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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by BonnieMcC

  1. BonnieMcC

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    okay...its a deal!
  2. BonnieMcC

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    I slipped yesterday as well...I had loaded waffle fries..they made me SICK! Its a good reminder on why I DONT need that crap. Lets get back into ketosis together. Lets make a pact that by Monday we will be back in ATLEAST moderate ketosis!
  3. I just had my THREE hour consultation with my surgeon (and his staff) and it went great (other than the fact that this one ANNOYING guy asked a million questions...most of them were about surgeries that were performed 20 years ago!) The doctor (Dr. Evanson--St Vincent in Indianapolis) was smart, well spoken and FUN! Nice to see a doc with a sense of humor. Anyway, when I went to a St. Vincent bariatric support meeting, everyone was kinda questioning why on earth I would pick lapband over RnY. I felt like the odd one out (40+ people at the meeting ALL with RnY). I KNOW deep in my heart that RnY is NOT for me. I have no health problems, I exercise regularly, I don't eat sweets...I just binge eat a lot after being on diets and gain everything back. I am your typical yo-yo dieter. The nurses said that the doctor was VERY picky on who he does the lap-band. Well...after meeting with the doctor one on one he said I am the PERFECT candidate for lap-band. He could tell by my history that I would be an ideal patient and wishes all candidates were like me:biggrin: I just hope the insurance goes through now!!! oh yeah...one more think...I have been telling everyone I am 5'5" and I found out today that I am only 5" 41/2"...makes my bmi higher....sigh...
  4. BonnieMcC

    woo hoo--consultation!

    by taking away half an inch (they figured it at 5" 4 1/2") it made my bmi atleast .5 higher than what it was.
  5. BonnieMcC

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    well ladies...today is my lap-band consultation! I am so excited! There is also a chance to meet the surgeon one on one for a first appt if I decide this is what I want to do...which I am pretty sure I do!
  6. BonnieMcC

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    low carb IS hard...you got that right! Good luck on 199!! You can do it!---let us know!
  7. BonnieMcC

    sleep apnea question

    today is my consultation! my dh is going with me and I am kinda embarrassed about it. I mean, I WANT him to go...I just feel bad for being an obese wife...like maybe I am an embarrassment to him. He NEVER treats me like that...its my own insecuritites. He tells me he will support me however he can, but I know he thinks "here goes more money on something she wont finish" I WANT to prove that I will succeed....that THIS is the time!
  8. what constitutes sleep apnea? is it when you stop breathing at night? I have a feeling my 5 year weight history wont qualify me for surgery, but if I have comorbidities. I don't have any problems that I know of except I havent been able to sleep through the night in about 6 years. I had problems with sleep eating (most of the time I didn't even know i did it!) I get up to use the bathroom 2x a night and I toss and turn a lot. A couple of weeks ago I started taking melatonin and last week I started sleeping through the night. No more sleep eating and I get up to use the bathroom MAYBE once a night. I wake up feeling very well rested. One day this week I didn't take the melatonin and I tossed and turned all night. To me, I think this sounds more like insomnia rather than sleep apnea. Anyone have anything to share about this? I am actually looking forward to doing a sleep study to find out what my freakin problem is!!! Also, if I go in for a sleep study will I do it with or without the melatonin?
  9. BonnieMcC

    sleep apnea question

    my insurance requires a bmi of 40+ for the past 5 years. If its not 40, I have to have other "issues"
  10. BonnieMcC

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Im am sorta addicted to the ketone stix too. I am trying force myself to only use them ONCE a day...in the morning. Mine is staying in moderate and I know its because I have a wrap every afternoon (but its a low carb wrap!!!) If I lowered my carbs by about 10 I would be in heavy ketosis. I don't know if its worth giving up my wrap though!
  11. BonnieMcC

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    how are my low-carb friends doing? Its been a week and a day doing low-carb and I am down 9.2 lbs. I go to my first lap-band consultation tomorrow. I am very excited, but after viewing my 5 year weight history I have doubts whether not insurance will approve it. I am supposed to have a bmi of 40 for the past 5 years and it has dipped below 40 a few times. I think if the doctor can FIND comorbities insurance will pay, but the only problem I have is sleeping at night. I don't think its sleep apnea though. I am not gonna stress out about it. If it was meant to be for me to have the surgery then it will happen, if not, I made a promise to myself that I will keep working on losing this weight. how has the weightloss been for you low-carbers?
  12. BonnieMcC

