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About Changeisgood

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  • Birthday 10/07/1983

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  1. Happy 29th Birthday Changeisgood!

  2. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary Changeisgood!

  3. Hi there. I was reading about your PCOS/Metformin/birth control issues. I have been overweight for my entire life, and I was almost *positive* that I had PCOS, just because of various symptoms I've had over the years (number one being irregular periods). I never got diagnosed, but I have a hunch that the combination of birth control pills and low carb diet that I was on for a few months before I got pregnant probably had something to do with my husband and I conceiving after 5 or 6 months off birth control pills ... I think that, at least for me, glucose tolerance probably had something to do with the ability to ovulate successfully and have regular menses and cycles. I haven't been as good about it lately, but my surgery is scheduled for June 19, and I am ready to change my life! I'm so excited!


    Good luck on your journey. Do you have a date scheduled for surgery?

  4. Changeisgood

    P.C.O.S and Metformin (glucophage)

    I was Diagnosed with PCOS in 2001 when I was only 18. Ive taken almost every birth-control out on the market and taken Metformin with it. It regulated my periods but I gained and gained and gained more and more weight. If I would have just lost weight instead of taking all those pills I would have been much better off. I dont have any kids yet but hopefully when I lose the weight I will be able to have kids

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
