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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cherylita

  1. Cherylita


    If I am reading correctly, you had the surgery in January and your first fill in April. Is that correct? I ask because what you are going through is normal. Most people don't feel restriction on the first fill. It takes a few fills before restriction which leads to weight loss. From what I understand, once you get to your sweet spot the weightloss is a little faster. It's easy to get discouraged, but you have to keep your head up and keep on trying. It will be a struggle, but it's worth it to get to a healthier you. Good Luck Cheryl
  2. Cherylita

    Can you feel your port?

    Oh yeah! I can definitely feel my port. But mine is located about 1/2inch above the left end of my large incision. the other night DH and I were laying down talking and he was rubbing my tummy and found my port and was like...eeewwwww..then he couldn't quit messing with it LOL!! Cheryl
  3. Cherylita

    Too much protein?

    In my support group one guy said he got Gout and his Dr told him it was from too much animal protein. He needed to also get vegetable proteins. He didn't go into detail about how much protein he was getting though. Anyway, just thought I'd throw that out there. Cheryl
  4. Cherylita

    Sweet Cravings - What do you do?

    I call it Pink salad because we make it with cherry Jello. I usually get a small SF cool whip, 1 small cottage cheese, 1 small cherry jello (as wannab said, flavor is your choice). I don't use a processor. I just grab a large bowl and mix the cottage cheese with the jello until blended. Then I add the cool whip. I also add pineapple chunks or tidbits (my mom likes fruit cocktail-whichever you choose, drain it first. another Idea is a 3 layer torte that I make. 1 pre-made pie shell w/graham cracker crust 1st layer: in a bowl mix 1 bar softened cream cheese, 1/2 of a small SF cool whip, and a few packets of splenda (depending on the sweetness of taste you want) spread this on the pie shell, 2nd layer: 1 small SF instant chocolate pudding. spread on top of the cream cheese mixture 3rd layer: other 1/2 of the cool whip. spread on top of the pudding. refrigerate at least 15-30min. I make this and my family enjoys it. If you are making it for one, of course, you can adjust the amount. I love it and think it's a good "sweet tooth" snack. Cheryl
  5. WHEWWWWW!!!!! for a second there I thought "What am I doing wrong? 81lbs!" I was banded 12/31/08 and had lost 32lbs my last weigh in last week. As of today I have lost 6 more (according to my home scale). I think I could have lost more, but I haven't kept up my exercising and I ate more than I should-because I felt no restriction and fell into old habits. I have since started measuring foods and watching not only how much I eat, but what I eat. Try not to be so hard on yourself. Stress causes worry, worry causes munchies--at least for me. Also you mentioned a physical indicator...try looking for a sigh. I have learned that when I am full (not when I am stuffed) I take a deep breath. I have learned that is my signal and I put the fork down and push the plate away. If I go over that, I start to feel a little nudge in my chest. Believe me, I have tested it and yup, got a little stuck. As of now, I am at 8cc in a 14cc band. I was so happy to feel some sort of restriction after feeling pretty much nothing the first 2 fills. My NP said that's pretty normal for someone with my size band. She says that generally patients w/a 14cc band will start to feel restriction @ 8cc and find their sweet spot @ 10 or 12. I think I may need 1 to 2 more cc's to be at my sweet spot, just judging by how I am feeling now. But who knows. Just relax, LB weightloss isn't supposed to fall off quickly it's a slower process. I do get a little discouraged reading about folks who have lost close to 100lbs in 6mos. I can't even see myself doing that, but I keep pressing on and what takes some 6mos, could take me 10 or more, but I have to keep fighting to get there, right? Keep your head up and have faith in yourself. Cheryl
  6. Cherylita

