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Zom B

Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Congrats!
    Zom B reacted to tarotcardreader in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    Congrats on the lbs lost i too am shocked to see the scale result when i stand on it
  2. Congrats!
    Zom B reacted to riverwaters in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    Hi all! I had mine on Aug 27 and overall minus some soreness and just trying to figure things out it went ok. I kind of felt like I wasn't doing the best job but had a talk with my nutritionist and she felt like I was right on track so I will take it.
    Started phase III yesterday and I have to say I was really nervous about it (dr. cleared me to start a day early). I have yet to throw up since surgery and I really didn't know what to expect. My first two meals went ok - I measured out a 1/4 cup and started there. I couldn't really tell if I was full and I never feel hungry - ever. I figure I'll just eat what I'm supposed to - put myself on a schedule and go from there.

    I'm down 31.2 since I've started, 19.2 preop and then 12lbs since surgery (2 weeks today).
    I guess I just have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I will lose weight... none of it seems real to me at the moment but I have hope that things will continue to progress over the next few months.
    I will say that I'm grateful for this forum - I scoured it before surgery and again after as I was running into different issues over the past two weeks. It's been so helpful so thanks to everyone who has posted their experiences!

  3. Like
    Zom B reacted to Napua in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    I am post op about 2 wks now. No hunger. I make sure liquid intake to avoid dehydration. Includes, Jello, zero drinks, bariatric Soups, Water, Protein Drinks with no sugar, no carb, many sugar free popsicles, etc. Every one healing process is different.
  4. Like
    Zom B reacted to Napua in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    Sorry for your bad experience. When I was taken to my room after recovery, I got out of bed and walked in place to release gas. During RNY, the doctor found hiatal hernia and fixed that issue at the same time. Discomfort feeling with very little pain during my stay at the hospital. After x-ray showing no leakage I was able to be discharge with no problem with liquid intake. Today 12 days post surgery no discomfort, liquid intake with no problem. Did many sugar free popsicles, bariatirc Meal Replacement meals, patch Vitamins, Jello, etc. My goal is BMI 20 or less. Good luck on your healthy journey.
  5. Like
    Zom B reacted to Lychee in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    I had hernia repair and RNY on 19th August and it's been a bit of a roller coaster. My mouth was very sore afterwards and turned out I had oral thrush which I was treated for. Never had that before but was surprised at the amount of pain - sort of burning tongue, roof of mouth and throat. Everything I ate - mostly Soups sort of left it hurting more. Went to see doctor after two weeks and she said oral thrush still there - more of same medication prescribed plus antihistamine because seems I've had some sort of allergic reaction. Oh my the antihistamine has made an enormous difference. I was so miserable and hadn't realised how swollen it all was. Now have to find out what I have reacted to - something in theatre. Anyway down 8lbs which I suppose isn't too bad but just want to be thin now that I've done the surgery!
  6. Like
    Zom B reacted to tarotcardreader in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    Yes they forgot to but the misery part in the commercials for this procedure may you have more good days than bad 🐭 sick2
  7. Congrats!
    Zom B reacted to kelly Lake in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    I am 1 week postop from R&Y today. I had a lot of pain after surgery. I was 293 on Aug 24 and this morning Day 7 I am 282 so 11 lbs down so far.
  8. Like
    Zom B reacted to BigSue in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    There's also a nasal spray Vitamin B-12 (Nascobol), which requires a prescription. My surgeon will prescribe it upon request, but I just take a sublingual tablet. I buy it on Amazon, Nature Made brand, and it's very inexpensive (~$7 for 50 tablets). It's cherry-flavored and tastes pretty good, almost like candy.
  9. Sad
    Zom B reacted to SideOfSunny in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    I sneezed a bunch early this morning. It was awful 🥴🥴
  10. Like
    Zom B reacted to MoominMan in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    Ate some stuff I shouldn't have and felt very ill. Then I got a UTI and felt more ill. This week has been a bad week. On the plus side I'm down 30 pounds since my surgery on the 10th.

    This week I really need to focus on hitting my Fluid and Protein targets.
  11. Like
    Zom B reacted to Cheeks09 in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    Omg yess the coughing! I avoided it. Watch out for sneezing.. scared the crap outta me the first time i did.. was not sure if i should hold my tummy or cover it lol. But it hurt!
  12. Like
    Zom B reacted to SideOfSunny in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    Had mine on 8/25. Been home 4 days now and already so sick of Protein Shakes - too sickly sweet.

    I feel pretty good as of now. I felt AWFUL right after, mostly due to not getting pain meds on schedule I think.

    Coughing hurts like a b***h, didn’t anticipate that. Didn’t anticipate how much I would need to cough either, should have probably done my research on that one.

    I haven’t weighed myself yet because I’m sure I’m still retaining fluids but I plan to do so on Tuesday.
  13. Like
    Zom B reacted to mrogers in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    Hi hi :)
    I had my RNY August 26th - down around 25 since surgery and 70 in total since HW. I finally feel like myself again - I can’t wait till I am clear to workout.
    No complaints, still getting the hang of eating. The biggest struggle I am finding is that I have no desire to eat but still will continue to eat what I am suppose to and get my Protein in.
  14. Like
    Zom B reacted to Bizbaileymiller in Recent RNY - How ya doing?   
    July 17th was my RNY surgery! I’m down near 45lbs since starting my program last September. 20 for surgery, 25 after. I’m tolerating most foods with exception to Greek yogurt and Beans. I am aversive to Water and Protein Shakes in the AM. ☹️ but pushing through.

