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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by jenniferinwv

  1. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    I have my first fill next Monday, the 27th. Can someone tell me what to expect? If he comes at me with a 10 inch needle I'm liable to faint!
  2. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Elizabeth, Yeah, I was a dummy and ate mashed potatos and mac & cheese one day...OMG!! I had cankles! WAYYY too much salt/starch. I learned my lesson. So I've been watching myself since then. Low fat cottage cheese, yougurt, creamy soups. I need to drink just a little more water, but I'm doing pretty good. Oddly, I don't like water with drop-ins anymore, just plain water tastes better. Brian's doing ok. He goes back to Dr. Kaplan tomorrow then he's hoping to go back to work. It's been since March 18th. He's hoping that he gets his staples out and his drains out too. But I'm guessing he's not getting drains out, he's still having drainage *blech* But having stuff dangling off him is getting kinda hard. Willow (our two year old) doesn't understand why she can't play with daddy like she normally used to. And I'm afraid I'm going to roll over on something hanging off him in the middle of the night LOL so we have a pillow fort right now. OK, one more question...when do I get energy back?
  3. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Hey guys. Were you guys hungry before you got your first fill? I feel like I have no restriction, so I'm being very very careful with what I eat. Is this normal? Jenn
  4. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Before I get started...White, I recommend Anytime Fitness! I love it there! Hi guys. Sorry I didn't post sooner, it's been a busy few weeks for me. Brian had his surgery on March 19th and went home that night. The next night I had to take him back to the hospital. He was MAJORLY constipated from the pre-op diet, he was having trouble peeing because he was so constipated, and he had a little pneumonia because he couldn't take a deep breath. So he was in the hospital from March 20th till March 23rd. That whole week he just kinda laid around, didn't do much but pop pills. I had my surgery on March 26th....no problems! I told Dr. K I was going to be his model patient!! Well the next morning when Dr. K saw me in the hospital, Brian was there to take me home. He ended up admitting Brian two doors down from me before I got discharged!! So I had to find another ride home. LOL At 9:00 that night, Brian called me and said he was going into surgery to remove the band, and that's all I knew. I got the kids settled and got to the hospital about 9:30. Dr. K came out to see me somewhere between 12:30 and 1:00 (I think). Brian's stomach had developed a hole in it. Everything he drank and his stomach acids were going into his gut. Now I don't know why; I don't know if it was because of the band, or if it was because he was throwing up after surgery he ripped something, or if it just happened. I want to stress I DO NOT BLAME DR. KAPLAN ONE BIT! After surgery Dr. K was just heart sick, I could tell. He told me he's still committed to helping Brian lose weight, but that he's no longer a candidate for weight loss surgery. Dr. K had to remove the band, sew the hole shut then sew a flap down over the hole. That was last Thursday night. Brian has a central line, drains, feeding tube, morphine pump, and a pretty zipper looking scar about a foot long. He was in ICU for Saturday and Sunday, then ACU for Monday, then Tuesday he was moved to a step-down unit. He's excited because he gets to try fluids this morning. I have guilt that I have the band and he doesn't. He's still happy that I've lost an additional 7 pounds since surgery, but I wanted to go through this together. I haven't had much of a recovery time between trips to the hospital and taking care of the kids, but I'm back to work today and may get to relax a little here (how sad is that??). So there's my not-so-short story of where I've been the last few weeks. Jenn
  5. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    OK, I'm now thinking that people should be sedated for these two weeks of pre-op diet. Or at least if they have kids, move out for a while. My 15 year old daughter came home with Dairy Queen, "here mom try this new flavor" :scared2: My 12 year old son said "mom I'm going to make us hot pockets for dinner" Even my two year old tries to make me share her popsicles and last night I had so much ravioli sauce on my face from her kissing me I wondered if it was seeping through my skin! Brian went to see Jeanne yesterday, he lost 16 pounds so he's good to go on Thursday. I have my endoscopy on Monday and Dr. Kaplan is putting in an IVC filter through my groin. Then I see Jeanne on Tuesday and my surgery is the next Thursday (March 26th). We're actually doing really well on the diet, both of us. Neither one has cheated. But I think the two things I'm craving most are bananas and a piece of toast with butter. Did anyone else have leg cramps during the pre-op diet? I may call Lindsay today to see what I can do about it. See you on the thin side!
  6. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Hi guys! Just checking in. Here's how it's going: Brian's endoscopy is today My endoscopy is Friday the 13th Brian's surgery is Thursday the 19th My surgery is Thursda the 26th Brian's been on the pre-op diet since the 5th and he's really having a hard time. We had a cheer competition this weekend in Columbus and we're really noticing how much food is thrown at us! Does anyone have any tips on how to make it through the pre-op? I start this Thursday. Or is it just something we have to suck up and hope we live through? lol
  7. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Thanks Elizabeth. Oh yeah, I'm fully prepared for the two week diet.
  8. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Brian and I have a dual appointment with Dr. Kaplan Monday morning (03-02-09). Brian will more than likely go first, and me a week later, so I guess I'm looking at 3 weeks. Can someone refresh my memory oh what I have to do after I see Kaplan? I have to give my boss an outline tomorrow. I know I need to have bloodwork, see Jeanne, see Lindsay, and have my endoscopy. Am I missing something?? Thanks guys!
  9. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Guess who got insurance approval????? :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :thumbup: :tongue: :wink: :wink: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
  10. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    I would love it if they would pick one or more of us to write a blog on his website. We're all at different stages so it'd be good, useful information. I was really hoping to follow her story.
  11. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Brian has been the one calling insurance for us. The first time I was "sent back" to Dr. Kaplan was because they needed a two-year weight history. Now they're saying they need my blood work. I thought those would have been standard things they sent. I just don't know??
  12. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    I'm getting kinda discouraged myself :thumbdown: Three weeks ago Jeanne submitted me to insurance. They sent it back asking for more information. Last week they submitted both me & my hubby and now insurance says they still don't have the information they need. And I can never seem to get anyone at his office to call me back. I'm getting kinda frustrated. I hate to be a nag and keep pushing and pushing, but I feel like my life is on hold right now.
  13. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Insurance sent it back asking for more information; they wanted my whole weight history and something else. Yesterday Brenda said that Jeanne had resubmitted me and submitted my husband, but Aetna has no record of it. I hate to keep calling Jeanne because I know she's busy though, but I'm more than ready and hate not knowing what's going on. I have my payment ready too. So basically, I dunno:confused:
  14. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    OK, where is everyone??? Jeanne submitted me to insurance on 01-16-09. I found out today they needed more information and Jeanne has to send a letter of medical necessity. Brenda told me she'd let me know when it was time to worry LOL Hope everybody is doing good!
  15. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Well I think I'm ready to be turned into insurance. I got my new card (hubby's insurance changed from Cigna to Aetna) and faxed it to Jeanne. I left a message for Brenda today to find out when they're going to submit, so I know when to start obsessively worrying. Then I'll need to wait on income tax return to pay for it, so I'm guessing beginning of February...*sigh* that seems so far away now.
  16. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Hubby and I also have to pay our out of pocket up front. We're waiting for our income tax money to come in. Our 6 months was up mid-December, and since my hubby's company changed insurances we have to wait till it kicks in January 1. I hate being in a holding pattern like this. But we've both lost a little more weight (except for maybe this weekend...family vacation). Sorry if this is rambly, just wanted to say hi ya'll!
  17. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Elizabeth, I didn't see your post till just now, but I figured it out last night when I went to visit Gma in the hospital. I was going to pop in and say hi to your Gpa, but was told "he's no longer a patient"...I just knew. I'm so sorry :thumbup:
  18. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Is anyone else having problems getting motivated to exercise? I don't know if it's the hustle and bustle of the holidays or the fact that I come to work when it's dark and leave when it's dark. I'm just EXHAUSTED these days! Last thing I want to do is change clothes and head out to move...that's just CRAZY! I just can't make myself do it. I've heard the theory that if you're tired exercise will make you feel better...I don't feel like testing it. Wolf, you'll really like Jeanne, she's a sweetie! Just be sure to be 100% honest with her. She asked me a lot of history questions and at first I didn't answer truthfully because I would have sounded like a whiner. But the truth is we NEED to have the co-morbidities for our insurance to approve surgery. By the way, we'd all love to know your first name...I'm Jennifer!:thumbup:
  19. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Elizabeth, how's your family?
  20. jenniferinwv

