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Gastric Bypass Patients
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    Maisey got a reaction from lizonaplane in What fears did you have?   
    I had both realistic and irrational fears: what if I don't wake up from surgery, what if this is a mistake, will I ever be normal again. It's normal.
    I couldn't have anyone in the hospital with me due to Covid. I was in the hospital one night. I was fine without anyone there. Having someone hover over me would have just gotten on my nerves. I texted and phoned when I felt like it.
    My parents dropped me off and picked me up. My husband stayed home with the dog (ours is also old and cannot be kenneled so I get that)
  2. Thanks
    Maisey got a reaction from lizonaplane in Has anyone ever gotten Nexplanon after VSG?   
    @lizonaplane....best quote! Made me lol!🤣
  3. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from lizonaplane in Lost my focus!!   
    If you quit now, you'll end up right back where you began. And when you first began, you were desperate to be where you are right now.
    Keep up your work. This is a life-long marathon.

  4. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from lizonaplane in Eating But Not Satisfied   
    If you fill up quickly, cannot finish your portion and eating more causes discomfort, you are not hungry. You want more. Those are 2 different things.
    I only serve myself my portion. It takes self-talk when I want more to remind myself that I don't actually need it.
  5. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from lizonaplane in What fears did you have?   
    I had both realistic and irrational fears: what if I don't wake up from surgery, what if this is a mistake, will I ever be normal again. It's normal.
    I couldn't have anyone in the hospital with me due to Covid. I was in the hospital one night. I was fine without anyone there. Having someone hover over me would have just gotten on my nerves. I texted and phoned when I felt like it.
    My parents dropped me off and picked me up. My husband stayed home with the dog (ours is also old and cannot be kenneled so I get that)
  6. Like
    Maisey reacted to lizonaplane in Weight loss medication post wls   
    Even with an appetite suppressant, you will still gain weight if you are "loving" food and grazing too much. I took phentermine and it didn't work because I ate when I wasn't hungry. So I didn't lose weight. You have to do the work to not eat too much and not eat unhealthy things.
  7. Like
    Maisey reacted to Creekimp13 in Weight loss medication post wls   
    In my opinion, your money would be better spent and your health would be better.....seeing a bariatric therapist to discuss your concerns and create strategies for managing your habits if you feel you are overeating.
  8. Like
    Maisey reacted to Arabesque in Weight loss medication post wls   
    We all like food & like to eat. It provides pleasure. I still like food & I still like to eat but I work at being careful about all my food choices every day. I put more importance on the nutritional value but of course it still has to taste good.
    Do you really need to eat or are you eating because you want too? Are you really hungry or are you experiencing head hunger? Real hunger feels different from head hunger. Discovering what real hunger feels like was a big aha moment for me. A therapist can help you to work out the answers to these questions & help you to develop strategies to manage them.
    Do I sometimes eat mindlessly? Yes I do but I usually realise as I’m doing it & stop. The other night, I was putting away a container of nuts but before I did I opened it & took out a handful. Did I need to eat the nuts? No. I wasn’t hungry. It was just an old bad eating habit. I realised as I popped the first couple in my mouth so I put the remaining ones back. I don’t keep bad choices in my house so that temptation isn’t there Of course anything can be a bad choice if you eat too much of it. If a head hunger raises itself, I make myself wait before heading to the kitchen. I’ll distract myself in some way (a chore, read, ring a friend, read this forum, etc.) & that 30 odd minute window is usually enough for the head hunger drive to disappear. These things help me.
  9. Congrats!
    Maisey reacted to lmsrny5 in Progress Update   
    I had gastric bypass on 5/7/2021. I began my weight loss journey in August 2020 when I attended my hospital’s bariatric seminar. My insurance required 6 months of diet before surgery approval.

    My fist dietitian appoint was mid-October 2020. Prior to this appointment I had very little motivation to lose weight. I was 280+ pounds (5’ 7.5”) and depressed. My ankles swelled every day, I had trouble moving, none of my clothes fit well and my wedding rings didn’t fit at all. I had gone off the rails.

