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About Bucktober

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 09/06/1984

About Me

  • Biography
    they used to call me big buck, but now......not so much. ive gone from 340 to 187 since june 20, 2008.
  • Occupation
    journeyman plumber for DSI in Austin
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  1. That's awesome! Biomechanics always look awesome. It's kinda like the robotic version of those tattoos like the chest pieces where it looks like someone's flesh is being torn away to reveal a Spiderman uniform underneath, lol. (If I'm making any sense.) Dunno if you've seen that before. It's probably one of my favourites I've come across in the tattoo industry. Always cracks me up when people get the mutilated flesh to reveal their "true nature" underneath, be it biomechanics, Spiderman, Batman, etc. LOL! You, sir, have a lot of patience. I only have one tattoo at this point and I cannot imagine sitting still for hours on end, getting something shaded.

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