    I’ve had some mood swings and light Hair loss. I am feeling pretty awesome and my clothes are getting pretty big!!! My goal is 125, my start weight was 213 so I have just about 43lbs to go!!! I should mention I’m a shorty measuring in at 5’1”!!

  15. Sad
    Zom B reacted to mommyof3girlies in Preop liquid diet. Cheated [emoji21] no judgment plz!   
    Thanks everyone!!![emoji173] I think I was stressed because I didnt have the money to buy the Protein Shakes I needed, because it was my daughters birthday, so I spent my money on her instead if the shakes. But I was trying to just drink Water and stuff and when I did eat it was very small amounts, so now I got paid again and got the shakes! So no more cheating!! thanks for all your support and input everyone!! I appreciate it!!

    Sent from my LML212VL using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Like
    Zom B reacted to biginjapan in How often do you weigh?   
    I weigh myself once every morning but I only log the weight once a week (every Monday). I find, for myself, this actually helps. I see my weight fluctuate on a day-to-day basis, but overall, over the week it's still going down. I found that when I stopped being regular about weighing myself after I had my sleeve done, that that's when I started to gain weight without noticing. By the time I did notice, it was hard for me to reverse the trend.
  17. Haha
    Zom B reacted to CammyC in How often do you weigh?   
    There is no other to weigh in than buck nekkid! Lol!! 😂
  18. Haha
    Zom B reacted to JRT Mom in How often do you weigh?   
    Buck nekkid, of course...
  19. Haha
    Zom B reacted to ChubRub in How often do you weigh?   
    Daily...before I pee...after I pee...before I poop...after I poop! It's all for science of course!!! LOL!!!
  20. Haha
    Zom B reacted to JRT Mom in How often do you weigh?   
    I always recommend people not to weigh daily in order not to get discouraged at stalls. However, I can't seem to follow my own advice as I weigh daily. I CERTAINLY don't practice what I preach! 😊
  21. Like
    Zom B reacted to CammyC in How often do you weigh?   
    @JRT Mom I’m almost 4 weeks post-op gastric sleeve. I used to weigh every day until about a week and half ago. I realized around week 2 that I don’t lose weight every day. I lose a pound or two (usually just one) every 3-4 days. So for my sanity, I now weigh about every 4 days.
  22. Like
    Zom B reacted to MISTY_CEE035 in Painted in a corner--marriage issue   
    Hi Locken,
    Good afternoon. Wow!! I am sorry that you are going through this with a 27 year old marriage. Speaking from some experience in 2008 i started a romantic relationship with a gentleman that loved me unconditionally. Later next year I shared with him that I have thought of doing the WLS and he was physically supportive. He took care of me through recovery, he cooked separate meals for me being that i can only have mushy and crunchy. One thing I can say is that he began to feel very insecure as the weight started to shed off and my clothes were smaller and men outdoors were complimenting me. He became a stalker. We got engaged in 2010 and he began to emotionally abuse me and accussing me that i was cheating. He even had an image in his head that i did not work instead i spent my days in a hotel with men. I mean he got mentally sick. Long story short. I was loyal all my years with him but being that he felt i was not loyal, he decided to step out of the relationship and cheat in 2012. I was devastated and we parted.

    Do what you believe will improve your health for yourself. If you both mean something to one another continue therapy, god willing he may join you one day.

    If he loves you, he will trust that you would never commit infidelity.

    Mine unfortunately was weak, insecure and selfish and im happier without him.
    Miss cee

    Sent from my SM-G960U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

  23. Like
    Zom B reacted to CakeyChanPlays in Painted in a corner--marriage issue   
    Your husband sounds like my husband but mine says it in a joking way. I'm also the extrovert in our relationship. The difference is that my husband is seeing how hard it is to go through the surgery and how restricting it is, which has actually motivated him. He is losing weight along with me, he has removed energy drinks, and sodas. He is trying to increase his Protein intake and he has lost a good amount of weight.
    My advice for you is to do you hun. Write out the pros and cons if making a decision is difficult for you. The point is your decision to look out for your health is not a selfish decision it's his insecurities are the actual problem here.
  24. Like
    Zom B reacted to MamT in Painted in a corner--marriage issue   
    Keep going to therapy! You can only change you. You are NOT responsible for his actions and insecurities. Ask your therapist for some responses for when he makes insecure/ugly/manipulative comments to you. Keep telling yourself that his insecurities are NOT your problem. God bless and good luck!
  25. Like
    Zom B reacted to Lilfootie in Painted in a corner--marriage issue   
    My heart goes out to you, because I have been in a handful of relationships like this one, and they never feel good in the moment. It must be double hard as you are about to make a major change in your life and really want that support from him. It sounds like he is afraid to say “I’m scared I’m going to lose you. I’m scared you will see that I am actually not worthy of your love. I’m scared that you will want someone better than me. I’m scared you are doing this so you can leave me.” Instead of saying those things to you, he wants you to take responsibility for his feelings, so it takes the pressure off of him and puts it on to you. Maybe you can confront this in a compassionate way, tell him what your own fears are for the relationship, and see if he will commit to 1session only with your therapist to talk through it, because you love him so much. He might go more often to therapy if you can get him in the door once. He seems like a sensitive soul who doesn’t have a good way of telling you that he feels unlovable. It is not on you to convince him, for sure, but we all have times (years sometimes) where we feel lost, or like we aren’t our best selves. Hope you have a wonderful experience with the surgery and that you have a good support system, whoever it may be ❤️

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