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About Whoooooooosh

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 11/11/1967

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  1. Hi Whooooosh


    i am so glad to hear youve had your consultant's appt through, i bet your really excited now, once your over this hurdle that's it :)

    And yeah that would be great if you and friend end up having ur bands around the same time, u'll be able to support each other.


    you'll have to let me know how everything goes at the appt, i still havent had mine yet which is getting me a bit raced off now as it's taking forever :( from the day when the doc said yes to the refferal i left it 4 weeks still not heard, so rang her she said she'd been away for 2 weeks so still not sent it off (grrr) and now it's been another 2 weeks since then, i'm checking the post everday like a mad woman, lmao

    just cant wait for it to come now


    anyway spk soon and good luck for Monday



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