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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cherylita

  1. Hi Jennifer, I just wanted to offer an example of a friend of mine who had RNY. She had it about 3yrs ago. I hadn't seen her in a while and met up with her this past Feb. She had lost close to 150lbs. I was excited for her but I was quickly corrected. She was very disappointed with her experience. She told me about her dumping syndrome and how she feels she was much happier being overweight than she is now. I have been looking into RNY and LapBand for quite a while now-I have about 200 to lose. The nurse practitioner told me that if I want to work for the weightloss, the band was an excellent choice for me but if I wanted quick weightloss go with RNY. So I started researching. I have found this...LapBand has PBing, sliming and slippage(these are the complaints I have seen most often). There is also the possibility of erosion. With RNY you get..malabsorption, lifetime of taking vitamins, iron and other nutritional supplements, dumping syndrome (chills, cold sweat, nausea, vomiting etc), weight regain (because once you stretch your pouch-the stomach is elastic-there isn't much you can do to get it to where it was. True, there is RNY Revision but that should only be done as a major necessity. If you really want to see some of the effects of RNY just go to youtube.com and put gastric bypass in the search box. There are alot of RNY pts that have documented their process. Sure most of them say they would "do it again an a heartbeat" but to hear some of the stuff they are going through..my thought is "Why?" One lady I read about even bragged about her RNY but then blogged about all the times she has gone to the ER and how sick she has been and how she is actually down to 97lbs (no lie) because she can't keep anything down! Mind you I have also read that some folks with the Lapband have it removed because of slippage or it was too tight. One person even complained of too much restriction because they couldn't go out to dinner and eat like they used to..what's that about? I know this is long winded but these are things other's have said. I am still going through the getting approved phase so all I have to offer is my opinions and things other folks have said. Keep us posted C
  2. Hiya lildiva! Well how is the search going? I didn't know where to start either but I am going through True Results. they have locations all over the US I believe. You can go to an initial consultation at no charge! you can look them up @ www.trueresults.com . Keep us posted...

  3. Hey Chica!! Thought I would check out your site! looks very cool! you sooo ROCK!!

  4. Cherylita

    UHC Choice Plus....

    Hiya Lady Zique! from what I hear you don't always "drop" the weight right away. they say that it takes some time but glad to hear you are out and about and not at home worrying. Definitely stay positive! Alot of folks talk about a phase right after the surgery where you wonder what you are doing wrong or why you did this but it passes. Again, since I am still getting approvals I am just going by differet things I have read. I think you are doing GREAT!!! Stay focused and positive and it will work itself out Girl!!
  5. Cherylita

    1 month sooner!!! yea!

    Heya Charlie Welcome! I wish my BMI was 38! mine is almost double what yours is. I am in the process of getting my evaluations/tests out of the way, But if you have questions we can try to answer them. Holly has a good head on her shoulders and she has alot of info and thoughts! My suggestion is make sure you understand the lapband and the change you will have to make to make the band work for you. I waited for years before deciding to go through with it...fear, uncertainty, fear, confusion..did I mention..FEAR!! lol.. But I had a heart to heart talk with my Drs and alot of stuff I am going through now is because of my weight. I even had a Gyno who told me SHE WOULD NOT help us conceive until I lost alot of weight!! Hello! that was a wake up call!! If you think this is what you want to do then check with your insurance. Just call the customer service number on the back and ask if it's a covered benefit. Then find a Bariatric Surgeon and meet for a consultation....Thats a good starting point..right Holly? So Charlie, what do ya think so far? Keep us updated and lets see what we can do!!
  6. Cherylita

    1 month sooner!!! yea!

    awww thanks...I'm glad I am making some sense. LOL! But I can definitely relate to being more nervous about being cut open. I rationalized it like this....At 34 I have had 2 tattoos, 6 body piercings and all without anesthesia! I have been bruised from falling and had a sprained ankle a couple of times. All these things were painful as heck at the time. But days later, the pain was less if not totally gone. so the pain from the incision will be gone soon too. As far as doing the right thing... If you have honestly done all you can to lose weight and understand that this is not the easy way out and ready to make an real change then I say go for it!! I say you are learning now by controlling what you eat and I can see your mind already working on how to make positive changes by your thoughts about the water and the coffee. My hubby used to work security so I know whatcha mean! But it sounds like you are headed in the right direction! Now just so you know...If down the line you feel that you want to try dieting one more time before going through with the band, then I am behind ya in that too!! As long as its what YOU WANT then it will be good!
  7. Read the info on the forums for band complications and life after band removal. I am seriously in need of some regulation and weightloss so I am going for the band. But I finished reading some posts in those forums and it is really depressing! There are stories of not breathing, constant frustration, constant vomiting, unhappiness and a constant state of regret. Can I hear some good stories please? I have tried dieting, exercise, good grief I have a BMI of 65! I can't afford to do this and then want it out 2 mos or more later! I want to know what you did to make it work and how this has helped your life not hindered it. I am not saying I want my eyes closed through the process but I am saying that there has to be someone out there who being banded has really helped and who would do it again if the had the choice. Gastric? not really interested in rewiring and malabsorption for the rest of my life. What I hope to get from the band is a healther life, a chance to clear up my PCOS and hopefully conceive, a chance to do more physically than I can now and a future. Yeah that evens mean walking around the mall without finding the closest bench! I am trying to prepare myself as much as is posible right now. good and bad, but I have read alot of bad...anyone got any good to share??:rolleyes2:
  8. Cherylita

    Countdown to Onederland!

