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Everything posted by jenniferinwv

  1. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Dominic Holl is the DEVIL!!! Every year I put in a large corporate order of Holl's Choclates...the DEVIL just came in and brought each of us one of their chocolate covered carmel apples and a box of chocolate. Sorry Lindsay...
  2. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    I just talked to Angie in billing. Both my husband and I will have to pay our $500 deductable up front plus our insurance pays 90%, we have to pay the 10% which will be all of our out of pocket maximum of $1,000. So we'll have to pay $3,000 for the both of us. EEK! :thumbup:
  3. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Kaplan bandsters, what do we have to pay upfront? Is it our deductable or our out of pocket maximum? J
  4. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    I'll be back at Zumba next Monday. I didn't get to go to my monthly rec soccer meeting, my daughter plays soccer for Parkersburg South (gooooo Lady Patriots!!) and we had our banquet last night. J
  5. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    OK, somebody talk me off the ledge....My husband just called and where he works is changing insurances January 1 from Cigna to Aetna. We're supposed to have our surgeries in January or February. I wonder how bad this is going to be for us.
  6. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Elizabeth ~ Your momma is gonna be JUST fine! The surgical team knows better than to mess around with a fellow nurse!! Kyla ~ no way could I handle a 5K right now (do you run or walk)...but this time next year I bet I can :biggrin: Froggi ~ I can't imagine a cavity would stop you from having surgery. I had a cavity when I had my gallbladder out a few years ago, was scheduled for a root canal 3 days after. Everything was fine. All ~ has anyone heard of "balloon ablation"? I'll spare you the TMI, but I'm having HORRIBLE and frequent periods. The OB/GYN put me on a pill yesterday (I'm fixed so it's just to try to regulate me) but it has so many side effects, several of which I've already had. Having a balloon ablation is an option they recommended over the pills. But if I can wait till next year, after I pay for my surgery, my out of pocket deductable will have been met :biggrin:
  7. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    I loved Zumba!! But I can't make it next week I have a soccer meeting second Monday of every month. I run our local soccer association, I'm the registrar.
  8. Hi! Nice to see someone else from WV!


