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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About SabanFan

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  1. SabanFan

    Anyone for October 2020?

    So I missed last week's update, but wanted to talk a little about my progress heading into week 7. Good news is I can tolerate eating just about anything. I've stayed away from raw veggies and steak until next week, but have tolerated ground beef and chicken without issue. Bad news is with the addition of the real food I also found I can tolerate all the snack foods also as long as I stay in moderation. The result has been a weight loss stall and I am stuck at 258. Really I'm not all that disappointed as I am down two pant sizes and wearing clothes I haven't worn in 10 years (yes, sad that I still have them). I am going to have to get my eating under control and I'm hoping the addition of fresh veggies will help me be more disciplined. I'm up to about a half cup in serving size and found if I wait a couple of hours I can tolerate more. Again, not sure that is a good or bad thing. I haven't really started an exercise routine yet as I have been working on some other projects that keep me active, but definitely need to soon as I feel like I have lost a good amount of muscle mass. It wasn't really unexpected, but just interesting to see. Next week opens up to all foods, all types, so it should be interesting. I'm hoping with the smaller portions that I will still lose. I'm never expected to see the rapid weight loss all the way to my goal, so trying to stay focused on the good behaviors which have suffered over the holiday.
  2. SabanFan

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Another week down and I'm starting my week 5 diet. Yipee, I get to add real food back into my diet. While I am still restricted on all types of protein (can't wait for for the regular chicken, beef, lamb, and shellfish) the addition of beans this week will go a long way. So here is a brief recap of week 4: Diet - BFast - usually scrambled egg plain or I add a little cottage cheese. Lunch - canned tuna or salmon on saltines. Dinner - more tuna on crackers or toast. I add mayo to the tuna and usually a little seasoning like some powdered ranch, mustard, or the like. Same with adding a little pickle. I did try to smoked salmon with cream cheese with no issue. A tablespoon of tuna with a tablespoon of sweet potato was fine. I was naughty a couple of days. I did have a piece of cheese pizza one night cut into tiny bites and it took me about 30-45 minutes to eat (I felt insanely guilty afterwards). I also tried a couple pretzel rods one evening taking my time nibbling at them. I did also supplement with a protein shake several days to keep my calories up as I was feeling lightheaded all the time. I'm at a ¼-1/2 cup easy each meal without issue. When I eat too much I get the feeling of reflux, but that is my warning sign to stop so no hurling. I'm usually at about 500 calories and 40-60 grams of protein. Drinking larger quantities is getting easier also. My macronutrients are balanced protein/fat with about 20% to carbs. Need to bounce my numbers off the dietician to see what she says. BTW - I track my daily intake using a free app called LoseIt. You can track your calories using the free version, but have to upgrade ($40 p/y) for the premium that lets you track water, macro, protein or specialized goals like body fat. I went for the premium to try for a year just to track my protein. It also has a great look-up for food for easy adding. Not a paid endorsement, just an FYI. Weight - I did have a stall from the rapid weight drop this week. Could be water weight or bringing back more food. I managed to hurt my foot pre-surgery and it is flaring up so that has inhibited my walking. Gonna get it checked so I can start hitting the trail again and the exercise should help. I am suffering like everyone else with constipation, weakness, fatigue, etc. Based on my other support group who experience our journal a couple of years ago, all this passes with time. I was told to be prepared to give it six months to a year before we are 100% acclimated so be patient and we'll all get there.
  3. SabanFan

    Anyone November 2020

    You have every right to keep it to yourself. I told some of my immediate family and close friends as they see the significant weight loss. It was more so they were not worried it was something more serious. Otherwise, I don’t tell them the whole story.
  4. SabanFan

    Anyone for October 2020?

    No soft food until week 4-5 - yikes. Did she/he provide any recommendations on how to get there other than siping on protein shakes all day? And by soft, can you have yogurt, cottage cheese, and oatmeal now? Adding another protein shake would add some calories and plenty of protein until you hit week 4 later this week. Even then, an egg is only about 6 gas of protein compared to the 20-30 in 11oz of protein shake.
  5. SabanFan

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Give your body time to adjust. As long as you are sticking to your diet and putting the good things in, the weight will come off. At the end of the day, its about calories in versus calories used. If there is a deficit, you'll lose weight. Once you start feeling better and can get up and around, walking will also help with the weight loss. Pace yourself and start with short goals and build as you start to get used to the lower calories.
  6. SabanFan