    Congrats KIM!!! I am just starting on the process and seeing stories like yours and others is so reassuring and positive! I have been over 3 for my adult life and heck I'd be happy getting to "twoterville" LOL!! Back to you...CONGRATS!!!
  9. Cherylita

    So I shouldn't have....

    :biggrin2:Thank you for all of your information I will check the forums and chats that y'all suggested. I really appreciate your experiences! I had my ECG Treadmill test and they set a goal of 158 and I passed it with a 165 so I hope that is good nought for the Dr to release my cardiac clearance. He already examined me and said I was cleared but he wanted to do the ECG Treadmill test to push my limits. woooooo I could just see myself swooooooshhhhh off that treadmill and into the cabinets behind me! LOL! but I was ok. Just a little breathless and sore in my legs from being out of shape! ....I'll keep ya posted!
  10. Cherylita

    1 month sooner!!! yea!

    I hear you girl! Its in my genes too but I have really let that thought control my actions for way too long. I think you are awesome for taking action!! Great that you are watching what you eat and cutting out carbs. The other thing I did was cut out sugars and sodas. I have been on no sodas for about a month. it's not easy because all my family and friends have more sodas and juices than anything else. So when we go over...ice and water for me. I don't work out even though I know I should. But that's something I am working on. My mom in law gave us a treadmill and healthrider this past weekend. I got to a point where I am embarrased to go walking because people always stare and kids are the worst! But thats why I am doing this because, I am tired of hiding. It's a big decision and everyone's needs/opinions are different. You will hear good and bad stories but you have to keep positive and use it correctly. I look forward to hearing about your progress! Ur friend, Cheryl
  11. Cherylita

    Truth Please!!!

    I am so glad I read this thread! I went to the band complications and life after the band forum and got a little depressed. I read about everyone's problems which unfortunately made me a wee bit uncomfortable. I am still going through with the band, but I just needed some good stories! thanks again for the positive posts!! Cheryl
  12. Cherylita

    UHC Choice Plus....

    :biggrin2:Lady Zique! WOOHOO!! for getting approved!! I am going through UHC Choice Plus too but in Austin. I hope that I get approved! I am hoping that I can get my records from the last 5 yrs. Last year, I am coverd and 06 too. But before that...not sure, I didn't go to Drs too much and when I did..hello! the scale doesn't go up that high! but back to the real lucky one, you! Congrats!! :rolleyes2:
  13. Cherylita

    Just Denied by UHC

    WOOOHOOO!!MNM! So glad to hear you were approved! How exciting!!
  14. Cherylita

    Just Denied by UHC

    Hiya! I have UHC too but not sure I will be covered because all my bloodwork is fine. I have low blood sugar, low cholesterol pretty much low normal on everything! My BMI is @ 65 though. I would hope that counts for something. Also, I don't know if they Drs will have accessible records from 5yrs ago. So Im a little worried. I read these folks problems and now am a little more worried. I am glad things went well for you and thanks for the positive thoughts! I am crossing my fingers that they will go just as well for me:) Thanks again!
  15. Cherylita

    1 month sooner!!! yea!

    YEA!! for getting the consult moved up! Thanks for the comment on my blog. I just wanted something I can reference down the road. I know it's scary girl because you are ready but at the same time, you don't know about this big change that's coming. Believe me I was doing the same thing just last month. My BFF and I went to True Results for the consult and she is out of network so opted not to do it and luckily they are in my network. :cool: Before I left there I scheduled my appts. The next week I called to cancel them! I was too scared. yes I wanted this but I got scared. Girl my brother, my family, my Drs, a couple of my coworkers, my BFF was all telling me...DO IT!!! but I didn't want to hear it! Then I prayed on it and low and behold every Drs appt I went to after that asked me...have you ever considered lapband? or they would say my blood work is fine and inside I am healthy it's just this weight..well, I finally decided that I want to live! Do more than just get by but really live! so that's what I am doing!! you will find the further into this you get, the more it makes sense. But no matter what, do this for you when you are ready. Heck I went back and forth with this for years. But Now I am ready. Good Luck! ps Sorry to hear about your sister. I am glad to hear she was able to get pregnant though. I hope that things get better for her and she lives happy and healthy soon.
  16. Cherylita

    So this thing called Courage...