    Dr. Kaplan in Parkersburg?

    Go ahead and call the office and make your appointment. 420-7155
  21. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Awww Elizabeth, that makes me so sad. I remember going to church and your Gpa always making over me, he always treated me like a little lady. I just told my Gma and she's torn up over it too. Gma told me she met Ray & Maxine when our family moved on "the hill" in the fall of 1961...that's 47 years! HOLY COW! She told me a story of my Gpa Charlie having kidney problems during a big snow storm. Snow was 4 feet deep in some places. Ray and your dad and Champ came down and shoveled a place in our front yard so Gma could get out to get Gpa to the doctor. Ray and my Gpa were both charter members of the Blennerhassett Volunteer Fire Department (for a while before the building was built the fire trucks were parked in our front yard!!). Your Gma and mine were both charter auxiliary members...selling lots of fruitcakes and having bakes sales and yard sales. Your family and mine go way back. I'm so sorry, you're losing a very special man! Jennifer
  22. jenniferinwv

    Dr. Kaplan in Parkersburg?

    Hi there Wolfy! LOL And welcome. First things first, fill out allllll the paperwork they gave you and schedule your appointment with Jeanne as soon as you can. That's really what gets the ball rolling. Jeanne is your go between between you and Dr. Kaplan. Their office will contact your insurance and let you know at that first meeting with Jeanne how much your insurance will cover, and what you have to do beforehand. Some insurances (well most I think) require 6-months supervised diet before you can submit to them, others don't. But then Jeanne will do all the scheduling of your pre-op testing. Do you have any specific questions? Jennifer
  23. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    OK, phew! I was scared when I couldn't find our post on the introduction page! I want to see Lindsay now. I came down with a stomach bug and just now (Saturday @ 9 p.m.) ate for the first time since Thursday at lunch. To top it off, my kids have a cheer competition this weekend. Friday I had to drag my sick butt out and drive here, plastic bag in hand. It took 5 hours because my battery died at Cool Spot. Let's just say when I finally saw my hotel here in Cincy, I about cried! LOL Jenn
  24. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Elizabeth, with a 2 year old at home, I've perfected the one hand body hold combined with the nose pinch...want me to come over and help you?
  25. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    OK, for someone reasonably intelligent I sometimes do bonehead things. Like having chinese with pork fried rice and TONS of soy sauce the night before I see Lindsay, thus erasing that 3 pound loss I was so proud of and substituting it with a 4 pound gain....UGH! She was super cool about it though. I have to get myself out of the mindset of "woe is me, I'll never eat my favorite foods again". We talked about that today. That for some people, if they crave pizza, eating the topings is a good alternative. Dr. Kaplan's website is up. It's Dr. Adam Kaplan, MD, FACS : General & Bariatric Surgery. I haven't checked it out yet...going there now.

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