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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by Cherylita

  1. Hey sister-about-to be- bandster! We should definitely stay in touch since you are having your surgery a day head of me. A girl I met at the preop surgeon meeting is having hers on the 30th too. So I look forward to seeing how we progress. I will send you a friend invite.


  2. Heya Stacey! Yeah my Dr said 1wk of liquids including strained creamy soups along with the other liquids, sf popsicles, jello, etc. Tomorrow is wk2 and we move to mushies. So I think I will try a couple of bites of a baked potato tonight or maybe puree some green beans or tuna or something. I'll let ya know how it goes.


  3. Heya! It's Chergar from the trueresults site. Thought I'd drop ya a howdy!


  4. Just wanted to drop you a note to say, I really enjoy your posts. Always so helpful and honest. Thanks!


  5. Good Mornin'! Well so far I am doing alright. I got a little too ambitious with the thick soup and had it too thick and believe it or not, it got stuck. I believe I was eating to fast and too much at once. Lesson learned there. It was not fun. It took about 20min to go away. Needless to say, I am back to small sips. I am glad you are doing well. What else are you eating as meals? After that little episode I am a little skiddish on trying actual mushed foods. Talk to ya soon. Cheryl

  6. Hey Chica!! Thought I would check out your site! looks very cool! you sooo ROCK!!

  7. Hiya lildiva! Well how is the search going? I didn't know where to start either but I am going through True Results. they have locations all over the US I believe. You can go to an initial consultation at no charge! you can look them up @ www.trueresults.com . Keep us posted...

  8. I am doing alright. Just a few issues of me trying to push the envelope on moving into thicker foods. But I learned to take it a little slower. I should have just heeded the advice y'all give lol. but lesson was learned. How are you today? Cheryl

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