    Between October and March 21’ I managed to lose 45 pounds. I attribute my success to my husband also taking charge of his health and being a great partner.

    My packet was submitted in March and approved 1 week later. My surgery was scheduled 7 weeks form the approval to my disappointment. It was a long 7 weeks! I didn’t gain or lose weight during my wait. I was officially 237 at my pre-op appointment. I managed to lose 10 pounds prior to surgery on the liver shrink diet. I was 227 the morning of surgery
    The surgery went fine. I had some nausea and dry heaving the first few hours. I was able to get Water down but not much else. The drain really caused me trouble so it was removed 12 hours later. I ended up only staying 1 night in the hospital because I was determined to get released early. I walked all the time and really kept my RN on his toes. Thankfully the doctor agreed with me that I would recover better at home. The next evening I was discharged and could sleep in my own bed. I followed the diet exactly for nearly 8 weeks. I went on a cruise with my family and 95% ate to plan. I would have a taste of dessert but let me tell you I sure paid for it. Dumping is real and it affects me. I seem to dump if I eat too fast, too much, or an item too high in sugar (hello chai tea!). I learned many lessons that week I’m thankful for. The surgery did exactly what I needed it to do- deter me.

    I have had trouble with Constipation. I am taking 3 colace per day and benefiber each morning. Seems to help but my body likes to hold onto waste. I might go back to Miralax to help move things along. I’ve always had trouble in this area but now it’s more consistent.

    On Saturday I hit “onederland” and weighed 199. I never thought I would get here. I weigh myself each day and I am fluctuating between 198 and 199 this week.

    I have a heck of a lot more energy than I did a month ago. I am moving my body every day and using my elliptical at least 3 times a week.

    I have changed sizes! Last summer I wore a 20 and now I need a 12. It blows my mind. It’s hard to describe how I feel. I can see the change but I don’t believe it’s me. People I haven’t seen in a year take a look at me and their mouth drops and tell me they didn’t recognize me or make a comment like “omg you have lost so much weight!” In a way it feels good to be validated but at the same time I hate the attention. Honestly if I didn’t lose another pound I would be happy. I am under 200 and I feel/look great! I can move without pain and I have energy. Heck I mowed the yard today! I’ve had some negative comments too- mostly from my parents- “you’re starving yourself, don’t loose too much weight, and I think you’ve lost enough” It’s painful so I don’t speak with them much.

    I feel my weight loss has been slow but I remind myself how far I’ve come. 80+ pound weight loss is nothing to bat at! I’m doing a great job!

    I hope to be better and update this thread monthly! Thanks for reading.

  10. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from GreenTealael in Hair Loss & Highlights??   
    I am currently losing hair. Probably not noticeable by anyone else, but it is to me. I had new low lights put in 2 weeks ago with no problems. The added darkness seems to cover a bit of the pink scalp that I notice.
  11. Congrats!
    Maisey reacted to jadepok in Reached my target weight today [emoji3][emoji3]   
    Hey all,
    This is my first time posting. Its just my husband that knows about my surgery but I wanna share it with you all because today I've reached my target weight[emoji1][emoji126] Im 7 months post op. I'm 5ft1 and weighted 15 stone before gastric bypass surgery and now today I've reached the 9 stone mark. Getting surgery was the best decision I could of ever made but the hardest thing I've ever done also. I travelled to nord bariatric clinic from Ireland to Lithuania in Dec 2020 solo. I was scared, ashamed nervous and so so miserable. I missed my kids and my husband so much for the time I was away it was scary being alone doing this but I knew I had to do this for me and for them. The first few months are a learning curve post op but honestly things get easier and you adjust. I still enjoy nice food and drink but know my limit. Having surgery has allowed me to feel like me again I feel the head demons are gone and I just feel free. Here are some before and after photos . Best of luck everyone with your journey. Its so worth it
    Sent from my SM-G781B using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Like
    Maisey reacted to SummerTimeGirl in Just So Proud   
    Yay!! Congrats!!!

