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The Greater Fool

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Greater Fool

  1. The Greater Fool

    Bummed/Crying Off and On All Day

    Surgery is often performed for the sole purpose of resolving type II Diabetes. It won't be a reason for being turned down. Don't borrow problems, you have enough already.
  2. Being less than 1/3 the man I used to be. Not feeling guilty about food choices. Not feeling judged for food choices. Not dieting. Having to convince restaurants that their food was great even though I ate so little. Not knowing my weight for a completely new reason. Being able to do things most people take for granted. Running 5 marathons.
  3. The Greater Fool

    Update on my post op appointment

    Go to the hospital, now.
  4. The Greater Fool

    Why can I eat some things like I used to and some things I can barely nibble

    I think you may have hit upon why you are experiencing a big stall.
  5. Wow, I sneeze at least once a week taking my morning meds.
  6. I should be clearer that I sneeze when I am full. I don't always eat until I am full. I stop eating when I've eaten my appropriate volume. It doesn't always give me the full feeling or sneeze. My plan doesn't call for eating until I am full but to eat a specific amount of appropriate food.
  7. The Greater Fool


    Congratulations on your joy. My Doc never commented on my weight loss. Our discussions were always about my program, my health, and my outlook. It was an attitude I took to heart. It appears you have also.
  8. I'm close to 18 years post-op RNY. I can't say I've had any issues related to my RNY in 2003. I have issues directly related to my weight for the years before: Joint issues, fatty liver, spine issues, but all of them are better than they were. I have a couple other things that are just the joy of being me. A few other things have not been an issue for 15 years. My weight has been more or less stable in the last 12 years or so. I don't weigh myself but at my annual physical. I don't log food or care about calories. My plan is my normal I rarely think about it. I worried about my weight for enough years, thank you very much.
  9. The Greater Fool

    Scared to have surgery!

    Exactly. Then, whatever you decide, hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
  10. The Greater Fool

    Lots of questions

    As I said immediately after the part you quoted "I don't have a clue, but these would be the things I would check." Here's why: I don't know where the OP lives, if it's even in the USA. I don't know drug law in every locale in the world but I do know different countries handle drugs vastly differently. We don't know the OPs legal status. States themselves have different reporting requirements for minors and/or dependents and/or wards of the state and/or people of diminished capacity. We know diddly about the OP. There is so much that we don't know that *I* would NOT presume to make a blanket statement.
  11. The Greater Fool

    Lots of questions

    You'll have a better idea after your consult.
  12. The Greater Fool

    Lots of questions

    OK, While thread title is "Lots of questions" I can't help but notice but one question in the text of the post. I'm not judging (honest) but I am disappointed. Generally "lots" is 6-7 or more. Well, perhaps 3 or 4 if they are multi-part questions. But, we are where we are. Just want to encourage you to be more realistic in your numbers. It will help in your future. The weed you need to talk to your surgeon. If they don't want you smoking you can perhaps change over to consumables for a while. The legal age for purchase and possession is 21 and you best check what reporting requirements medical professionals have, or if there are any liability issues for them if they become aware of this illegal activity. I don't have a clue, but these would be the things I would check. If the idea of stopping use for 4-8 months while you get approved and have surgery causes you angst you may want to take a hard look at where you are. If it's not an issue for you then it shouldn't be an issue for you. But, and I can't state this clearly enough: A lot is more than one.
  13. The Greater Fool

    Accountability Post

    Sorry that this is apparently not what you want, but... If I ate/drank even close to half of what I was supposed to the first 2-3 weeks it would have been a miracle. Now, as you say, is the stage you simply have to get through the best way you can. Give yourself the credit you deserve.
  14. The Greater Fool

    Antidepresant Absorption post surgery Fears

    Malabsorption is a fact of life for us. I try to avoid time-released but it's not a hard and fast rule. I have some that work fine while others I've had to change because they didn't work. It all depends on the time release mechanism and where in your system they are intended to be absorbed. But even with non-time release it can still be trial and error. Pills don't sit in our stomachs like with normies. It often ends up being trial and error. Discuss clearly and forcefully with your Docs why any medication may be an issue.
  15. The Greater Fool

