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    Maisey reacted to ms.sss in learning to let go of old eating habits   
    Never say never.
    I’m 3 years out, and i can (and do) eat anything. Well, except excess sugar in one sitting (i dump)…when i do eat sugar (i.e., dessert) its always just a little at a time.
    I eat bread, Cookies, chocolate, fried foods, sauces, the occasional pizza slice (albeit only when Mr. makes it, as its delicious), rice (in my sushi), Pasta (again only when Mr. makes it), and drink alcohol. I go out to eat at restaurants regularly. I’d go even more if it wasn’t so Covid-y out there.
    So long as my average calories stays at or below my maintenance calories (i track EVERYTHING), then its all good. If my weight goes north of my self-imposed high weight limit (i weigh myself everyday) for 3-4 consecutive days, i cut cals for a while, until I’m in my happy weight range again. I had to do this 3 times in year 2…haven’t had to do it again so far *crosses fingers*. All my labs come back uneventfully.
    I have maintained below goal weight (127lbs) for 2.5 years…i was 116.6lbs this morning. So i figure I’m doing something right.
    Some people can have a similar lifestyle, others not due to a host of things (food tolerances, medical issues, temperament, activity levels, etc…). Where you will end up on the spectrum of “foodie-ability” can and will be determined only by you.
    Yes, you may be one of those that will not be able to “enjoy” food and keep weight off. BUT, you also may be one of the ones who do. Alot of it is up to you.
    My take is that you have to decide which is more important to you: the *possible* loss of your current food enjoyment OR the possibility of weight loss. There is no wrong answer.
    P.S. Of course, these aren’t the only two outcomes: there is also “possible weight loss with a NEW way of enjoying food”.
  2. Like
    Maisey reacted to catwoman7 in learning to let go of old eating habits   
    the first year I did not, but since I hit maintenance, yes. I can eat 1-2 slices of pizza now (different from pre-op when I could down 1/2 a large pizza in one sitting). I also eat chocolate occasionally. There's really nothing I can't eat now other than highly fatty meals. My husband and I used to go out for Friday night fish fries when I was pre-op, but I couldn't do that anymore. They consisted of two or three deep-fried filets, tartar sauce, French fries, cole slaw made with mayo, and a roll with butter. My stomach rebels at that much fat now (although I could probably have one fish filet if everything that came with it wasn't fat-laden).
    other than that - yep - there's nothing I can't eat, although I eat it less frequently and in much smaller quantities than I did before. But then, that's true of a lot never-been-obese people, too.
  3. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Sunnyway in This surgery is bullshit...   
    @LaoDaBeirut, what you said 100% echoes my experience. I had to let go of everything I knew and did. I had to listen and implement the ideas I was given. It was hard. I swore I would never track, but I tried it. Now, I see that it has been what I needed to do...and I suspect always will.
  4. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Sunnyway in This surgery is bullshit...   
    @LaoDaBeirut, what you said 100% echoes my experience. I had to let go of everything I knew and did. I had to listen and implement the ideas I was given. It was hard. I swore I would never track, but I tried it. Now, I see that it has been what I needed to do...and I suspect always will.
  5. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Sunnyway in How did you figure out if you had dumping syndrome?   
    I don't believe I have ever truly dumped and I'm almost one year out. I may have had a mild episode based on symptoms, but what I ate really didn't fit the bill. That being said, I've had many episodes of eating too much/too fast/not chewing well enough. Many people confuse the two.
    I don't want to have the experience in general. But when I eat out, I'm very, very careful to limit quantity and not try items for the very first time.
  6. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Sunnyway in This surgery is bullshit...   
    @LaoDaBeirut, what you said 100% echoes my experience. I had to let go of everything I knew and did. I had to listen and implement the ideas I was given. It was hard. I swore I would never track, but I tried it. Now, I see that it has been what I needed to do...and I suspect always will.
  7. Like
    Maisey reacted to njlimmer in Activity Success!! Running with the kids!   
    Every year our boys' PE hosts a Turkey Run and invites staff to run the mile. Never have I EVER even thought about walking it. Too embarrassed about how I looked, what would jiggle, how long it would take me, that I'd be huffing and puffing... you know all the reasons why. Today, I RAN with them. RAN!! Some of them were still faster, but I had to giggle at all the stragglers who would all of sudden find the energy to run when their librarian was coming up behind them! We were supposed to do 4 laps. I ran 6 and walked 2. So proud of myself. I never, ever thought I'd be a runner. EVER. I started a Couch to 5K app in July, and now I can run 40 consecutive minutes! I'm running 2.5 miles 3 days a week, and I'm signed up to run a 5k in February with the school's team.

