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The Greater Fool

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Greater Fool

  1. The Greater Fool

    Do I have to eat ?

    OK, you're smart, you work it out. Why do you think your goals are your goals? Your medical team getting it's jollies at your expense, or do they believe they serve an honest purpose? What purpose might that be? [Snark not intended] Let's consider some facts: 60g of Protein is considered a healthy amount of protein for non-ops and post-ops alike. Same with minerals and vitamins that are often supplemented to ensure minimum values, op and non-op alike. Similarly for liquids, again for op and non-op alike. Missing these goals one day, or even a few, may not impact overall heath in the long-run. But missing them too frequently for too long may be a different story. So, knowing these facts you should be able to make your choice. Were it me, I wouldn't fret about the occasional lapse. But that's me. But, knowing these facts, when I'm ill I can't even force myself to eat for days or weeks at a time, which has caused problems to compound. It comes down to the habits you choose to build. Under normal circumstances I push myself to eat even when I don't feel like it as preparation for those times when I simply can't. Your mileage may vary. Good luck, Tek
  2. The Greater Fool

    Starting new journey what was your timeline

    I managed mine in just over 3 months. My insurance demanded a 6 months medically supervised diet, but I had that proven via two different paths of two different programs in the previous 12 months, so they had no gripe there. They also wanted 5 years of proven morbid obesity and and I had that proven medically and with pictures so again, they were beaten. All that remained were all the tests proving I could live through the procedure, which I managed quicker than usual, since I made frequent calls pestering for any appointment cancellations. When the doc's office submitted for approval Friday afternoon, I was surprised to learn I was already approved Monday morning. My surgery, originally scheduled for 4 weeks later was 2 weeks later. I suspect a lot has changed in the subsequent years. Good Luck, Tek
  3. The Greater Fool


    It's common for the Gall Bladder to go sour post-op, I'm not sure they know why. It often resulted in a second surgery removing the GB. My surgeon made it a practice just simply to remove it with Gastric Bypass. Knowing this I had a long talk with my surgeon that I didn't want my GB removed just because. I got him to promise that he would not remove it unless it definitely deserved to be 86'ed. As it turned out, he removed it because he said it was necessary. Knowing me, he had ready pictures of good GBs and my GB, and the reports on my GB. He had me dead to rights. I can't say I've noticed that it is missing. :shrug: Good Luck, Tek
  4. The Greater Fool

    Athletic Shoe Suggestions

    When my spouse and I were getting serious about walking Post-op and after a fair chunk of research, we chose New Balance. We found them very comfortable. My wife chooses them to this day. They are typically reasonably priced. After I established to myself that binge running was going to be a thing in my life, I eventually changed to Nike Free, which has much less support, but still more than you'd expect. It felt close to running barefoot. They aren't cheap, and now are harder to find. When I was doing 90+ mile weeks, I went through a pair about every 6 weeks. Even though I can't run any longer, I still buy Nike Free exclusively because they are so light. They last a lot longer now. Good luck, Tek
  5. I guess Upper GI ex-rays with barium swallows are out of vogue. Here is my journal entry: Then the Upper GI; now this was not fun. I have never had one of these, so here is what happened: The Tech stands me in the proper position, tells me what is going to happen, and then fetches the Dr. The Dr. arrives, and I quickly drink some “fizzy powder” as instructed. “Don’t burp!” Then I drank the FIRST cup of Barium. The Barium was chalky, slightly lemon, and (unfortunately) a little chunky in places. I told myself it was a lemon shake… a chalky lemon shake… a warm chalky lemon shake... a warm chalky chunky lemon shake. The Dr. took a bunch of quick pictures… “Breath”… “Hold”… “Breath”… etc. Next, they set the table to horizontal (Oops, I burped while waiting, shhhh) then I lay on my stomach and had to drink the SECOND cup of warm Barium lemon shake through a straw. Then the THIRD. After that, they rolled me around and took pictures, and voila! It was done. It certainly wasn’t an ‘E-Ticket’ attraction, but I have been thru much worse. Good luck, Tek
  6. The Greater Fool

    1 month post op

    Congratulations on your success. And grand success it is. I'd wager most folks here would have killed to lose 35 pound the first month. OK, here is what you're doing wrong: You're letting a stupid number on a scale mess with your emotions. Scales are the work of the devil and they lie, lie, lie. You are doing great, stalls are normal. Get rid of your scale. So celebrate doing great, then celebrate getting rid of the scale. Good luck, Tek
  7. The Greater Fool