    Before you read this I don't mean to offend anyone:redface:. This is kind of a reference point for me because there will be many times during my process where I start to doubt why I did this:confused:. I want to be able to read this and go..."oh yeah dork thats why! Now get back to the bandster way of life:scared2:!!" Right now I am in the beginning stages. I don't have a surgery date yet and the information that follows is based on observation and personal opinion (notice I didn't say experience lol)....here goes...... So I have been gathering information from several different sites lately. I read blogs and comments and information from different folks. Everyone sounds so positive but as you read into their journey, they start to get negative. Whether they are at the start of the journey or a bandster. What I can't figure out is where the courage went. Each of us has made a very important decision. Whether it is paid for out of pocket or by insurance, we still made the decision. You evaluated your life and determined that you are worth more than a piece of cake or pizza. You are worth more than the doubt that you are starting to feel. Remember how courageous you were when you started this? Remember that feeling of elation when you woke up knowing that you are in control of yourself? I wake up everyday thanking God for blessing me and my family/friends with another day on this earth. I now have added thank you for the courage to go through with this change in my life. COURAGE COURAGE COURAGE I read about folks who are sabbotaging themselves subconsciously. I say that because they say..."I know I am doing wrong, I know I shouldn't eat this"...but they eat it anyway. I read in another forum where someone was a few wks out and was eating buttered toast and macaroni salad and ate all day long. They also found a way to cheat around the "no carbonation" thing...just let the soda get flat. In my opinion if I go through all the crap of getting approved-the numerous Drs appointments, the xrays, the EKGs, the bloodwork, the sleep study/s. If I go through all that then am I am going to be harder on myself than I need to?? Damn right!! I am lazy and I don't wanna do all this, but I am making myself because laziness got me here! Laziness is a lover that catered to my every whim, did whatever I wanted and accepted me unconditionally! Laziness is a lover I need to let go! I weigh 361lbs right now! I don't go swimming, I won't dance when we go out (even though I love dancing), I now have anxiety, my vision has changed, my knees hurt, we are having a hard time conceiving..endless list. So am I going to eat macaroni or soda or butter laden noodles? I certainly hope not! I am not going to test my limits to see what I can get away with eating before I vomit:eek:! Gross why would I want to do that?! I have started to work on my future life style so I can get used to it(in a sense). I cut out sodas, I cut out sugars from sweets, I am working on cutting out sugars from breads and pastas. I cut out cooking with oils and have started to chew my food to a mush (my tongue and jaws are sore lol) But I have to make an honest effort! I have to lose this weight or I lose everything. You can't have life if you are dead. Cold hard fact. Remain fat and die fat. Geesh! I even get emabarrased thinking..if I died right now God help the pall bearers!!...funny but heartbreaking because even in death I fight the fat. One day, Cherylita, you will look back on this and say...really? that was me? Thats how I used to think? I hope this didn't offend anyone...if anyone actually reads my ramblings but I need this out there because I know I will need a good kick in the butt at one point! Thanks for letting me ramble. Cherylita:w00t:
  17. Signing in from Bastrop, Tx! Well I have debated back and forth on getting any WLS for a while and finally decided the only thing I have to lose is weight! I had gone for the initial consultation in May and made a couple of appointments but then canceled them all...or so I thought. I have been praying on this decision and I kept thinking what if..what if I die..but I went to my PCP and saw her Nurse Practitioner who actually sees patients that have had WLS. She told me right now I am ok but in a year or two it probably wouldn't be so good. She said now is the time for me to do something to save myself! She gave me some great info and said that other than my weight I am pretty healthy (I hope that doesn't hinder my chances of insurance coverage). I don't have diabetes, high BP, anything! I have always baffled Drs because they can't figure out why I am this weight! I always tell them..I am this size so I can hide from the world and say I can't do things because of my size. Well I am tired of that way of life. Notice I didn't say living because that isn't what I am doing! I want to be active and more than anything I want to go running and ride a bike! I called True Results and rescheduled everything and am on my way. Now I hope that I can get the Drs notes from the last few years (I wouldnt go to Drs because I knew they would have to weight me). Now I wish I had more documentation. Heck I didn't get 361lbs overnight for sure!! Anyway, I look forward to meeting yall and finding some great support and friends!! Cherylita
  18. Cherylita

    Get These Self Doubts Out Of My Head!!!

    Girl you are right! It is normal to have these thoughts. Heck I have gone back for forth for about 5yrs gradually getting bigger and bigger (I'm at 361). You said the ball isn't in your court...I don't know anything about you but unless you have someone taking care of you, the ball is always in your court. You control you girl. When I first went in to discuss this they told me I would have to cut out sodas. I said all I drink is diet, they said cut that out too. Girl I have given up sugars in sweets but realized I am still getting sugars because dangit I haven't quit the Mac N Cheez! lol! But I have cut out sodas. I haven't had a soda in a month! I drink diet lipton tea- green and white (peach papaya is yummy-when it's warm though it kinda tastes like wine lol) But just from reading what you wrote you are in control girl! you have it all inside of you to do this! Self doubts are just anxiety talking. what if this or what if that..girl in a few months you'll be saying what if I would have never done it???? You will be fine girl! Good luck!!

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