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Posts posted by BonnieMcC


    So I fell into old habits which I swore I wasnt going to do. When I got back from Seattle a week ago, I said I was going to get right back on track....easier said than done. I didn't binge (which is what the old me would have done) but I ate whatever I wanted (ice cream, chips, cheeseburgers, ect). I gained 4 pounds in a week! I have spent most of adult life yo-yoing like this, so here I am...back today before it spins out of control. Im going to get back on the treadmill toay. I haven't worked out in the week and Im a little worried about my runs. I don't want to have to start ALL over. I am going to back to week 7 and hopefully I will be able keep up!

    Everyone here seems to be doing great! I didn't get a chance to read thru all posts though!

  2. Well I called the clinic back and she said it was nothing to worry about at all. Shen said this was my first digital mammogram and they noticed some VERY slight changes in my left breast and said that the digital is much clearer than the previous screenings. I have to go in next friday for additional screenings. She kept saying "really, its nothing they are concerned about and nothing you shouldnt worry about, just a change in tissue" So now I feel kind of silly for posting all frantic and being so worried. You guys are then best support ever though!


  3. I just love you guys! (is that weird to say to online friends???) You really made me feel much better about making that phone call back to the clinic this morning. This happened several years ago to me where I had to have a repeat test and it was because of dense breasts and now I get a mammogram every other year until I am 40, then every year. What I really have to think about is that even though my mom died of bc at 48, she has a twin sister who is now 60 and is perfectly healthy.

    Lyn, thanks for all the statistics, that really helped ease my mind. I had no idea of that numbers. I think every woman should know that stats!

  4. Im freaking out here and its late and my husband is still in Seattle on business (I flew home today) I had a mammogram last week and they told me I would get a letter if everything was okay but if not, I will get a phone call...so I was checking my voicemail when I got home and sure enough, there was a phone call from the breast clinic saying I need to call them back. I am really upset because my mom died at 48 because of bc and my grandma also died because of bc. I know it could be NOTHING, maybe the xray didn't come out right, who knows! But I really need all the prayers that I can get to help me remain calm and not worry about having cancer!

    Now for my run story...I went to the fitness room in the hotel and all treadmills were full with people waiting. I got on this crosstrainer elliptical and it kicked my butt. Not sure if it counts as my run. I am also supposed to run week 8 day 2 tomorrow but all I can think about is my previous paragraph situation.

    I had a good time in Seattle until I got food poisoning (atleast I think thats what it was) and I became violently ill. That was yesterday afteroon and I still feel a little queezy today. I threw up all afternoon, evening and most of the night and had to get up at 4am to catch a cab by 5 to get to the airport. I am really feeling bad today.

    I am sorry my post is down in the dumps. I am just really upset.

  5. I am trying not to beat myself up here! I ate too much yesterday, had the munchies big time! I was up most of the night and felt like I was burning up, so I don't know if it was because of overeating, too many carbs (I didn't eat any high carb foods, but way too many mixed nuts) but I probably only got 4 hours of sleep and not straight through! I was sort of mad at myself because since I started my "new life" as I call it, I stopped a lot of bad habits, one of them being sleeping in, for almost all last school year I would get the kids off to school and go back to bed for another 2 hours of sleep. I promised myself I was not going to do that...well YESTERDAY I did, I slept for an hour and maybe that is the reason I couldn't go to sleep yesterday...I have no idea! I was sure not to do that this morning, although I was sooo freakin tired from not sleeping last night. I got the kids off to school and immediately went to the gym (with total dread). I was really struggling to go 4.0 and still felt like it was way too hot and so I went down to 3.8 (which is still a run for these thunder thighs!) and did my 25 minute run for week 7. I was proud of myself for getting it done when the old me would have said "nope...too tired and too hot to go workout". So there...I just turned my negative into a positive!