  13. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from GreenTealael in Hair Loss & Highlights??   
    I am currently losing hair. Probably not noticeable by anyone else, but it is to me. I had new low lights put in 2 weeks ago with no problems. The added darkness seems to cover a bit of the pink scalp that I notice.
  14. Like
    Maisey reacted to Tinyhounds in It only took 3 years....   
    To get a surgery date!! I’m so happy, I scheduled my surgery today for August 6th and it can’t come fast enough!

    I started my journey in May of 2018. I enrolled in the 10 weeks of classes required by my insurance and then.... I broke both my feet. I stopped the classes half way through cause it was just too much to deal with. Then I started classes again in March 2019 and then... I got pregnant.

    I actually lost 70 lbs while pregnant, because I had hyperemesis gravidarum so badly that I couldn’t eat or drink and had to be on IV fluids for my entire pregnancy.

    Started classes again in 2020. BOOM. Covid. And then I needed surgery on my spine. But I finished my classes in January, had spinal surgery in March and I’m finally, FINALLY scheduled for my surgery!! Now all I have to do is wait for the next month to creep by. Come on August!!!

  15. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Czarrina in Vomiting   
    You explained very well what my problem is: I chew forever but am way too fast between bites.
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    Maisey reacted to MandoGetsSleeved in Before and After Pics   
    What a difference almost a year makes!!🎉🎉