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Great comments all and I had my first official check in post surgery yesterday. Here is the read-out from my Dr. and as you can imagine, I had lots of questions. I am starting my 4th week post surgery. Lightheadedness - this could be different things ranging from low calories, low blood sugar, to too much BP meds. Pre-op I was on losartan 25mg, but they recommended I break the tabs in half and I may be soon to eliminate it altogether. Also advised to introduce some Gatorade (20 oz) to help with the blood sugar, but cautioned not to overdue it. Calories - I started phase 2 of soft foods this week and with my Dr.'s diet that was the introduction of scrambled eggs, canned tuna/salmon, toast or crackers. I also have to drop the protein shake as they want my daily protein to come from food. I screwed up previously and mentioned beans, but that is not until next week (wk5). I did have about a ⅛ cup of refried beans when we out for Mexican last night (yes, I love to torture myself) and it was okay. One word of caution, spicy food wrecks me in the GI track. Dr. did say spicy food may impact stomach lining so best to wait, but I never thought the beans were that spicy before. I seem to be hyper-sensitive to spice now both on taste buds and tummy, where before I could eat jalapeños, Korean chili, hot Indian curry without issue. Dr. did not seem concerned about the amount of calories and just encouraged following the diet. They were adamant about sticking to three meals a day with one snack. I am shooting for 40-60 grams of protein which is quite a bit and we'll see how it goes. Recovery - minus the lightheadedness, every seems to be going well. Was a little worried about dark stools, but unless they are black and they continue to be black, all should be okay. Incision sites healed nicely although I have these little dents in my belly which I am sure will go away with weight loss. I have been able to walk okay and will be advancing to a resistance band workout next week to help start the road to recovering muscle mass. I did some work in the years this weekend and while I did feel weak, I managed. I do need to figure out a better hydration process when doing physical activity as I just can't sip enough and get anything done outside. I don't really get hungry, but I can tell when it's time to eat; kind of difficult to describe. I'm currently down 39 pounds from my initial weight with 61 to go for my goal. Diet - I'm glad to start introducing more normal food and while I like all the foods on the other phases like plain greek yogurt, plain oatmeal, grits, cottage cheese, it just didn't feel like eating. My diet this week will consist of one scrambled egg in the morning (recommended ½, but was okay with a whole), canned tuna/salmon with a teaspoon of mayo for lunch, and likely repeat for dinner. I find the flavored tuna packets are about perfect and just have to stay away from the spicy flavors for now (see above). A shocker to a friend who also had a sleeve a couple of years ago, is that I am allowed to drink coffee and the Dr. didn't have an issue with caffeine. Some stay away due to the acidity, but mine didn't have an issue. I am on the prescription heart-burn medicine for the first 90 days, so I guess it will depend later once off the meds to see if coffee upsets my tummy. I'm currently having about 20oz a day, but it takes me a couple hours to drink it (thank goodness for my Yeti mug that keeps it warm). I do introduce small taste here and there when the Mrs. is cooking, but nothing extreme. I dip the spoon in the sauce and taste the residual left on the back versus eating a spoon full from the front. Lots of gurgling but no pain. I've only had an issue of dumping once (or at least I think that was what it was) and that was after eating spicy tuna with mayo and I won't be doing that again for a while. Starting calcium with D supplements this week also. Sorry for the long post, but want to give an update for any of the curious folks out there.
  7. You would have to find your balance. I was a big athlete in my younger days (football and weight lifting) so hold 200 really well. If you feel you are getting “too skinny” you can chose to stay at the weight where you feel good. You can still eat normal food, just not at the quantity you did pre-op. If your diet is poor, so will you weight loss. I’m a huge home chef and love to cook. Once I get out of my healing phase, I will still be able to cook and enjoy food. It just will not be my crutch like it was previously.
  8. The co-morbidity factors (high blood and cpap) is what made up my mind. I’m same height and weight as you. I just didn’t feel comfortable anymore, clothes didn’t fit, and I had zero energy. I was very athletic when younger, but as my weight increased my activity decreased. I yo-yo dieted for the last 10 years and decided I needed help with portion control so I opted for VSG. I’m down 36lbs (Surgery 10/19/20) with a goal of 200. With working out, this is a health weight for me I think. Please know, this is life altering in many ways. You will lose weight if you follow instructions. You will not be able to eat like before without causing harm to yourself. I never realized how strong a food addiction I had until after surgery.
  9. SabanFan

    Anyone for October 2020?

    I’m quite impressed you are able to take in 800 calories. I tend to hover around 350-400, but if I walk it zeros me out. I desperately need more as I’m always light headed, but my Dr.’s diet is pretty strict. I start week 4 tomorrow so can add canned tuna and a couple other things like soft beans. Looking forward to next week when I can introduce some soft veggies.
  10. SabanFan

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Sounds like you are giving yourself sound advice. No one said the eight loss would be instantaneous and just keep on the slow and steady path.
  11. SabanFan

    Anyone for October 2020?

    You are wise. There are just so many factors affecting small fluctuations in weight day to day so weekly is the wiser choice. I My personal journey has me up and down one to two daily only to lose 4-5 by weeks end. I'm on the week three diet right now and I am curious what will happen when I start introducing food. I dropped 10 during pre-op with a total of 34lb since starting the process. Something else I used to mention to clients back in my personal training days (many, many moons ago obviously if I had a VSG), is to be sure to weigh at the same time every day. People tend to weigh less in the morning, but you can also do evening. It is less about the number on the scale than the differential from one weigh in and the next.
  12. SabanFan

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Great tip and thanks for sharing.
  13. SabanFan

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Glad to hear you are feeling better. The gas will continue to subside and you’ll get feeling better every day.
  14. SabanFan

    Anyone November 2020

    All natural. Best of luck and we’re here so let us know if we can help.
  15. SabanFan

    Any October Sleevers?

    In time yes and it is a lot of trial and error. If you take too big of a sip it feels like a mule kick to the sternum and very uncomfortable. I will sometimes take more, but then hold it in my mouth and swallow a little at a time. Everyone is a little different and once you are healed you can experiment with different amount. Please take it easy and just sip now so you don’t risk any complications to the healing.

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