  8. Like
    Maisey reacted to LaoDaBeirut in This surgery is bullshit...   
    I'm also really not into logging food and hate doing it. I still force myself to do it even if it's a struggle.
    I think if you go into this with a "I'm not this kind of person so I won't do that" then you're not in the right mindset for surgery. If you always do what you have always done then you always get what you always got, which is obesity. For most of us success with this surgery means changing a lot of things to our lifestyles and adjusting to a new mindset. You can't go in just saying I don't log food, I don't cook, I don't exercise, etc. and then think anything will change for you.
  9. Like
    Maisey reacted to LouLouM in A little positivity   
    It's the nature of online forums to complain or worry, right? Most of my posts have been worries, so I thought that I'd post something positive. food. Tastes. So. Good. Now. OK, I'm only in Stage 3, but with so many more options and flavors, I'm stoked! I feel like everything tastes better than it did pre-surgery and am satisfied with so little of it. No feelings of being deprived. I do get pretty hungry in between "meals", but the meals that I'm having, I enjoy so much.
    That is all.
  10. Like
    Maisey reacted to GooseyGirl in TAKE 👏🏻 THE 👏🏻 PHOTOS 👏🏻   
    Taking the before picture is hard, but so so important. I don’t see my own progress month to month but when I look back at the beginning, all of a sudden I can see where some of my (almost) 50lbs has disappeared from.

    Stick with it, we’ve got this! 💪🏻

    I’m 5’4” and had a VSG on 9/13. My highest weight was 242 and my weight on the day of surgery was 230lbs.

