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About Changingmylife2020

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    Intermediate Member

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    United States (+1)

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  1. Changingmylife2020

    Sugar Free/fake sweeteners drinks

    Propel water is pretty good. Lots of flavors and no after taste.
  2. Changingmylife2020

    ONEderland! FINALLY!!!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! ❤️Great job!!!
  3. Changingmylife2020

    One month down

    Congrats! You got this!
  4. Changingmylife2020

    1 month post-op, kinda skimpy WL

    Weight loss varies for everyone, but I have seen/read from 10 to 12 is average . 15 lbs. is great! Remember your body is going thru a lot of adjustments. Be patient and follow the plan. You are doing GREAT! 😃
  5. Changingmylife2020

    Bypass surgery

    Drink Lots of water. When eating focus on PROTEIN first, avoid sugar and carbs. Have patience and do not give up! We are all here for you 😃
  6. Changingmylife2020


    Hi! My surgery also involved a hernia repair and went fine. Took no pain meds after 1 day hospital stay. went back to work in 3 days. little to no pain but very tired for quite a while. I am 4 months out now and have lost 104 pounds. I too wish I would have done it sooner. There will be some adjustments(drink slow, eat slow etc.) but it gets better quickly. Definitely worth it. Will change your life. 😃
  7. Changingmylife2020

    Did Anyone Regret Their surgery

    the first couple of weeks are usually rough until you get more comfortable with the adjustment. Often drinking too fast, sometimes cold bothers people, sometimes hot bothers people etc. Your body will slowly adjust. I promise, It will not always be like this. There will also be another adjustment when you go back to eating also. Eventually it does get better as both your habits and your body adjust. Hang in there it will get better and be worth it. Hugs!
  8. I have united healthcare (in Arizona) and used my insurance. visits were all covered with regular co pay. Documented diet for 6 months during which had to lose 10% of body weight, 1200 calorie diet, and see nutritionist once per month. Also had to see a psychologist once, get an ekg, Surgery was covered as an elective procedure 80/20. I had to pay about $2500 total. I hope that helps. 😃
  9. Changingmylife2020

    ChubRub's Plastic Surgery Thread

  10. Changingmylife2020

    RNY Struggling Loser with no Thyroid, thoughts?

    how is your water intake? not drinking enough will slow your weight loss. also your vitamin's etc. are very important. I also have no thyroid and have been thru menopause with no hormone treatment. You are loosing 10 lb. a month which is not bad. Keep up what you are doing and give your body some time to adjust. It's been thru a lot. I also have hots and colds not sure why . You are doing GREAT just hang in there. 😃
  11. Changingmylife2020

    How are y'all creating "status updates"?

    Hi everyone, right under where it says status updates there is a what's on your mind? type in here and then post it will show up as an update. I did the hello as an example. Hope that helps. 😃
  12. Changingmylife2020

    September 2020 update!

    You are doing great! I am also a sept surg. Lost 102 total so far (67 after surgery). Not bad since my exercise is limited i am in a wheelchair. CONGRATS!
  13. Changingmylife2020

    my journey

    wl 386 to 284c.pub

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
