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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sleigh

  1. sleigh

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    I have just joined this forum and have found the over 50s site. I am being banded in Brussels on the 13th August, 53rd birthday. I live in Scotland and it quite a way to travel, but am fed up being a fatty and no clothes fitting. I am nervous as hell of thought of getting this done. I hope I will get all your support when the time comes. One question though, do I go on a pre diet before the operation. Lesley Sleigh:confused:
  2. Thanks for your reply, I am going to book mine for August, could you please keep in touch with me and let me know diary style what happened and how you got on. perhaps email me on my own email which is lsleigh@sky.com
  3. I live in scotland and am booking into get a lap band done in August in Brussels, can anyone give me advice about what to expect, I am very nervous about this.

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