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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dtoliver

  1. My surgery went mostly like everyone else's except I have to give a special thanks and more thanks to my surgeon, Dr. D. Blaine Nease and the unbelievable staff at Cabell Huntington Hospital. They were unbelievable!!!!! Amazing!! The level of communication, compassion, not just for me but for my family as well, and excitement for my new life was amazing!!! :thumbup::confused:
  2. dtoliver

    Anyone from WV???

    I had my nutritional consult today, all went very well. I don't have to go back for another. I have a final sleep study on Friday evening and then I am not sure what is next. We will see!!!! I am so excited.
  3. dtoliver

    Anyone from WV???

    Well things are progressing rather quickly now. I have a nutritionist consult on Wednesday and a final sleep study with C-pap on Friday evening. Not sure how many nutrition consults I will have to have but my hope is the have surgery before the end of August or first part of September if all goes well.
  4. dtoliver

    Anyone from WV???

    Well, everything worked out with my doctor and I don't have to change. I had my psych appointment and then had to have a sleept study. And now, I have to have another sleep study only this time with a c-pap (spelling?). I never knew I had sleep apnea. Well, at least the ball is rolling and I may not have to complete the six month diet deal for BCBS. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. dtoliver

    Anyone from WV???

    I may be joining you at Metabolix (CAMC). I just got some distrubing news about the doctor that I have so I may need to change surgeons. I have a few more phone calls to make and one is to Metabolix in the a.m. So I will keep you posted.
  6. dtoliver

    Anyone from WV???

    I am from Charleston and I know where it is and have heard good things about it. I see Dr. Bali in South Charleston. Just had the psych part of my process today and have to do a sleep study Tuesday night. I am so happy things are moving along.
  7. dtoliver

    Anyone from WV???

    Did you make it to the multicultural fest? I did and I have to admit that this one put Charleston to shame!!!!!! I was there Saturday and Sunday (danced in drum circle on Sunday) what fun!!!!!!!
  8. dtoliver

    Anyone from WV???

    I have a psych date. It is Monday, June 23rd. I am really excited. The ball is actually rolling. We are hoping that BCBS will not be a anal about the six month diet program for me. Time will tell. How do I get the little meter across the bottom of my posts like everyone else has?
  9. dtoliver

    Anyone from WV???

    With regard to loose skin, you can get plastic surgery for free if you are willing to donate the skin to the hospital in Pittsburgh for burn patients. Not sure of the details but will research it. I have a very large goal also. It is 140 pounds long term. Short term (6-8 months after surgery) is 50 pounds.
  10. dtoliver

    Anyone from WV???

    I am originally from Charleston but live in Hurricane. I met Sherri because I to have parrots and we have another mutual friend. Hope to see you at the festival. I will be there Saturday day and I am spending the night so I might get to see some things on Sunday also.
  11. dtoliver

    Anyone from WV???

    I am going to a friend's house, Raven's Haven, she used to run a parrot rescue and they are taking me to the festival. I am so excited. I, too, want the surgery done, yesterday. But the only consolation is that it will not be as long as it has been.
  12. dtoliver

    Anyone from WV???

    Cool. I know you are excited!!!! I will be coming to Vienna this weekend for the multi-cultural fest!!!!
  13. dtoliver

    Anyone from WV???

    I am from Charleston, WV but live in Hurricane. I am seeing Dr. Bali. I had my first consult last week. He says I am a good candidate so we are starting the process. We are hoping that we can get BCBS to move a little quicker than the six months. My surgeon's office says that they have gotten a little better over the last year or so. They will be calling me next week to schedule the psych part of it. I am really excited about the whole thing. The only part that scares me is being put to sleep. I was even awake for my hysterectomy.
  14. I had my first information doctors visit last week. We don't know if my insurance will make me wait six months or not. I am excited!!! My BMI is 47 along with other issues, so we are sure I will be approved, but the question is how soon. I am sure I will have lots of questions, and if there is a specific support group in the Charleston, WV area, I would be grateful to hear about it.
  15. dtoliver

    Hi from West Virginia

    Yes, this was the consult. I am a good candidate for the surgery, we just have to wait on the insurance approval. I have 130 lbs to loose. I have started trying to prepare myself with the way that I chew my food and trying not to eat in between meals. My BMI is at 47. Who knows, maybe we will get approved at the same time!!!! Who are you going to?
  16. dtoliver

    Hi from West Virginia

    Hi, I am from the Charleston area. I had my first visit last week. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield so we are not sure how long it will take for them to approve the surgery. I am excited!!

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