyone is doing wonderful and even though I don't pop in much, I'm still reading!

  3. I just got home from my Gate to Gate 4.4 mile race and came in sub-50 at 49:36!! This is *the* race I have been training for. I didn't sleep at all last night, stressed that I wouldn't do very well, since my training have been off since my gall bladder surgery and recent illness. I even forgot to eat before heading out...LOL! I made it though!

    I think I am done racing till fall though, it is starting to get oppressively hot for running here...we shall see though, I love the hype on race day!

  4. Okay, I finally ran yesterday...first time since last Friday. Mentally it was not a good run, I have too much on mind to "lose" myself in it like I normally do. I ran though...

    Ok, its time to officially "motivate" me in your most un-gentle way! I haven't run since last Thur. I've been working way too hard this week, but have let that be the "excuse". I plan to run tomorrow... so again... kick me!

    Kathy, get your butt out there and RUN :)!

    GA and DE - I couldn't imagine having to run down there in that heat. How do you beat the boredom of the treadmill?

    It is mind numbing to me and I have to have my music whereas when I run outside, I don't. The other option in the dead of summer is 97 degrees at 9pm, so no true choice.

    Carol... there is a great website that you can map your runs and it will give you the distance in miles or km. Its a bit fiddly, but beats driving for distance. Click on the site link below and then type in your city into the search area:

    RunningAHEAD - Tools: Route Mapper

    You can also join for free and keep a running log. I used this a lot before I got my Nike+.

    There is also MapMyRun.com - Map your Running Routes. Find Runs. Join our Community of Running. Runner Social Network. Calculate Calories, Online Pedometer, Distance, iPhone, and More. where you can map your runs as well as search for routes in your area that other people run.

  5. Hey Everyone!

    Well, I did my 5k and finished in 36 mins.

    I'd like to run a 1/2 marathon by next fall. Loong goal, I know, but with the surgery, I figured I'll try for 10K next year and then the 1/2 marathon.


    I don't think a half mary is a long goal? That's what I am aiming for by spring!

    The weather here was soooo nice and cool this afternoon, so I decided to run outside. I know, not the best idea considering my track record right? It went well though. I didn't fall or even stumble, lol. I forgot how different it was to run outside. Much harder with the hills. Anyway, I won't do that very often because it is usually sooooo hot here.

    Yay, glad you had a good (Accident free) run. I love to run outside, but it is simply too hot here already. I ran outside last Friday morning and about died..86 degrees and 84% humidity.

  6. DE... congrats on registering... good luck on your run. Is Memorial Day next weekend?? I think you guys have the same long weekend as we do in Canada, we just call it Victoria Day.


    It's actually not for 2 more weekends, the 25th.

    Hey everyone! DH and I went to the gym this afternoon and I got a run in. My back is doing pretty good so far. I ran really slow and took it much easier than normal. I ran 2.2 miles....YIPEE! I'm so glad to be moving again!


    Are only of you on Facebook? If you are add me to your friend list. ")

    I am, Lacey Buchorn. ANyone can add me, just be sure to tell me where you are from ;).

    Here's my red dress, and the dress my DH gave me for Mother's Day...

    Hot mama!!

  7. I wore this beautiful hot red dress that was sleeveless and backless. I was stunning! I thought the dress was a size 14, but when I looked at the label, it said size 12. I just about fell over!!!

    How awesome!!!

    Well, I finally registered for my race, the race that has been my goal through this all (once I finish it, it will be the Pensacola Half Marathon in spring:). I pick up my packet tomorrow and the race is on Memorial Day.

    Gate to Gate 4.4 Mile Run/Walk|Eglin AFB, Florida 32542|Monday, May 25, 2009 @ 7:30 AM

    I'd like to finish sub 45 but I'll take sub 50. There is a pretty high hill right at the 4 mile mark which will be tough I am sure.

  8. Hey St. Louis Lady. I have also had a hysterectomy, fair, fat, over forty, not fertile, definitely female. I am having some issues with pain under right shoulder blade, thinking it is kidney stones. never occured to me that it might be gall bladder until reading up on some others. thanks for info. I am 1 year post lap band.

    Definitely get it checked out. I have had gallstones (and gallbladder removal) as well as a kidney stone since banding. Both pains felt very similar, the only difference I noticed, it the kidney stone pain was a bit lower and made me nauseous.

  9. I've only used it for biking and found the GPS tracking to be a bit spotty. I bet it's fine for runs though as they are slower.

    It was spot on for the run, even showing where I moved from side to side of the street to stay on the sidewalks (my neighborhood is a little nuts).

    DEgirl...Wow! You look great! You are so small now!

    Thank you!

    DEGirl... love the new photo, and your progress pics... you've done so well!

