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Mini Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by shellzuk

  1. 6 minutes ago, Grammie2 said:

    Sorry I said that! I had misspoke - I did have it yesterday, and I had trouble last night. I thought I was doing good. No throwing up episodes like some others ,but yesterday I got too sure of myself. After I ate it I felt full but not uncomfortable, but at lunch I got uncomfortable and it got worse until evening, and didn’t have any supper.....it got worse, and I ended up throwing up. Still was uncomfortable when I went to bed. But made it thru the night. So today I’m back to behaving! You don’t want that! Don’t do it. Don’t do it!!

    Oh no! That sucks. Hope you're feeling better today. I'm sure we'll all eat something we shouldn't at some point!

  2. 1 minute ago, Lanie Hardy said:

    I’m on soft foods as well. I just think a piece of toast would fix my nausea. But I haven’t dared tried just in case!! I get light headed too when I try and exercise (walk for exercise, nothing really strenuous yet.) I figure you’re right, more food will help us! Hanging in!

    Absolutely! I'm not the most patient of people-my wife literally tells me every day that I have had major surgery so I need to stop expecting to be back to my usual self in 5 minutes. I've played rugby for 12 years so I'm used to being able to run around and tackle things and I'm just not there yet and can't imagine I will be for a while. I've got the Wii out though and am having a bit of a play on that and hoping to do a few more walks next week. Glad it isn't just me with the light headedness!

  3. Just now, Lanie Hardy said:

    I get so sick of whatever I’m eating. I can hardly stand it by meal 9000! At least it seems that way😂. I try and make the same thing for my family as me, but they finish in one meal what I eat for days.

    Haha that's so true! I made a lasagne for wife and parents the other day. I'm still eating my portion 3 days on (not the cheese or pasta)!

  4. 10 minutes ago, PrettyBrown said:

    Me too! I tried it the first couple days and it didn’t go down well. Maybe because it didn’t look appetizing. Mentioned it at my 2-week checkup, doctor said it’s okay, as long as your eating and my tummy is tolerating it. 👍🏽👍🏽 I’ve heard from a couple other people on this forum and from 3 people I’ve met through my program that it’s more common than you think. Hang in there! 😉

    I'm still doing soft foods but I just can't bring myself to puree them! My tummy is tolerating them fine-I was told that if I ate something and I felt any discomfort then I should stop immediately but I haven't had any discomfort at all. Still feeling a little light headed when I get too hot or am walking but I'm hoping that will stop when I can eat properly!

  5. On 12/15/2020 at 14:29, Grammie2 said:

    Mine has slowed to 2 lbs. but I am still losing. It had been 4 lbs. a week.I’ll take what I can get. I did discovered a new Breakfast for me tho, — Skippy Protein Peanut Butter AND LIGHT ENGLISH MUFFINS! A VERY WELCOME CHANGE!!

    Always good when you find something that suits to eat! I’m still on puréed/soft food (and supposed to stay on this until week 8) but I have to admit, I’m not completely sticking to puréed foods-mainly because I can’t stand them!

  6. 2 minutes ago, TrueNorth1 said:

    Isn't it interesting how different programs can be? Mine was a 4 week process of liquid, pureed, soft, then solid.

    I'm a little scared of solid. But curious. So I will start small and see how it works! To be honest, its cold here so I could live off of Soup right now! But I think I need more substance. Soup doesn't "sit"....just slides right through. Trying to think what I should try first!

    What are you all thinking your first "solid" will be??

    I'm really craving salad at the moment! I think possibly chicken though as that tends to be my go to meat. What about you?

  7. 28 minutes ago, TrueNorth1 said:

    And you should be excited! That is a big drop!! So encouraging!

    I didn't have fears it wouldn't work - too much evidence shows it wil. My fears are the longevity ie. after 3-5 years. But I can't worry about 3-5 years from now.

    I had the mini - did anyone else have the mini bypass vs. sleeve or gastric bypass? My weight loss seems to be slower than others. I talked to my dietician today. I cant complain if it is a constant 3-4 pounds a week - I will take it!! But how can it differ so much from others?

    I share your fears about the longevity, particularly as I had the band and it worked and then I allowed myself to get around it and 7 years later and I'm right back at the start. I just need to have a word with myself-I'm not doing this again so I need to develop better habits right from the start! I think this site will help massively with that.

    I also had the mini and have lost 34 pounds since I started the pre-op diet (24 since surgery) but I started at 180 pounds heavier than you so I imagine it's relative to that too. It slows down the lighter you are (or so I'm told-I've never been the weight you are now!)

  8. 3 hours ago, FireEMT710 said:

    Good morning! I'm so excited. I've lost way more than I ever thought I would lose. Did anyone else have fears that this wouldn't work? I really thought I was going to go through all of this for no reason and still be fat, and keep gaining weight. It's working! It's hard, but it's working!!

