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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mom2Max

  1. Hi, All! Just wanted to introduce myself -- I have my first appt w/ a lapband surgeon on July 10. I need to lose 130 lbs and I'm glad I found this site b/c I need all the support I can get! Looking forward to getting to know ya'll... :sad:
  2. Mom2Max

    Newbie from Middle GA

    I'm using Dr. Bagnato in Albany. And you should definitely try to have Tricare pay. I have Blue Cross Federal and lap band is covered.
  3. Mom2Max

    Newbie from Middle GA

    Thanks, everybody! :sad: @Kat - I'm using Dr. Bagnato, also. How are you doing?
  4. Mom2Max

    Any bandsters in Macon GA area?

    Hi, Kat, I'm in the Warner Robins area and I have my first appt w/ Dr. Bagnato next month! It has been nice to see he has so many happy patients on this site. :frown: I am starting to get excited -- it has taken years for me to finally decide to do this and now I'm ready! :sad:

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