    Ok, I have a bit of a revelation lately that's kind of freaking me out, but in a good way... I'm not fat! That's been my identity all of my life... there has never been a time in my life that I wasn't fat. I was the fat little girl, the fat teen, the fat adult. That's not me anymore. If I had kept my old job, I wouldn't have experienced this feeling, but I have a new job with people who don't know me as the fat Kathy, they have only seen the last 20lbs (and boy do they see it!). I use to worry about this, cause I thought I would always feel like the fat girl, but now I know, I can leave it behind. I really do see how non-fat people treat those of us who are obese. Its so obvious, and wrong, and now I'm not treated that way. Ok, enough rambling... but wanted to share this. Its an amazing head game, but one I'm enjoying.


    Isn't that revelation wonderful!! YAY Kathy!!!

  10. Hey all, just thought I would check in and say hi. Running has really been hit or miss this, life is nuts. Now, my Nike+ sensor is dead, so I can't even count the few miles on the challenges till the new one comes in...LOL!

    I hit 9 months post-op Saturday and posted new pics if anyone is interested. Life With A Lap Band | this life of mine (down at the bottom)

    My Nike+ sensor being dead though, did give me the opp to try out the RunKeeper app I downloaded for my iPhone a while back...pretty neat and I may use it for outside runs.

    RunKeeper Running Activity

  11. Hi!

    I haven't posted to this thread before but have been reading here for a while. I've been doing the C25K and just finished wk 8. I was banded 2/16/09, was doing C24k before banding and after i went back a couple of weeks and have been building up. I've signed up to run a 5K on 5/16/09. Here's my problem -I'm running the time but no where near the distance and last week i really felt i hit a wall about half way thru the run and had to walk some of it.

    So i'm wondering if i'm overtraining, not eating the right stuff before i run? I get up at 4:45, and have a cup of chia latte mix that i make. The mix has nonfat dry milk, Protein Powder, some Equal and spices. I heat it with 8 oz skim milk. I drink that and try to be at the park by 6:00 to start my run. After my run i come home and do a workout video, lately has been the biggest loser power sculpt. On the days i don't run, i walk between 2 & 3 miles and come home and do the biggest loser cardio max video. So i've been doing about an hour to an 1.5 hours of exercise a day. Sundays is a rest day, tho as a family we try to something together, geocaching, a walk or something, but nothing real intense.

    Do i need to eat something more before i work out? If so, Protein or healthy carb (oatmeal?)? Am i over training?

    My weight loss has kind of stalled at right around the 200 mark. I'm scheduled for a fill this Wednesday, my 2nd. I'm averaging between 65 and 80 gms of protein a day, and between 1000 & 1200 calories. I eat healthy carbs, fruits and veggies. My whole grains consist of steel cut oatmeal for Breakfast and maybe whole grain crackers for lunch. No potatoes, rice, Pasta or bread.

    Any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat

    Welcome! I think all of Kathy's suggestions are great, but also wondered are you at 1000-1200 calories before or after subtracting exercise calories? You might not be getting enough.

    I know with myself, I can't get any less than 1200 calories net (after exercise), keep up with my running and lose. Anything lower and my weight stalls and energy plummets. It took me a bit of experimenting to figure that out.

  12. I have lost faster (and more) than my doc even expected at right under 9 months out. I have been completely unfilled since February 4th and on pretty much a plateau since then. So, needless to say most of my loss was in the first 6 months.

    One thing to think about though, is that the more you have to lose, typically the faster it comes off in the beginning.

  13. Ahhhh!!!! Twice now the Nike+ has messed up! First during my race last week, and then again today. First it wouldn't play the music, but was calculating the distance, so I kept it on. Then when I went to sync it, the run didn't register and then it wouldn't play music. Now its playing music again, but not sure if it will work next time! Very frustrating!

    Kathy, have you tried resetting it? I don't remember exactly, but I think it is hold the center and menu button at the same time till the apple appears (you can google it to be sure). Any time mine is acting goofy, that fixes it.

    I am finally getting back in my groove after my gallbladder removal, the last two to three runs haven't been a struggle like the first few after surgery were. So, needless to say I am happy...now to just wait on the 27th to get cleared for strength training again (and a fill)!

    BTW, I finally hit 70 pounds lost, in the 8.5 months since my surgery!! Since my complete unfill, I have been bouncing around with the same darn 5 pounds!

    thatDEgirl - RUNNER+

  14. OMG... I took my body composition measurements today. I know my scale is not perfect, its only to be considered "directional", but the results said that I am at 28.5% body fat (down 7.0% since Feb 9). This puts me in the "acceptable" category!!! I'm no longer considered "obese"!!!!!!

    OMG I can't believe it!

    How awesome Kathy!!

    My scale says 38% for me...not sure if that is right or not, since I have never tested it anywhere else.

  15. trying to look for a 5k for when i finish the c25k, but its getting to summertime and here summer is way too hot for races most of the time. hope i dont have to wait till the fall. late fall will be a better time weather wise. maybe i should come up to one of u for a summer race...lol <jk> :cursing:

    tc all,


    Take a peek at active.com if you haven't or your local track/running club. Ours has TONS of resources and race listings.

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