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About calliekaine

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  1. calliekaine

    gastric sleeve issues

    ty for your understanding it has been a hard road i never signed up for this if there is anyone out there who has had a simular expreince would love to hear what you think the tube comes out in about 4 weeks
  2. calliekaine

    gastric sleeve issues

    yes i can also try to eat but right now it's hard with having no appetite and food isn't appealing to me
  3. calliekaine

    gastric sleeve issues

    i use mine 12 hours a night usely from 8 pm to 8 am the feeding tube it's self is inserted on my left side by my belly button 'they supply a liquid that is put into a bag which connects to a pump that runs at night the tube isn't real big maybe 3 inchs has a disk around it and i should have it about 6 weeks you can look it up what is a feeding tube some go down your nose but mine is in my stomach Thank god i'm far from an expert but ty
  4. calliekaine

    gastric sleeve issues

    hi saying that i had so many complcations after my surgery couldn't eat or drink so now i am on a feeding tube and was wondering if anyone else has had that experience
  5. was wondering is anyone else dealing with a feeding tube
  6. well had a # of complacations right after my surgery i developed a blood clot and a hernia and have been in and out of the hospital science July 6th and couldn't keep anything down so he decided to insert a feeding tube
  7. calliekaine

    Post-Op Protein HELP!!

    hi my surgery was on July 6th so i pretty much know what you are talking about .even though mine is a little diffrent i am having issues with protiien shakes and almost everything else nothing taste good or i gag on it . My Dr decided to insert feeding tube .all i can say is keep trying i pray to god everyday to get me past this they say it will get better
  8. hi all i am new here don't know if i'm doing this right i had my gastric sleeve on July 6th i am now on a feeding tube not being able to eat anyone else have that issue
  9. i know what you mean by feeling sick i had my gastric sleeve on July 6th and have had one issues after another nowi am on a feeding tube food odes not appeal to me what's so ever and my taste buds are messed up anyone having this issue
  10. calliekaine

    Feeding tube after vsg

    Thank you for the encouragment i feel like i have been through this for so long no desire to eat and my taste buds are so messed up it's nice to know i'm not alone
  11. calliekaine

    Feeding tube after vsg

    hi i had gastric sleeve surgery on July 6th ended back into the hospital i developed a blood clot .than a hernia spent about 2 and 1/2 months in and out of the hospital i couldn't keep anything down now i have a feeding tube and it;s very depressing never thought this would happen to me either.i know what you are going through i have no appatite also food does not taste good i'm sceared

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