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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by BonnieMcC

  1. I downloaded this tonight too! Thanks! This is so cool. I love my iPod even more---and I didn't think that was possible!

    Are we all doing this on our schedule or are we trying to complete this at the same time. I am thinking I might need some repeat weeks. We will see!:)

  2. So I wanted to get started a day early on our 5k plan so I went to the gym at 9am and when I got there, they werent even open yet---Sunday hours are different I guess! So, I went home and mowed my lawn..felt good that I got that done early because I was supposed to do it in the afternoon. So after church and lunch I took the kids back to the gym and was planning on checking them into daycare while I worked out and then go swimming in the gym pool. Plan foiled again...the daycare didnt open until 4pm...it was 2:30. I just played with the kids in the pool for awhile and when there was no other adults around I tried swimming my FIRST lap. I have never tried it before and it was WAY harder than I thought. I was seriously breathing hard at the end. I turned around and walked back and caught my breath. I did 2 more laps. That was it...just 3 and I was wiped out. I sooo want to keep this up and get better. I never realized how intense it was...but refreshing to be in the pool at the same time! I think I will try to swim laps 2 days a week and hopefully get better and better!

    Looking forward to tomorrows challenge!

  3. those are my thoughts exactly...at 248 pounds I don't think my body is any shape to run...but then again, I have seen people my size on The Biggest Loser do it. I already walk on the treadmill at a speed of 3-3.5 with random hills for 30 minutes everyday and only get 1.5 miles in, and my sister is a runner and I have always wished I was more like her in that way. I figure I can do my best to try to hit those numbers but I would like it broke down into speed on a treadmill. I guess I could try to figure it out myself before Monday and if I do, I will let you know!

  4. Lynn, I am so sorry to hear about the death in your family. I know for awhile things may be stressful...try to stick with eating healthy tho...you will fill much better if you do.

    We are having a dinner party with friends tonight and my husband is making stuffed shells. I am making my own chicken breast and we will have salad. We will be staying up late and playing board games and everyone else will be having drinks and Snacks. I am going to do my best to NOT indulge. Wish me luck!

  5. haha...I know what you mean, its nice to know that we are all human and we make mistakes...but we CAN do this...and it better if we are all doing it together! Last night we went to see a movie (WallE) and we almost always go to this italian restaurant across the street. I went online, looked at the menu for the lowest carb item and when I got there I knew exactly what I wanted and ordered it...didn't tempt myself by looking at the rest of the menu. I used the dipping the fork in the dressing method of eating my salad. It really did work! I got a taste of dressing in every bite and I only used 1/3 of the little cup. Usually I would drown my whole salad with all of it. My meal was chicken breast with montery jack cheese with bacon, brocoli, & pecans on it. It was a little too "bacony" (is that word?) The bacon was shredded like a pizza topping and covered the whole top of the chicken. It was still pretty good though. I felt happy that I didn't get a mountain of Pasta. My ketosis was in the trace section this morning. Hopefully I can boost it in the next 2 days!

  6. I just had my THREE hour consultation with my surgeon (and his staff) and it went great (other than the fact that this one ANNOYING guy asked a million questions...most of them were about surgeries that were performed 20 years ago!) The doctor (Dr. Evanson--St Vincent in Indianapolis) was smart, well spoken and FUN! Nice to see a doc with a sense of humor.

    Anyway, when I went to a St. Vincent bariatric support meeting, everyone was kinda questioning why on earth I would pick lapband over RnY. I felt like the odd one out (40+ people at the meeting ALL with RnY). I KNOW deep in my heart that RnY is NOT for me. I have no health problems, I exercise regularly, I don't eat sweets...I just binge eat a lot after being on diets and gain everything back. I am your typical yo-yo dieter. The nurses said that the doctor was VERY picky on who he does the lap-band. Well...after meeting with the doctor one on one he said I am the PERFECT candidate for lap-band. He could tell by my history that I would be an ideal patient and wishes all candidates were like me:biggrin:

    I just hope the insurance goes through now!!!

    oh yeah...one more think...I have been telling everyone I am 5'5" and I found out today that I am only 5" 41/2"...makes my bmi higher....sigh...

  7. today is my consultation! my dh is going with me and I am kinda embarrassed about it. I mean, I WANT him to go...I just feel bad for being an obese wife...like maybe I am an embarrassment to him. He NEVER treats me like that...its my own insecuritites. He tells me he will support me however he can, but I know he thinks "here goes more money on something she wont finish" I WANT to prove that I will succeed....that THIS is the time!

  8. Im am sorta addicted to the ketone stix too. I am trying force myself to only use them ONCE a day...in the morning. Mine is staying in moderate and I know its because I have a wrap every afternoon (but its a low carb wrap!!!) If I lowered my carbs by about 10 I would be in heavy ketosis. I don't know if its worth giving up my wrap though!

  9. what constitutes sleep apnea? is it when you stop breathing at night?

    I have a feeling my 5 year weight history wont qualify me for surgery, but if I have comorbidities. I don't have any problems that I know of except I havent been able to sleep through the night in about 6 years. I had problems with sleep eating (most of the time I didn't even know i did it!) I get up to use the bathroom 2x a night and I toss and turn a lot. A couple of weeks ago I started taking melatonin and last week I started sleeping through the night. No more sleep eating and I get up to use the bathroom MAYBE once a night. I wake up feeling very well rested. One day this week I didn't take the melatonin and I tossed and turned all night. To me, I think this sounds more like insomnia rather than sleep apnea. Anyone have anything to share about this? I am actually looking forward to doing a sleep study to find out what my freakin problem is!!! Also, if I go in for a sleep study will I do it with or without the melatonin?

  10. how are my low-carb friends doing? Its been a week and a day doing low-carb and I am down 9.2 lbs. I go to my first lap-band consultation tomorrow. I am very excited, but after viewing my 5 year weight history I have doubts whether not insurance will approve it. I am supposed to have a bmi of 40 for the past 5 years and it has dipped below 40 a few times. I think if the doctor can FIND comorbities insurance will pay, but the only problem I have is sleeping at night. I don't think its sleep apnea though. I am not gonna stress out about it. If it was meant to be for me to have the surgery then it will happen, if not, I made a promise to myself that I will keep working on losing this weight.

    how has the weightloss been for you low-carbers?

  11. I love your attitude Lyn, and whats great about low-carbing and being banded is that you have a slip up you still have restriction...where as others who are just doing the carb...we (or atleast I) worry that if I slip up I can eat a whole buffet and gain it all back! I hope to have the band surgery in the next couple of months.

  12. tooo many carbs last night, but I think I did OK. We went to a cookout at our friends house last night and I ate a burger on a bun AND had about half a cup of Pasta salad. I know this is not good on the induction part of the diet, but I didn't totally pig out AND we hung out until 1:00am and I didn't drink any alcohol, I didn't munch on chips or crackers or ANYTHING. I woke up this morning down .02 (okay its not A LOT but its not a gain!) and I thought for sure I would be out of ketosis and would have to work to get it back, but there is still a trace! This morning I went right back to having my Protein Drink instead of my usual "well I blew it last night...may as well have Lucky Charms (or something else bad) for breakfast" I am excited and I have lost just over 7 pounds in 6 days!!! I know the weightloss wont continue like this and most of it was probably Water weight but who cares! I'm shrinking!!!:ohmy:

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