  6. renewed--28 minutes?!?! AWESOME! and congrats on 5k in 41 minutes! thats so good!

    and here is my news for today...week 7 was 25 minute run and you know I always comment on my "slow run" at 4.0 and you guys are so nice about saying its not about the speed but today I bumped it up and I ran (drum roll here)..................4.1 HAHAHA Seriously though, I could tell the difference. Not a huge difference obviously, but it was a little harder. I kept telling myself if I just can't do it, I could go back to 4.0 at anytime, but I have absolutely feel like I needed it and I just kept going at 4.1!

    oh...for you Wii Fit Friends that are doing the scales challenge...do you do your daily body test or do you just go to training? Do you get a stamp for the day if you just do training? Dont forget, you can log your running in your wii fit activity log!

  7. congrats leslie- 3 minutes straight! You are doing awesome!

    lyn-your post cracked me up. Im a catholic girl too so it was even funnier about the rarely ever lie part!

    keep up the good work jbrad!

    well, today was my kids first day back to school and my first day back to work! I work in my husbands office so my hours are VERY flexible. In fact this morning he said "Are you really coming in? You dont HAVE to!" He cracks me up! I WANT to be back to work. It keeps me from eating everything in the house (which really hasn't been a problem, but now that the kids are back in school I don't want hold habits to come back) I did wii fit for an hour this morning and I will get my run in after the kids get home from school. THIS may be difficult because I am so used to running in the morning and so I hope that I have the energy! I haven't looked to see what week 7 has in store for me today! Im scared!

    I hope everyone has a great week!

  8. A friend told me her cure for the hiccups a few years back and it works for my entire family and I wish I WOULD have known it my whole life!

    Take a cup of Water, place a paper towel over the top and sip through the paper towel. For everyone in my family it only takes a couple of sips and the hiccups are cured! I hope this works for you!

  9. I am so behind on these posts! I don't have a lot of time this morning to get caught up either!

    Sugar-I have a Protein Drink about 30 minutes to and hour before my run...and YES we seen Micheal Phelps with 1/100th of a second win the race. INTENSE!

    Serentity and Kathy-Im so proud of you both! Rock On!

    Mamato-Sending big love your way!

    As for me, I finished week 6 which was a 25 minute run on Frid (yes renewed, unfortunately it was 25 minutes) I actually felt really good about it and at the end of the 25 minutes I felt like I could have kept going, which makes me think I should bump my speed up. In the beginning when I first started and for a few weeks after, after I would run I would check my heart rate right after the run interval and it was in the mid to high 170s. Yesterday after my run, it was only 160 and I wasn't sucking wind. I don't want to have to fight the treadmill to stay on, so I still don't know if I should try to bump up the speed or just wait until I finish the program and then bump up the speed slowly and just repeat week 10 until I can finally run an entire 5k. Right now, after running for 25 minutes at 4.0 I end up with a total of just over 2 miles..which is really amazing and I shouldnt complain! I also started this running program 6 weeks ago at over 240 pounds and I am down around 10 pounds but it feel like so much more!

    Good luck to everyone in the upcoming week! My kiddos are going back to school this week and I start going back to work as well! The summer went way too fast!

  10. g-girl, I know what you mean about the wii fit hula hoop. I am doing the 6 minute segment (which gives you 7 minutes credit) and I TRIED 10 minutes and couldn't do it. i thought about starting a wii fit thread so we can go on and on about wii fit because I certainly could. I am still struggling with the Tree Pose even WHILE I am hanging on to a chair! I just cant keep my leg up there. The shoulder stand is CRAZY. I am getting better, but I am sure I look NOTHING like what my trainer does! I put in an hour on wii fit today.

    renewed-I am so glad things are working out for your kids and their placement. I will continue to pray for them and for you and your hubby.

    Leslie-I am sending anti-stall prayers your way! Thats very frustating! Thats usually when I would give up...BUT DON'T! However, some people do say "have a splurge for a day" and then you will start losing after that. Maybe that would work...either that or you would gain 3 pounds and be even more sad!!! So I don't have any answers for you, seems like everyone stalls at some point but don't give up! You will get there!

  11. ohhh renewed, your post made me sad. I am soooo sorry. I can't even imagine what you are feeling right now. Have you even begun to think about how you will tell the older kids? Would your husband even consider keeping the baby? How much longer will get to keep the kids?