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    I love your attitude Lyn, and whats great about low-carbing and being banded is that you have a slip up you still have restriction...where as others who are just doing the carb...we (or atleast I) worry that if I slip up I can eat a whole buffet and gain it all back! I hope to have the band surgery in the next couple of months.
  13. BonnieMcC

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    tooo many carbs last night, but I think I did OK. We went to a cookout at our friends house last night and I ate a burger on a bun AND had about half a cup of pasta salad. I know this is not good on the induction part of the diet, but I didn't totally pig out AND we hung out until 1:00am and I didn't drink any alcohol, I didn't munch on chips or crackers or ANYTHING. I woke up this morning down .02 (okay its not A LOT but its not a gain!) and I thought for sure I would be out of ketosis and would have to work to get it back, but there is still a trace! This morning I went right back to having my protein drink instead of my usual "well I blew it last night...may as well have Lucky Charms (or something else bad) for breakfast" I am excited and I have lost just over 7 pounds in 6 days!!! I know the weightloss wont continue like this and most of it was probably water weight but who cares! I'm shrinking!!!:ohmy:
  14. BonnieMcC

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    Lunabeane, I would buy some ketostix and figure out how many carbs I could have and still stay in ketosis.
  15. BonnieMcC

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    testing out ticker
  16. BonnieMcC

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    I try to have less than 30 a day. I get a few carbs with protein drink and with lowcarb wrap and veggies, but fruit is usually high in carbs which kind of freaks me out, so I have been having one piece of fruit and then testing my ketones and I am still in the "large" amount of ketosis. If I add the second piece of fruit then I am barely in ketosis. My calories are around 1100-1200 a day.
  17. BonnieMcC

    Low Carb Banders Unite

    I don't have a surgery date yet, but I started low-carbing it on Monday. Im in Ketosis now and have dropped 5 pounds in 4 days. Of course I don't want to lose too much before surgery...cuz then I wont qualify! Im drinking low carb protein drinks (EAS) one for breakfast and one mid afternoon. For lunch I have been making turkey or chicken wraps on low carb flat-out bread with light mayo, cheese and lettuce and a piece of fruit. For dinner I have whatever meat my family is having and salad and sometimes extra veggies. So far so good! I have done Atkins before but became very compulsive, I lost 50 pounds in 3 months and exercised A LOT (2+ hours a day), I was ONLY eating meats, eggs and cheese. I gained it all back very quickly. This time I have been adding a piece or 2 of fruit a day and veggies. I think its a lot healthier. Good luck to everyone low-carbing!
  18. BonnieMcC

    For those of you that are at or near goal.

    My personality change is one of the TOP reasons I am considering lap-band. I have always been a yo-yo dieter and while doing Atkins I went from 200 to 150 (wore a size 6!!) and I was alive, full of happiness, on the go all the time, was very social and loved to be intimate with my husband. I have since gained 110 lbs in 10 years (most of it in the past 6 years) and I am gaining faster every year and in the past 2 years my personality has changed drastically. I FAKE happiness all the time...when all I think about is food and how fat I am. It consumes my every thought. If I am talking to someone about something else I am thinking about how much skinnier they are than me or what they must be thinking about me. I have a great life with a wonderful husband and 2 awesome kids. I really have nothing other than my weight to worry about it. I used to do my hair and makeup to go to the store...now I go without even looking in the mirror. I have given up on looking good because how can I possibly look good at 260lbs??? My relationship with my husband has definately changed. He tells me all the time how much he loves me, but I think he is just saying that because he took me for better or for worse...and he got the worst! We have sex MAYBE once a month and its not that enjoyable for me. I am uncomfortable and worried the whole time about hiding my body. I know the lapband wont buy me a better personality, but even getting some of this extra weight off will make a big difference on how I feel about myself.

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