"NewMama29: I know exactly how you feel and I have not had a fill yet. I am in the mourning stage of foods I love and can have no more. My DH was having cashew chicken and my DD lo mein noodles with beef the other night. The smell, sight, and texture of those dishes were overwhelming and almost more than I could stand. My DH saw the look of longing in my eye and said he was so sorry and would not bring it home again. I know being healthy is better than any food, but I do miss it."
I know what you mean. What I've done a few times when it was just more than I could take was eat my meal so I wouldn't be too hungry and then I had a bite of their really good food. I was too full to eat any more but my nice full feeling came on an awesome bite of good food. and that yummy, yet not terribly healthy bite of a chimichanga, was sitting on top of some very healthy food. I hope it didn't corrupt it! lol