    We will always be here for you! Dont you worry about that. What you have done for those kids was amazing. You did your very best to give them a good life, even it was for a short amount of time. You will always have a special place in their hearts and of course they will always be in yours. I wish I could be there to give you a hug right now!

    We will be here to motivate you like you have done for all of us.

    btw, thanks for the 20 minute info. I thought the podrunner info said 25 minutes this friday! Woo Hoo!

  12. g-girl--Yes, I have been watching the Olympics. This is the first time I have ever watched any of it. My husband is a big fan so we spend time each evening watching it. Michael Phelps is freaking awesome! Watching them has been very encouraging to me. I know I will never be in THAT kind of shape, but to see their sculpted bodies is amazing!

    I did week week 6 mix 2 today. Great music today. It was a 10 minute run, 3 minute walk and another 10 minute run with a 5 minute warm up and a 4 minute cool down. I felt great the whole time. Probably could have even gone longer, but Friday is 25 minute run...YIKES! I also did Wii Fit strength training. I always do the strength training activities on run days and then do Yoga, Balance Games and Aerobics on my off days (also on Wii Fit). I have NEVER been able to do a push up in my life, not even in my "skinnier days", but one of the strength training exercises IS pushups. I am really pushing myself on this one because that is another one of my goals...to be able to do pushups! Everytime I try it, I can tell I am getting stronger!

  13. Renewed--I am so much like you when it comes to being totally driven. When I get something in my mind, I go at it full force. Just be careful not to burn yourself out on everything. I have done that too many times to count and right now I am obsessed with doing Wii Fit and feel like I have to do it ATLEAST 30 minutes everyday (most days i do it an hour), but I LOVE doing it and I think that is the difference between this time and all past times of exercising. I am also loving the running I have been doing. I love that its different each week (or day depending on what week you are on!) and I am working towards a goal, when all other times I have done programs or videos it felt so repetitive, same videos (even tho i own tons of them), Curves got boring going around in that little circle everyday. I know when I am running I have something I want to accomplish and that is running a 5k, and then I will set new goals. I don't feel like "here I am on this treadmill again, going the same pace day after day for the rest of my life" ---boring!

  14. Bonnie - You're awesome to start this, pre-band. I don' t know if I'd

    have had the nerve.

    Leslie- I just made up my mind that I did not want to live ONE MORE DAY as a moribidly obese person. I would look at my reflection and look at pics and say "That is NOT me" I am a lively, energetic and cute girl but to look at me I was not living or looking like what I felt like I was on the inside. I could not do some of the things I enjoyed doing just a few years ago. I got tired of being the biggest woman in the room or worrying that I was. I was fed up with abusing my body and my self esteem by binge eating. I was mad that I could barely fit into roller coasters (some not at all) which is something I love! I was embarrassed for my husband and for myself that we would go to big events for his job and he would be receiving all this recognition and I felt like the obese tag-a-long wife (btw, he never made me feel like this...I made myself think this). I knew there was a slim chance that insurance would pay for my band and I am still waiting on approval but I didn't want an insurance denial to determine how I was going to live the rest of MY life. If it was meant to be for me to have the band, I will be approved. If not, then its my battle to fight and with the help of my lap-band buddies, I think I have a great start!

  15. i finished week 5 mix 3 (20 min run) whew!!! I felt awesome when I was done. If you would have asked me just 5 weeks ago about running for 20 minutes straight I would have said "no freakin way" Even on Wednesday I was thinking "8 minutes was hard enough, no way can I do 20!" but I did! It felt awesome! I am so glad I didn't use my stolen iPod as an excuse to bail out on one of the toughest days!