  17. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Arabesque in Lost my bum   
    I never had much of a butt, it was always flat. At my heaviest, I had an extra "shelf" on top of my butt. The shelf is gone 😊 but I have also lost weight out of my butt. Now any pants I buy sag on the rear and thigh. The butt pain is REAL. I'm not sure if it is being caused by a bony butt or extra skin (although I don't think there is all that much extra butt skin). A cushion helps but does not eliminate the pain.
    My boobs are gone. I've had them from young on, even before becoming morbidly obese. What is left has migrated to the Deep South 😪
    It's way too soon for plastics for me.
  18. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Czarrina in Vomiting   
    For many people, a runny nose or hiccups is a sign that you have already eaten too much. I also get a gurgle in my stomach.
    I went through a stage similar to what you are describing. I THOUGHT I was eating slowly enough and chewing thoroughly enough. When I examined closely what I was actually doing, it turns out I was chewing very well but I was still eating too fast and therefore, eating too much before I realized it. I had to make a very conscious effort to pay attention while I was eating and eat less than I thought I wanted or needed. chicken was involved more than once even though I had successfully eaten it often before. Another mistake I was making was not waiting long enough to drink after I ate. Drinking before meal time does not seem to have an effect for me. But drinking too soon afterwards seemed to contribute to my problem. And my immediate reaction when I start to feel uncomfortable, was to drink something to "wash it down." Big mistake, that only makes it worse.
  19. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Czarrina in Vomiting   
    For many people, a runny nose or hiccups is a sign that you have already eaten too much. I also get a gurgle in my stomach.
    I went through a stage similar to what you are describing. I THOUGHT I was eating slowly enough and chewing thoroughly enough. When I examined closely what I was actually doing, it turns out I was chewing very well but I was still eating too fast and therefore, eating too much before I realized it. I had to make a very conscious effort to pay attention while I was eating and eat less than I thought I wanted or needed. chicken was involved more than once even though I had successfully eaten it often before. Another mistake I was making was not waiting long enough to drink after I ate. Drinking before meal time does not seem to have an effect for me. But drinking too soon afterwards seemed to contribute to my problem. And my immediate reaction when I start to feel uncomfortable, was to drink something to "wash it down." Big mistake, that only makes it worse.
  20. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from Candace76 in Rant: The Word I Hate   
    I hate the word "pouch."
    There, I've said it. I feel better now.
    Yes, I know doctors use the word.
    No, I don't have a better word.
    I just don't like it.🤣
  21. Like
    Maisey got a reaction from lizonaplane in I'm new   
    I had bypass in December. I did not have much pain.
    I know it's hard to wait once you have your mind set on something. My advice is to use the time to learn all you can. Surgery changes your insides. It does not change your brain, your habits and your coping mechanisms.
    Am I glad I did it? Yes. Somedays it's easy. Other days are harder.
  22. Like
    Maisey reacted to mi75 in 7 years ago today...   
    Seven years ago today I got a second chance at life. I had multiple comorbidities and 2 organs were quite literally failing. I would have died within a couple years for sure. Surgery saved my life. Literally.
    I've had a great post op course. I had some regain, one of my health issues returned, I focused and got even more serious and have been on track since.
    What an incredible seven years I've had. Without VSG I may have very well not seen my child graduate high school this year. Or been here to support my mom when my dad died very quickly from cancer. Finished Nurse Practitioner school. Helped my husband through a complete 180 in his career. Or a million other things.
    What a massive gratitude I have for this surgery. I will always identify as a WLS patient. I'll never take it for granted. Yes, I'll always have to work at it (I'm unfortunately not a patient who reached goal easily and moved on) but it's worth it.
    My life is worth it.
  23. Like
    Maisey reacted to MandoGetsSleeved in 1 Year In - My story   
    Just wanting to share my story and current status at 1 year in. I started the journey in June of 2020 after considering it for years. Having surgery was something that was in the back of my mind for years. I have a co-worker/friend who had gastric bypass about 3 years before me and quite honestly, she is the reason I ended up taking the plunge - Gastric Sleeve was the best choice for ME. Watching her journey and seeing her success motivated me. I appreciated the fact that she was willing to share her experiences both positive and negative. Prior to my meeting with the surgeon, she gave me a ton of insight on what to expect with both positives and negatives. Physically, I knew I was ready for a change. I needed to make sure I was also mentally ready for the change. I WAS!
    I started with a BMI > 40. I'm currently 80% complete towards my goal. I hoped that I would be at goal by now, but I'm ok that I'm not. Much of that is based on decisions that I've made with regards to how/what I eat and drink. I WILL get these last 20 off and hopefully another 10. I don't know how long it will take, and at this point, I'm not overly concerned if it takes another year.
    What's my life like now? I can move better,I can buy clothes anywhere, I'm confortable in my own skin (loose that it is!), and I have a newfound confidence in most everything that I do. I eat pretty much anything I want - Just in much smaller quantities. I've been lucky - So far, there's nothing that really upsets my stomach or makes me sick unless I eat too much (has only happened a couple of times). I drink alcohol when I want it - Some weeks I may have a drink or two a day, and then other times, I'll go weeks without a drink. Again, I'm ok with that - it works for me. Some weeks I gain, some weeks I lose. I've been horrible about tracking - However, if I see a gain, I start back just so that I become aware of exactly what is causing it. Again, OK with that. I DO get on the scale often. It works for me. Keeps me accountable.
    Every once in awhile I get frustrated with the restrictions (OMG, I ordered veal piccata the other day and it was AMAZING - I wished I could eat the whole darned thing at one sitting!!) - However, I choose to look at the upside now on this one - I ate it for 3 days!. Good food choice: NOPE - Worth it: YEP!
    For those just starting the journey, it isn't always easy - it isn't always fun. For ME, it's the best decision I've ever made for myself. It's definitely not a quick fix and I would encourage anyone who is using food as a coping mechanism to really look deep before you take the plunge. This surgery certainly doesn't "fix" anything like that. it's a tool (and a great one, but remember, the change is only to your stomach, not your brain) - I happen to be one of those people who just loves food, cooking, and the social aspect of it. Having the surgery has allowed me to continue that and still keep me in check with smaller portions.

    Hope this gives folks some insight into what CAN happen. We're all different and will have different experiences.

  24. Like
    Maisey reacted to CLC1981 in 5 months before and after   
    Had surgery 25th january weight was 15 stone 5 pounds and today i’m down to 11 stone 10 pounds, over the moon. Another 24 pounds to go and il be where i want to be.