    Congratulations! Keep on going :)

  9. On 12/08/2020 at 16:16, TrueNorth1 said:

    It's always good to ask to make sure.

    It is not to say I didnt feel anything...just nothing that made me go "ouch!". I still feel "stuff" inside. Mostly to the lower left. I am assuming that is where the bypass happened? So when I lie on my side (which took about 10 days before I really tried to) it's almost like I feel things moving around if that makes sense?. And sometimes right between my chest I feel something...like, tightness.

    I go tomorrow at noon to get my stitches taken out (I had a lapband removal as well) and will ask about the above. I am curious to see my scars! lol

    I saw the consultant and he said I’m healing fine but mentioned that when he removed my band there was quite a big hole where my port was so he had to add lots more stitches. He thinks that that is the cause of the extra pain. Just good to know I’m not being a wuss! I was beginning to think I was imagining it!

  10. On 12/08/2020 at 16:06, PrettyBrown said:

    Sorry your pain is sticking around! Are you up and walking? My pain subsided somewhat the more I walked. So happy for you on the 32lbs!! That’s what matters! We just bought our first home in March 2020, literally a week before COVID hit. Good luck on saving! It’s a slow process but so worth it once you get the keys to your new home!! Sending you prayers and best wishes for recovery!!

    Thank you for the good wishes! I am up and walking so hoping it will go soon!

  11. On 12/07/2020 at 20:01, FireEMT710 said:

    Ladies! It's been 2 weeks since surgery! How's it going for everyone?

    I’m 19 days out. A little frustrated as I’m still in some pain. I’m a teacher and haven’t been able to go back to work yet. I’ve never been one for time off work-think it’s been 5 years since I was last off sick so it’s got me down a little! Going to see my consultant this afternoon after I called to say I was still in pain. Reading all your responses it seems as if everyone is really different in healing time so I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about but I just want to get out and about again! My wife and I moved in with my parents in the summer to save for a house deposit so I have my mother fussing around me constantly (shouldn’t complain really!) but feeling a little caged in! The pain is quite bad in the car so I haven’t driven yet. Haven’t commented much but it’s fab reading everyone’s stories-makes me feel better! On a brighter note, I am down 32 pounds so pretty happy with that!

  12. I haven’t yet. They are due to be calling for an update after 2 weeks but I’m still waiting. I ended up having mine at a private hospital rather than an NHS one because of Covid so I think everything has got a bit mixed up (I’m in the UK). Will see how I go but good to get a response about the pain-I was getting worried! Will see how I go over the next couple of days and call if I’m no better 😊

  13. Hi all,

    I had a gastric band fitted in 2013 and initially did quite well with it losing about 100 lbs. Unfortunately, then I was naughty and portion sizes crept up, fatty foods became more prevalent and last year I was advised to have an MGB. It was delayed due to Covid but eventually got my date about a month ago. My surgery was 19th November so I'm only 2 weeks post op. I had the band removed and the conversion in the same surgery. I'm not sure how normal that is? The week was pretty hellish with gas and pain and then I felt much better but I've still got severe pain on my left side (where my port used to be on the gastric band). It's not severe when I'm lying down or sitting in the recliner but moving around is still painful. I can't actually sit on a normal chair yet as it seems to pull around the top left side of me (just under my boob!). Everything else seems to be going well-I'm drinking enough and have moved onto puree today without any issues but I'm just worried that I'm still in pain. I know everyone heals at different rates but from the forums it seems that most people are feeling much less pain by now so I wondered whether it was because I had both surgeries done at the same time or whether I'm just healing a little slower.


  14. 2 hours ago, Jen2020MGB said:

    Glad it was helpful. How are you getting on? Hope you're having less pain now. I'm losing weight quite obviously quickly now, and students have started to mention it (in a positive way) which was both a surprise and nice.

    Hiya, definitely in less pain now although still hurts when I move too sharply. Glad to hear the students have started to notice! I’m looking forward to that part although for now I’m just looking forward to getting out of the house a little!

  15. On 11/24/2020 at 02:42, natashab said:

    Hey , I just had my surgery last Thursday, now day 4 post op 🙈....a lot of abdominal pains and gas I don’t know what to eat help! How long does this pain last 😭

    Hiya, like you and True North, I also had my surgery on Thursday. I’m still suffering with pain on my left side. I’m just resting and taking the pain meds to help with that. With regards to gas pain, I was in agony with them the other day. I’m just trying to walk around a little and I’ve found a hot water bottle is amazing in helping stop the pain. Haven’t had pain from gas yesterday or today so I’m hoping I’m over that hurdle! I do think everyone is different though so I’m trying not to measure my progress against anyone else! I’m drinking lots of Water and I’m pretty much living on Soup although I can’t manage much at the moment.