    Ugly, boring, and weak

    I understand being motivated by fear. I was going to die if I didn't change course. But living in a near fear is not the solution. The obvious course is to use fear to change but not live in fear as a result. You've changed. Don't let the fear continue to rule your life. I know of what you speak, and of what I speak. There are things you are doing that do not require your CONSTANT attention. Get rid of those things. Then evaluate. Then look at the next set of things that don't require your constant attention and get rid of them. Evaluate. Long before you realize you will have time to build an actual new life. Honest. Until you accept this you are a prisoner. Good luck, Tek ETA: Perhaps some professional help is called for. It can't hurt. ETA2: I saw your reply to Catwoman regarding bad shrinks. I can understand. Keep trying. When you give up it's all over, you're screwed any way you go. If you can't solve it yourself, which you should keep trying, then keep getting help... until you succeed. Failure is not an option, as much as it's said inappropriately. It's up to you.
  8. The Greater Fool

    Mini-cheat 5 days post op

    It's not their fault. You seem to have all your excuses ready. Though, If I had to be honest, and I am, there is no way I could have followed through on the draconian diets of today. And I didn't have anyone cooking treats in front of me. Get some professional help before you create lasting problems. You can only benefit. Good luck, Tek
  9. The Greater Fool


    Insurance always getting in the way has always been a tactic. Unfortunately it works, as a certain number of people will give up at each obstacle. Congratulations on being one of those to traverse the gauntlet. Keep this same stick-to-itiveness in the gauntlet to come. Good luck, Tek
  10. The Greater Fool

    Post Op Coffee

    Starbucks Skinny Mocha = 15g sugar.
  11. The Greater Fool

    California Insurance

    Actually if you have enough skin and enough issues, like back pain and/or rashes it becomes "reconstructive surgery" and is completely covered by many insurances. As it was with mine. My insurance was in Nevada, though I had by Abdominoplasty at UCLA because it was particularly challenging and not many surgeons were anxious to do it. Good luck, Tek
  12. For the first couple years I bought special milk chocolate bars from around the world. There was even a Hershey's. Never ate a bite. Filled up our little freezer, until after a couple years my wife gave me an ultimatum... The chocolate had to go. It went. I still over buy at the grocery. Good luck, Tek
  13. The Greater Fool

    Chewing food rule

    Counting chewing isn't a rule, it's a tactic. The 'rule' is chew thoroughly. Some folks aren't used to chewing thoroughly, so 25.3 to 32.1 chews is a tactic to learn to chew thoroughly. Our stomachs now have a pretty narrow opening so you don't want chunks of food clogging it. Trust me. Of course, getting food stuck is another way to teach us to chew thoroughly. 24.7 chews is less painful. Good luck, Tek
  14. The Greater Fool

    Introducing Myself- I'm new

    Welcome to the forums and congratulations on your successes to date. I have the secret to never seeing a stall. Get rid of the scale. You don't need it to succeed. Look what it did to your emotions, the pain, angst, and frustration of a stupid number. Without the scale you will never be tempted to 'change things up' to get the number to move. Good luck, Tek
  15. The Greater Fool

    Ugly, boring, and weak

    First, congratulations on your successes. It was a huge change to your life choosing Gastric Bypass and making the commitment to 'do it right.' Perhaps it's time for another dramatic change in your life. @Recidivist said most of what I was going to suggest. Weight control does not need to be the center of your life. There are zillions of people that maintain a healthy lifestyle without making it the only thing in their life. You can do it to. The issue is you can't just decide not to focus on healthy living. Focusing on NOT doing something still makes it the center of your life. If nothing else changes healthy living will fill your life again. No, you need to fill your life with something else. Work doesn't seem to be it. What is it? This will get you away from where you are quicker that anything else. You are capable. Pretty is skin deep. Beauty is to the bone. Good luck, Tek
  16. The Greater Fool


    Trust yourself. No one has walked in your shoes but you. You are the one that will have to follow through on your decisions. Everyone has an opinion and most are crap. I can tell you my opinion: This was the best decision I ever made. Well, perhaps second next to my spouse. I know WLS helped my back and knee issues, enough to allow me to run for a couple years and accomplish things that I never thought I could. My blood pressure was an issue but no longer. Were these things worth having a life changing surgery? For me no doubt about it. But I also had about 1/4 ton of excess weight. Do I think you should have surgery? My opinion is next to worthless as I don't have to live with my opinion for you. Here you will generally find cheerleaders for WLS. The people that would tell you not to have WLS aren't really around here anymore. Good luck, Tek
  17. The Greater Fool

    I really hate stalls!!!!!