    Everyone here is doing so great. It seems like no matter what happens, we all give it our best try! Whether we complete it, make modifications, had surgery or WHATEVER, we all keep on doing what we can to keep moving. I have never seen such a dedicated group of people! I have been a member of weightloss challenges online before on other forums and they have always been excuse after excuse on why they couldn't or wouldn't exercise or lose weight and lots of cheating on diets. It seemed like we were constantly telling each other "oh its okay, tomorrows a new day, try again" and while we are all human and we will all miss a few days of exercise and we will all eat bad foods occasionally, it seems like we have such a committed group here. I am so proud of everyone here. And if we do screw up, there isn't really a huge pity party here...you DO just move on because there is so much encouragement and everyones motivation becomes your motivation. Thanks to everyone here who has made a difference in my life---and what a difference in less than 2 months of c25k!

  16. :thumbup::cursing::) Someone broke into my car and stole my iPod, the docking station and charger. I am so mad and upset with myself because I always leave my iPod in the center console part of the car (and have done that for a year and half) and always make sure my car is locked before I go to bed. We are in the process of cleaning our garage and packing to sell our house so we can only pull one car in the garage at this point. Last night I stood at the front door and pressed the lock button on my remote. My car doesn't beep when I lock it, but the lights flash. I didn't see the lights flash from the angle I was at, so I pushed it again. I was thinking "It has to be locked, I pressed it twice" but should have listened to my gut instinct to check it anyway. I woke up this morning and my stuff was gone with no sign of forced entry. All I could think about at first is that this is going to ruin my whole running gameplan. Then I started thinking about how my kids got that for me for mothers day '07 and it made me sad, then I felt violated and now I just feel stupid because I told my dh and someone else and they said "Why would you keep your iPod in your car???"

    I am going to use my sons mp3 player and try to figure it out and download podrunner to it today so I don't miss a run. I will deeply mourn the loss of my iPod who has been one of my best friends everyday for the last 15 months.

  17. Leslie,

    I find that the only tennis shoes that feel comfortable on my feet are New Balance. I don't really stick with the same "model number" everytime I buy a new pair, I just look for new balance running shoes, look for styles that I like and then try them on and walk around. Everytime I try a new pair of shoes I always think they feel a little heavy but within a few days they feel fine.

  18. Just finished week5 day 2 and now I am getting nervous for day 3--the 20 minute run. Today was tough but doable. I still have not changed my walk/run speeds. Everytime I finish I think I really could have done that a little faster, but I keep my heart rate way up and I am drenched in sweat when I am done, so I think I am still doing great. I also don't want to be dying to catch my breath at a faster speed.

    I am still going at 3.0 and 4.0. Its funny because I really thought 3.0 felt almost like speed walking at first and 4.0 felt like I was running as fast as I could during week one and begging for that 60 seconds be over. Now 3.0 feels like a regular walk (almost too slow) and 4.0 feels like a fast jog.

    What speeds are you guys walking and running at? I don't want to post that question to make everyone feel like the have to compare or compete with anyone. Everyone should really go at at the pace they feel good at. I just want to know for my own curiousity.

  19. mamato--I am sooo not willing to put the scales away. I have a 10 pound mini goal by August 23rd and I have lost 4 so far and I know if I don't keep track of the scales I may lose focus of my weight loss. My husband and I are going to an awards banquet and conferences in Seattle for 4 days without kids (yay, my dad is staying here with kids!) and I have a not so little black dress I have to fit in.

    I did day one of week 5 today...I felt okay...3 five minute runs...I am gonna check to see what day 2 is like, because I can't even imagine doing a 20 minute run on Friday!!!

    I have been a little bummed because I indulged in a couple of margaritas and 2 rum and diet cokes on Sat night and the scales said I had gained 3 pounds the next morning. I was thinking "yep, this is what low carb is all about, you lose semi-quickly, but gain it super quickly" but instead of being like my old self that would have said "well, you already ruined, just eat more" the NEW me got right back on track the next day and I have already lost that 3 pound gain (Which I am sure it was mostly Water retention...I ate totally to plan, just blew it with the drinks)

    When we go to Seattle towards the end of the month I am a little worried because every year we go to these events and they ALWAYS have so much food around. Every meal is huge, Breakfast lunch and dinner! I know I don't have to eat it all, but it may be hard doing low carb while I am there.

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