I have been banded since one year and a half, and never had this experience before!
I had a fill like 2 weeks ago, he gave me 1CC Extra (i dont know whats my total but maybe 8 or 9) but it was too tight for me, then i had an unfiill to half a CC. He pushed my port a bit to see if i was in pain and all was normal.
Since then, whenever i slept, either on my back, on my belly, or my shoulder, i keep coughing, and then BAM involuntarily puking my saliva.
I havent had a good sleep in 2 weeks and its killing me, i cough as if i have the cold or something!
I hate my doctor, thats why i do not see him only for fills, he is materialistic and his checkups costs a lot and i seriously cannot pay 100 usd everytime i have to see him, neverless the costs of checkups if any.
Is this normal? should this happen? Keep in mind that there are no other doctors next to where i live that do this procedure!