  25. Like
    Maisey reacted to riverwaters in Almost one year - Down 100lbs - recap   
    Just thought I'd post about how this process has gone for me over the past "almost" year as today I crossed a big milestone (at least big to me).
    198.8 - which when I think about it - I haven't been this weight since 2007 when I was doing weight watchers and had lost 40lbs. I think back over this past year it's still a little surreal.
    At this time last year, I was finishing up my insurance pre-reqs of meeting with a nutritionist and therapist for 6 months. I had already started to transition my diet to two Protein Shakes for Breakfast and lunch to prep for my pre-surgical diet. I was nervous, scared and not 100% sure that I wanted to go through with bypass but also beginning to realize that I couldn't lose the weight on my own or I would have already.
    My surgery was at the end of August and the two weeks of fluids before hand was really hard, but honestly - I was really proud of myself for doing it and grinding through what I couldn't imagine doing before. Those two weeks, to me, helped to set me up for what I could expect after surgery.
    The day of surgery I almost told my husband to drive me back home. It was my first time anywhere since COVID hit and that alone was kind of terrifying to me. I remember being wheeled back to surgery and the anesthesiologist talking to me and asking me if I was excited. My response, "No. I'm terrified." But he gave my hand a squeeze and kept reassuring me that it was going to be ok and the team was great. Once I got in the surgical room it seemed to have the same kind of vibe - the team was more excited for me than I was.
    I just don't think I could get my head wrapped around this procedure working. That I would lose weight and that my life would change. I think it all still felt very unreal - even as they put me to sleep.
    Recovery - overall wasn't the most awful thing but it wasn't great. I ended up in the ER a couple days later due to dehydration. What helped me the most was an abdominal binder that they gave me when I left the hospital. I left this on for about three weeks until things stopped feeling like they were shifting or pulling. While the pain wasn't too unbearable, the reality that drinking, eating and for a short time peeing was a chore. Trying to get enough fluids was hard. Drinking the amount of Protein I needed to afterwards was impossible for me. I had to measure out 3oz and a time and set timers throughout the day to help me remember no to drink Water for a half hour before and a half hour after. Once I started solid foods it was also difficult for me. Trying to figure out what I was ok to eat (that didn't completely turn my stomach) and learning that crab, tuna, salmon would be my go to food for awhile. Adding in cheeses, eventually chicken and turkey on top of the protein shakes I was still doing.
    After three months things started to get a little easier for me, my check up with the Nutritionist went well although she wanted me to get my calories way up. So I started to incorporate things with more fat into my diet. Nuts, Peanut Butter, avocado were just a few things that I started to try.
    I think it was around this point where I realized, ok... this is starting to work. I was seeing weight come off and while food was a struggle I was walking around the block and having an easier time of it. My breathing was easier, sitting on the couch was easier, my back was hurting less, my clothes were starting to fit better.
    As time went on I continued to add things to my diet, fruit, veggies, and eventually some carbs. Were there things that did not agree with me, absolutely, but I learned from trying them and adjusted my diet.
    I waited to buy clothes until about two months ago. I had to go into the store to try on pants because I had no idea what size I was. I fit into a 16 and 14... which blew my mind. At my highest I was a size 24 and even that was tight. I've since ordered a bunch of new things which also helps me to see the difference in weight.
    Things I still struggle with - drinking enough water. Losing hair - I still have a good amount but had a 2 month stint where I lost a lot. I still am freaking out when I see more than 10 hairs coming out on the brush but I have a ton of new baby hair growing back in. Making sure I'm focusing on eating enough protein and not drinking with meals. Going to the bathroom - it's either all or nothing for me. 😂 I usually weigh in after I go though - seems like a solid strategy in my mind.
    The things that worked for me: ProCare Health Bariatric Multivitamins with Iron (1/day). Their sea salt caramel calcium chews (2.5/day). Biotin gummies - no idea if they helped but considering that I didn't lose soooo much hair I'm just going to keep taking them.
    And if you're still with me - A big thanks to everyone who posted on here before my surgery. I was definitely a lurker but your stories helped to prepare me and give me confidence as I went through this myself. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
    Now on to Celebrate being in ONDERLAND again and I'd still like to lose another 30-40lbs - which I know the surgery won't get me there for the full amount (at least from my doctor's perspective) but I'm going to keep working at it and chipping away to see where I end up.

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