  16. On 11/11/2020 at 23:53, Jen2020MGB said:

    A little update. All went smoothly with my surgery. I felt ok for the first week, just very tired and it was a huge effort to take in enough fluids, and I felt sick a lot of the time and did vomit on several occasions causing some panic but all settled down. sleeping propped up was not the best, but I couldn't lie flat because I felt so nauseous when i did.

    Two weeks and i felt worse, blood pressure low, dizzy, and generally just not myself. Tired all the time. Vomited in my sleep and nearly choked, was pretty awful and scared me. There was no way I could've done a full days work, although I did do the odd hour at my desk doing emails etc.. I had to count the drops of Water going in my mouth because I was so sensitive to over filling.

    By the end of week 3 i was feeling more myself, but still had a job getting in enough fluids and sustenance. Was sleeping lying on my side again which made all the difference.

    After 4 weeks I was back at work and just had to be careful and make sure I took time to drink and eat regularly, not super easy when teaching all day, on duty and wearing masks. The other slight issue i had was the length of time to eat, I would finish two spoons and my one break of the day was over, and then for half an hour my stomach made really loud noises! Iced lattes got me through for fluids Protein and being able to sip it throughout the day. I also think the cold was soothing on my stomach.

    I noticed a shift after 6 weeks when I could go hours without remembering I'd had surgery, and now by 11 weeks ish it's all good and I'm eating lots of different things just small portions and my usual - if not higher - energy levels have returned.

    I was deliberately vague about the surgery, I wasn't ready to tell colleagues and they haven't asked. Only one has mentioned my weight loss. I'm still drinking iced coffee a lot (shot of coffee, ice and soya milk, no sweeteners). I think a few suspect but honestly I don't know them well and can't be bothered yet with explaining everything. I was prepared to dismiss any questions at the risk of sounding rude, rather than talk about it, but it's not been an issue.

    It is major surgery, and impossible to predict how your body will react. Healing takes time. In hindsight, I think I was convincing myself I'd be fine so quickly afterwards because I was actually really nervous about having the surgery, I just hadn't realised it.

    I hope it goes well for you TrueNorth1.

    Hi Jen, it was really good to see this post. I’m also a teacher and thinking about how long I will need to be off. Currently 4 days post op and still in a fair bit of pain, although I feel much better today in general. My senior leadership team know why I’m off but I haven’t told anyone else from work so I’m sure questions will be asked when I return. I was signed off for 2 weeks but at the moment I’m thinking it will be longer. Good to hear your story so far 😊

  17. 11/21/2020 05:59 PM, TrueNorth1 said:

    Yes, I hear you. I hate wishing time away but I can’t wait for the 6-8 week mark.

    try to get more nutrition in for healing and fatigue. Have you just been having Water and Jello for the last 5 days?

    Just had Water yesterday and had some Jelly today. My op was only 2 days ago and I’m completely not interested in food at the moment. I’m sure I will be! Just feeling a bit sorry for myself today 🙂

  18. On 11/21/2020 at 16:22, JaneW24 said:

    I had my mini gastric bypass on 17 November. They were threatening to cancel it but it went ahead in the end. I’m struggling quite a bit with nausea, pain and fatigue, but everyone keeps telling me it will pass. I certainly hope so!

    I’m with you! Hoping it will pass soon. I’m a couple of days after you though so you’ll have to tell me when it starts getting better!

  19. On 11/21/2020 at 16:36, TrueNorth1 said:

    Yes, I felt the same yesterday. Not really with pain...I just have aches, and not in the surgery area. It is the air/gas trapped inside. I’m feeling great today. I heated up my chocolate Protein Shake and have been sipping 30ml every 10 minutes. Whatever it takes. I think the first 4 weeks -8 weeks will be the most challenging. Figuring out what works and how much. I’m walking around a lot. Even put in laundry!! Now I will relax.

    Wow that’s impressive! I’ve got pain on my left side underneath my boob which is making me struggle and I just feel weak. Haven’t started on Protein Shakes yet though. Just had some sugar free jelly and managed about 30 ml of that. I know I just need to give myself chance to heal but I’m impatient!

  20. On 11/20/2020 at 22:24, TrueNorth1 said:

    Hi Shellzuk. I did also. I’m having troubles keeping liquid down. I put a teaspoon in a shot glass of Water, and drink a teaspoon. I fill it stays in my chest. How are you doing?

    I can’t drink much but not really struggling to keep it down. First night at home last night and it was ok. In a little pain now so hoping a few drugs will take that off. How’s your pain?

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