  11. Thanks
    Maisey got a reaction from DaisyAndSunshine in Baristatic App?   
    I use the upgraded (paid) version of Lose It.
  12. Sad
    Maisey reacted to LadyH in Cancelling my surgery again??!!   
    I am going to lose my mind. I've waited all year for surgery. Not just bariatric, but 2 additional procedures that must be done to prevent further serious problems. They have cancelled and rescheduled my surgery 3 times already. Anyone in the US knows insurance starts over (usually) on Jan. 1, and now, one week away from surgery, they just called me to let me know they may cancel me again, just 16 days from year's end. I have not been able to get a job, go on vacays, see family, or Celebrate the holidays, all because I've been "on call" for this surgery. In fact, I was supposed to have a much lesser surgical procedure done elsewhere that could easily have been accomplished as far back as last summer, but this bari program doesn't commit to, and isn't accountable for, any obligations or schedule. This is ruining my entire life, and if they cancel again, I don't think I will be able to get it done. They've already charged over $40K in gross charges without one iota of actual health care to improve any medical condition whatsoever. It's all been unnecessary procedures, tests, appointments, etc. I'm wondering how other people can get health care at the drop of a hat, especially if they're in the hospital because they have not gotten a Covid vaccine, but the rest of us, who are personally paying the entire year thousands and thousands of dollars for insurance premiums and copays and coinsurance and deductibles in order to guarantee medical access, are denied. Spoiler: It's us idiots responsible enough to have insurance that are keeping the medical world afloat.
    I'm just waiting for the class action lawsuits to start. If this isn't discrimination, I don't know what is. In the US, we literally have governors and mayors calling the shots as opposed to medical experts. It's all political. Since when in the free world do janky politicians decide who gets care and who does not? I am utterly disgusted.
  13. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Sunnyway in How did you figure out if you had dumping syndrome?   
    I don't believe I have ever truly dumped and I'm almost one year out. I may have had a mild episode based on symptoms, but what I ate really didn't fit the bill. That being said, I've had many episodes of eating too much/too fast/not chewing well enough. Many people confuse the two.
    I don't want to have the experience in general. But when I eat out, I'm very, very careful to limit quantity and not try items for the very first time.
  14. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from You Are My Sunshine in Anyone Ever Cancel Their Surgery? I Did... Not Sure How I Feel   
    I didn't cancel but put the brakes on things when Covid kicked in. I work in a dangerous, congregate living setting where exposure to Covid was going to be an on-going issue. It gave me a chance to fully evaluate if I was making the right decision. I felt a sense of peace giving myself more time. Eventually, I decided to move forward with surgery and am glad I did.
    Respect the decision you made for yourself. It sounds like you are doing everything necessary to make a final decision whatever that may be.
  15. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Sunnyway in How did you figure out if you had dumping syndrome?   
    I don't believe I have ever truly dumped and I'm almost one year out. I may have had a mild episode based on symptoms, but what I ate really didn't fit the bill. That being said, I've had many episodes of eating too much/too fast/not chewing well enough. Many people confuse the two.
    I don't want to have the experience in general. But when I eat out, I'm very, very careful to limit quantity and not try items for the very first time.
  16. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from GreenTealael in How did you figure out if you had dumping syndrome?   
    Do you also get exhaustion after an episode of foamies? I do. If it happens, I'm done.
  17. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Arabesque in Eating to fast   
    It is also my biggest on-going problem. I had more episodes than I care to admit of eating too quickly/not chewing thoroughly enough/eating too much. The result was excruciating pain, foamies and sometimes vomiting. I am almost one year out, and I still need to focus on eating when I eat. If I am distracted, I end up eating too fast and well....you know how it goes.
    However, it has gotten better. I serve myself only the portion that I should be eating. I use a small plate/bowl. I use children's utensils at home (it's a cute use for my old baby spoons that my mother kept all these years!). I set my utensil down between some bites. I pay closer attention to body signals and stop at the first sign of a runny nose or the first stomach gurgle. I spit out anything that isn't chewed up (fruit membrane, tough or dry bite of meat). I am able to drink up until eating but wait at least a half hour afterwards before drinking again.
  18. Like
    Maisey reacted to Astonishing Mr J in This surgery is bullshit...   
    So again, this is a tool to use. It is not a quick fix nor is it an easy way for you to lose weight and still keep your bad eating habits. It changes your physiology to make your weight loss chances more permanent. The rest is up to you. Now this is going to sound harsh but it is on YOU to do the research about any procedure before you have it. It is on YOU to do what is required to make a procedure like this work. To proclaim it bullshit because you don't want to put in the work is not placing the responsibility where it belongs.
    What are you eating? Is it fried food? Carbs? Cookies? chips? Are you getting any exercise? Because if you are still eating garbage and sitting around on the couch then, yeah, you're screwed.
  19. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Sunnyway in How did you figure out if you had dumping syndrome?   
    I don't believe I have ever truly dumped and I'm almost one year out. I may have had a mild episode based on symptoms, but what I ate really didn't fit the bill. That being said, I've had many episodes of eating too much/too fast/not chewing well enough. Many people confuse the two.
    I don't want to have the experience in general. But when I eat out, I'm very, very careful to limit quantity and not try items for the very first time.
  20. Like
    Maisey reacted to Jaelzion in This surgery is bullshit...   
    If you read through the thread, it HAS been stated that the OP was not a good candidate and shouldn't have been approved for the surgery if s/he was not willing to work at adopting the habits that lead to success. We're not focusing on that point because it's not helpful now. What's done is done. As I said in an earlier post, if the OP just wants to vent and isn't really interested in advice, then all we can say is "I'm sorry you're having a hard time."
    But the OP isn't even 6 months out from surgery, so it's much too early to say the surgery has failed unless the OP is unwilling to make changes. People on BariatricPal are disposed to help, so when someone posts "I don't know what to do", we will jump in and try to help with analysis and advice. From the OP's reaction to that advice, it's become clear that this thread was just intended to vent the OP's frustration and anger. Those feelings are valid, but we can't really help with them except to say that it would be a good idea to seek therapy. Beyond that, almost no one on BariatricPal is going to say "Yes, you're right, the surgery is BS." because too many of us have had it change our lives for the better. So if that's the only thing you and the OP would consider to be supportive, you're both likely to be disappointed. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  21. Like
    Maisey reacted to summerseeker in No longer feeling confident about having surgery   
    However well meaning your pastors wife is - She has no input you should be concerned about. She has not got all the information she needs to help you make any decision on your on or off journey.
    My biggest worry was that my surgery would get snatched from my grasp at the last minute. I needed it so much. I also felt it was too good to be true.
    In these last few days you will be more anxious, its normal and healthy. You can always postpone but you will be angry at your self. Hug yourself for me
  22. Like
    Maisey reacted to mswillis5 in Sucker   
    sugar free popsicles were my life saver during pre/post op. Jello also helped me as well.
  23. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from OutdoorsGirl in One month post op   
    I had a lot of moist pureed chicken seasoned or cod with whatever sounded good. Plain chicken=add Better than Bullion. Mexican=add taco seasoning plus a bit of refried Beans. italian=garlic, oregano, Italian seasoning. Buffalo, ranch, everything bagel, Cajun are also options depending on your spice tolerance.
  24. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from OutdoorsGirl in One month post op   
    I had a lot of moist pureed chicken seasoned or cod with whatever sounded good. Plain chicken=add Better than Bullion. Mexican=add taco seasoning plus a bit of refried Beans. italian=garlic, oregano, Italian seasoning. Buffalo, ranch, everything bagel, Cajun are also options depending on your spice tolerance.
  25. Like
    Maisey reacted to TRAVELRN in Day 3...figuring it out   
    Hi everyone new here. Not sure the etiquette here or what. I'll just start and if I need to post to certain areas, kindly point the way. I had my sleeve done 11/29/21. So far so good. You go through so many emotions I wasn't expecting. Kind of makes you take a step back and think a min.
    I've been really working on pace. I've always been a fast eater. Yesterday was feeling good and picked up my bottle to swig some Water. For a second I forgot, but I caught myself and slowed my roll. The mouthful I had was 3 swallow very carefully:)
    No one around you gets this. And it's do hard to explain. It's a journey I am seeing and I'm only at day 3....I'm excited and happy for the first time in a long time. This is for me and no one else.
    Sent from my SM-F711U using BariatricPal mobile app

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