    Pouch reset

    What exactly would this reset? This sounds like a crash diet to me.
  16. The Greater Fool

    Any one 15 years out

    Just about 18 years for me.
  17. Thanks for setting me straight. When you said "I am not waiting. I want the Pfizer shot, which this is, If I wait much longer it will be J&J. I am going!" I didn't read much room for discussion. So I opted for smart ass
  18. I, too, and 63. I, too, am an adult more or less. It's sorta meant humorously, as we all are sometimes more adult and sometimes less. For example, this is one of those times I would do actual research and look at studies done related to this question. I would not really ask for anecdotes on the internet. So, as I said, make an informed choice, not one based on strangers on the internet. Including mine.
  19. The Greater Fool

    Ride home from the hospital

    Plan both, do the one that makes sense at the time.
  20. You're an adult, more or less, so it's your choice. Make an informed one.
  21. The Greater Fool

    Revision with open surgery

    With differences. Mine was not a revision. I was also more than triple your current weight. So take these differences into account. I was in the hospital for 3 days. It hurt a lot. I also had a drain until my first followup at 10 days. Something you won't have to deal with is that because of my weight they brought in a special bed and it was horrible. I spent most of my time sitting in the comfy chair in the room. I'd say I could move about pretty well after the 10 days, Laying down was a series of new adventures in pain as finding a comfortable position that didn't pull the staples or the drain was difficult. There were other painful issues I left out because I don't think they will apply to you. I don't want to totally freak you out. I knew there would be a lot of pain. It was totally worth it.
  22. Experience. Your experience.
  23. The Greater Fool

    why we can't have solids+liquids together

    I'll be honest, that I don't fully grasp this rule with the sleeve. I had the RNY and as such we have the small pouch and no pyloric valve. Whatever we eat or drink is going to go straight through. By not drinking, food will take a little longer to make this trip and we'll feel full a bit longer and/or won't be able to easily over eat. But the Sleeve still has a pyloric valve at the bottom of the pouch. The pyloric valve opens and closes to allow food through to the intestines just like it did pre-op. So, unlike with the RNY, drinking isn't going to push anything anywhere. Logically, though, it seems obvious that drinking will make one feel full on less food filling the limited space. When we're eating extremely small quantities we don't really want to eat still less by accident. OK, so I talked myself through it and it makes sense for different reasons. So, never mind If I got something horribly wrong I'm sure someone will correct me. 18 years ago the VSG was not really widely known so it's not something I studied. I studied all the common surgeries of the time to make my choice. I think I was mindful of not drinking with meals when I was still working to consistently eat the amount of food I was supposed to, probably through 6 months. Once I could do that consistently I had no reservations taking sips with meals. I never really feel hungry so taking measures to feel sated longer was never a need. I would never suggest anyone not follow their rules but if we understand why the rules are the rules then we can make informed choices.
  24. Because I was too large for weighing on a normal scale I didn't know my actual weight until I went for my first appointment with the surgeon. During the whole process I could only weigh at my Doc's office and post-op it was on my monthly follow-ups. It was amazingly freeing. I didn't, couldn't, allow the scale to impact my progress, my attitude, or my program. I just worked my program. At about 7-8 months post-op I hit the milestone of being able to weigh on a home scale. But, because I have moderately severe OCD I could see myself weighing all the time, so I purposely stayed off of it, still just waiting for monthly follow-ups. When the follow-ups ended I only weighed at my annual physicals. Those first 7-8 months set my program as my new normal. I just did it with little outside feedback except for the monthly weigh-in which was a terrific positive feedback. I never had [or was aware of] that early stall that freaks so many people out and tempts them to adjust the program because the scale didn't move or moved the wrong way. I was never aware of any stalls so was never tempted to change my program. Everyone has their path to success. Follow YOUR program not ours.

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