    This is what is wrong with scales. Everything you are adjusting for the scale is healthy for you the way you are doing them. Ignore the scales and continue doing what you are doing. Good luck, Tek
  18. The Greater Fool

    I really hate stalls!!!!!

    Ultimately, this is why Baskin makes 31 flavors. Good luck, Tek
  19. The Greater Fool

    I really hate stalls!!!!!

    I weighed only at my monthly follow-ups mostly, well completely, because I was too large for home scales. I never saw a stall. As a result I never felt angst about a stall. I was never tempted to change my plan to "get things moving." I had no choice but trust my plan. As a matter of fact, one of my pre-op goals was being able to weigh on a home scale. When I achieved this I weighed myself every day, a few times a day, mostly because I could. I realized if I didn't stop eventually I would drive myself crazy(ier), so I went back to only weighing at follow-ups, then later only at medical appointments. Now it's mostly at my annual physical. There are more important things in life than a number on a scale. Good luck, Tek
  20. The Greater Fool

    Just climbed Kilimanjaro!

    Amazing! This is definitely going to be tough to improve on. Beautiful sunrise pic. Congratulations again. Tek
  21. The Greater Fool

    Covid and my sleeve

    Whenever I get sick my appetite falls through the floor, I lose it completely. It makes it very difficult to want to eat, let alone eat. Which throws every other health initiative out of whack. It can take weeks to recover from a 24 hour flu or cold. I've learned to force myself to eat but the best it does is reduce a 2 week issue to a 10 day issue. So, yeah, the 'crud' as I call it feeds on itself, making a minor issue a longer term problem. I always write it up to the joy of being Tek. I hope you have stronger will or character or whatever. Good luck, Tek
  22. The Greater Fool

    Dread Eating

    If edibles make the feeling go away to where you can actually over eat, I'm thinking you're stressing over eating which is mucking up your eating which spawns stress over eating. I had a similar issue when I had a couple bad experiences eating out. For a year after I stressed over eating out which caused the exact problems I was stressing about. Something of a circular problem. I actually still actively avoid eating in public even though I haven't really had a problem that often. Still when I eat out I have to focus on what I'm doing so that I don't create a problem for myself. Can't you do a smaller portion of edible to take the edge off but not get totally high? Good luck, Tek
  23. The Greater Fool

    About to do this thing...

    Congratulations on all the hoop jumping and your upcoming surgery. Some advice you didn't ask for: The first weeks after surgery can be a pain, literally and figurately. Be prepared mentally, this too shall pass. You may have absolutely no issues, but be prepared for the worst. Follow your plan. I hope it is a rational plan and not a crash diet, but which ever it's the plan you signed up for, so follow through. Get off the scale. You don't need it messing with your mind. You know if you are following your plan. Just keep doing that. The scale will lie to you. Don't compare your loss to others. You will be losing weight faster than you ever have, yet it will feel slow. Celebrate your successes and forgive your failures. Good luck, Tek
  24. The Greater Fool

    Aiming for Perfection

    First, congratulations on your surgery and your successes. Perfection as a goal is fine. I always say become a plan nazi. But it's important to understand that it is a goal. We are not perfect, dammit. This is hard to accept because you look at where you fell short and you just know you could have done it right. Can you tell this is an ongoing issue for me? In my OCD world, there is never an excuse for being less than perfect. What's more important is how you deal with the occasional diversion.- If you're going to go kick and berate yourself, then it's time work at giving yourself permission to live. Honestly, half a cracker is a good choice for breaking a liquid diet because it's just gonna melt anyhow. It's just not that big of a deal. Perhaps put minor diversions in your perfection. If you put it in your plan then it's OK. Once you've done something there is nothing you can do to undo it. So acceptance is something to work on. Be perfect at acceptance. Also, this 'mistake' is really standing out. It's like it written in big letters, highlighted, with a spotlight on it, and everyone around pointing at it. It's getting all the attention. Remember that you had a whole lot more successes, and they're all around you being ignored. Give yourself some credit. You may want to talk to a therapist, or read a couple books on how your mind works. It may help. Good luck, Tek
  25. The Greater Fool

    Almost 9 years out...

    Congratulations on your success. Route 44 Slushie Lime Ade... a special treat we do about once a month, along which Church's chicken. :sigh: My surgeon approached the 30 minute thing as more of a suggestion than hard and fast rule. I drink when I'm thirsty, and I sip a bit during meals. It's not the end of the world to do your own thing if you are doing well. Anemia does seem to be a Gastric Bypass thing, at least it was for me a couple times over the years. Passing out is fun. I put a hole in the wall with my head once. Iron usually does the trick. I take slow-FE just once a week which seems to do the trick. Good luck, Tek

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