  9. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    For those of you who wanted the myspace address for line dancing it's: MySpace.com - Classic Country - 33 - Female - PARKERSBURG, West Virginia - www.myspace.com/classiccountrydance Teresa, can you share that address with the girls you work with? OK, all you Zoomba people, it was GREAT to finally meet you in person, but when should I be able to feel my calves again? LOL That really was great fun, and I slept like a LOG! Jenn
  10. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    OK, I'm planning on making it to Zumba Monday. It's at the building next to NOE, right? Used to be or still is a karate type place? I know it's somewhere in this message but what time does it start and how much is it? I'm excited!! Jenn p.s. I'm a narcissist too! And OCD because I expect my work to be perfect. Boy to I regret telling my hubby he called me a narcissist! LOL
  11. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    All you Kaplan Bandster's, I'm sure Jeannie asked us all the same questions. I'm curious to know what your answers were to: Why do you want to lose weight? Besides the standard "I want to feel better, live longer, keep up with my kids", I want to take ballroom dancing lessons with my husband, ride horses, and fit into something sexy (can we say that word on here? LOL) from Victoria's Secret.
  12. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Elizabeth...I don't know if you know this, but when they were kids, my mom dated your dad. Yeah, I took over for Jeanne as Office Manager here when she moved. She lost a ton of weight before she left. I can't believe she rides her bike on those long trips! Good for her!
  13. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Do you guys think there will ever be a time where we're not 100% focused on food? Maybe when we hit our goal weight?
  14. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Elizabeth, I think we know each other! My Gma's Bonnie Harlow, and I grew up down the road from your Grandparents. I also worked with your Aunt Jeanie. Do I have the right Elizabeth?? You're right about not stressing about the weight. I saw Lindsay today and lost 4 more pounds. I think I'm at a 10 pound loss so far, and they want me to lose 7-10 more before surgery in January. Lindsay also told me that the people who exercise lose weight either twice as fast or they lose twice as much. So yaaa all of you guys doing Zumba and Line Dancing. As soon as I can breathe again (darn valley air and changing seasons) I'll be joining you...as long as you promise not to point and laugh Jennifer
  15. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    I wish I could say you're right, but I have doctor scales here in my office. And every time they've been spot on with what I weigh at Dr. K's office. Lindsay's gonna kick my BUTT! :Dancing_biggrin:
  16. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    OK, I'm sick to my stomach! I go see Lindsay tomorrow and I don't wanna :Dancing_biggrin: I'll admit, I'm not killing myself to lose weight, that's what the band is for. But I've been making better food choices, throwing away half my bread on sandwiches, down to one can of diet coke a day, other than that it's water, more protein and vegies, been walking every day (ok, except this weekend) etc. I get on the scale this morning and I'm up a pound! But my favorite jeans fit so much better. Before I'd have to do the wiggle dance to get them on then by lunch they'd fit well. Now they go right on and by lunch they're actually feeling kinda loose. BUT I GAINED A POUND!!!!! I'm so frustrated! I'm totally committed to this, but feel like an utter failure. I thought for sure I'd lost about 10 pounds or so for my jeans to be like this.
  17. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    OMG I'm so stupid!!!!! I've been really watching my portions. I don't know how much weight I've lost (if any) but my jeans are alot looser. And I've been doing things like taking off half the bread on sandwiches. So today for lunch I was just NOT feeling my ususal salad. So I had a bowl of potato soup and half a turkey sub (with half the bread). Not the best, I know....then one of the girls in here brings me a pumpkin pie blizzard from DQ. Where were you guys to smack my hand and say "no no put it down"? My stomach is KILLING ME!!!! I feel like one of those little bloated puppies not knowing when to stop eating. Ugh!!!!! :smile2: Don't tell anyone but my jeans are unbuttoned behind my desk.
  18. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Question for you guys who are already banded....can you eat salad? I eat some sort of salad every day for lunch now, I really like spinach salad the best. Can I still eat it? I'll ask Lindsey next week when I see her, but I'm just curious. I'd imagine it'd fall in the "chew chew chew chew forever" category. Becky my husband also had an appointment with Lindsey yesterday at either 9 or 10, I can't remember. He never gets on here though, but I wish he would. J
  19. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Well thank goodness I didn't mention that I had a small piece of Coldstone birthday cake for lunch. LOL Yeppers I wrote it on my food diary...hateful hateful birthdays!
  20. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    I've heard they all lurk on here...so hi Jeanne, Lindsey, and Dr. Kaplan! We're all being good girls!!!! What time is Zumba?
  21. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    How much are the Zumba classes? My daughter plays soccer for South and my exercise has been walking around the track while she practices, but it ends next Thursday. I'll start walking at Anytime Fitness, but would like to do something "fun" too. Also, what is the name of the billing girl at Kaplan's office? I need to call her and I am blanking on her name. Is it Cathy? Can I just say how much I HATE insurance? You'd think I'd be skinnier with all these hoops I'm jumping through and all the run-around I'm getting!! Elizabeth, I'm sorry. Hopefully things get better for you fast! J
  22. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Elizabeth....I'm so sorry! I have no good advice. I guess just be patient and keep working with Dr. Kaplan and Lindsay. I just figured it up...you've lost 15% of your goal...keep it up! That's great!!!! Are you exercising?
  23. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    I've been lurking. I work for an older man, and his health has been going down hill...so I've been doing more and more of the essential work here. I think I'm 3 months into the diet...I'm kinda confused on it though. We started out seeing Lyndsey every 3 weeks, then insurance would only pay for monthly. We're estimating we'll have the surgery in January or February. We just heard that it's new policy we have to pay our "out of pocket" before the surgery so that's $2,400 for the both of us that we need to come up with. I know what you mean about camera shy. I've always hated cameras. I'll make sure it's from my shoulders up or hide behind the kids (yeah like you can't tell I'm heavy). But when I lost 75 pounds on Atkins 4 years ago I felt more comfortable. Unfortunately those 75 pounds found their way home and brought friends. J
  24. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Kyla, I'm sooooo jealous! You're almost to one-derland! I call for pictures girlie!!!!
  25. jenniferinwv

    Hello from WV

    Hi guys! Just checking in. For those of you who don't know me, I'm also getting banded by Dr. Kaplan and so is my hubby. It'll probably be January before we have our surgeries. We have Cigna insurance and have to do the 6 month diet with Lindsay. Right now we're actually having trouble with our insurance. Cigna will pay for everything AFTER we're approved for surgery, but isn't paying for what needs to be done to have the doctor apply for approval (if that makes sense). Hubby's doing better losing weight on the diet than I am (darn men and their metablism), but I try to walk every night. Water is my big challenge.

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