    Fact or fiction

    I have a 14cc band. As far as I know the place I went through uses 10 and 14cc bands.
  7. I was banded in Austin. Dr Marsden is Awesome! He was so friendly and down to earth. After surgery he took the time to talk to my mom and my husband and explain the pics that he took and the process for healing. So wonderful!!
  8. Hey guys, I know I am one of the newbies and worry too much, but I read about erosion and dialation and all the "dark side of the band" stuff, so it just adds to jitters/worry. I have a 15cc band and have only had 2 fills so right now I am at 6cc. I don't feel much restriction and find that at times I eat like I used to. I am trying to retrain my brain and do well for the most part. But from time to time I find that I eat 2 pieces of chicken just because I can. I hate myself afterwards and wonder why the hell I let myself do that. I know this is a learning process, but I guess I just want to know if everyone goes through this too?? Don't misunderstand I am not eating ANYWHERE near what I used to. But old habits die hard. But I am trying. Since I don't feel restriction right now I wonder if something could have happened, dilation, erosion, leak, etc. I have my fills under fluoro and they haven't found anything for me to think that, but the thought is still there.... Am I normal? I do exercise and have even started a weight loss support group in my little town (right now we have 5 members so it's pretty cool) So I am on the right path--I think. But I just get nervous.
  9. Ok Im a dork I saw that I wrote 1 mo, but its been 2 . I am so confused! lol... Thank you all for your responses. you are all doing so great! I am glad to know I am not among the unusual (well at this anyway haha).
  10. My Dr told me that at this point they are not concerned with weightloss. Your job is just to follow their dietary orders and heal. Most people will lose weight in the first couple of weeks because they are only on fluids and mushies. Not to mention you are still swollen from the surgery (which is causing some restriction). When you start reintroducing solid food to your body, there may be weight gain. Dr Marsden said that generally there may be about a 6lb loss (anything over that is great) I am 4wks post op & have my 1st fill next Tuesday. I have lost approx 20lbs and it's been a struggle ...bcz I looooove food!! LOL!! Good Luck, Cheryl
  11. Cherylita

    United Healthcare

    I love Dr Marsden! Very chill and down to earth. The day of my surgery my hubby and mom were with me. He met them in preop then after surgery went to speak with them. He gave them the surgery pics of my band placement and took a moment to actually talk to them and answer their questions. In the preop group consultation (a few wks before surgery) he was so open to answering questions & I didn't feel like he was avoiding questions. Even when we talked about the possible problems with the lapband system, he was straight forward. I hope things go swiftly and you get your approval right away! Cheryl
  12. Cherylita

    colonoscopy, anyone?

    I had mine before being banded. I held my nose each time I had to drink that stuff. Even the thought of it now... blah! I don't remember it being extremly thick. But I drank it quickly so it was kind of like chugging each time. I don't think we can do that with the band though. Good Luck, cheryl
  13. Cherylita


    Hiya Thewomanwithin. I saw that you said "to lose weight before your banding you have to exercise". Is that something your Dr has instructed? I only ask because I weigh almost 90lbs more than you and I only had to do the 2wk preop diet (to shrink my liver). Phentermine causes all of the side effects everyone has talked about. I even tried it thinking..this will be great! I can lose weight and get some energy. Well, it made me jittery and I felt like I was in a constant race. I didn't even finish the month on them and trashed them. Obviously, I didn't lose much weight. But I am glad I got off of them. My other friend was on them and she got headaches constantly and felt her heart was going to pop out of her chest and she was sweating alot. She trashed hers too. But, out of curiousity and please forgive me if I seem rude...If you are considering phentermine as a quick way to lose weight before surgery..you have to question....if you aren't satisified with the rate that you are losing now with all the exercise and diet (unless a certain weight is required by your Dr of course)..what happens when you aren't losing as fast as you'd like with the band? Will you continue searching for a faster way to lose weight? This trip is not easy. It is going to take a lot of self discipline and control. Because after surgery when the swelling has started to go down...about week 3 or 4...the hunger comes back. You have to make yourself not eat that next bite when you know you want to and can. It's a struggle. For some it's easy. For me...I love the taste of food..I have to constantly train my mind that the 3/4 -1c of food infront of me is exactly what I need (I am on week 3). The old me would inhale that and move on to the pan! I am still new to the band and still learning how to use it. Just keep that in mind...like I am sure you have read everywhere...it's a tool not a magic wand that will make the weight fall off simply because it's there. Good Luck on your journey Cheryl p.s. I didn't mean to come off as preachy.
  14. Cherylita

    United Healthcare

    Hiya! I have UHC as well. My plan required I be employed with my company at least 2yrs the other requirements were pretty much the same. However, I only had 1 comorbidity-mild obstructive sleep apnea. I didn't have the 5year history-only the last 2 years. I had to write a letter (made it personal not technical) and got approved within a couple of weeks. From what I understand the insurance company wants to make sure that this isn't a sudden weight gain over the last few months and you are doing this to lose it quickly. I believe they just want to make sure it is necessary. I had my surgery NYEve and it was inpatient. I didn't have a problem getting that authorized either as they submitted everything at once. Good Luck on your journey..keep us posted! Cheryl :scared2:
  15. Hey y'all I was just banded on Wed, NYEve. I have been using the spirometer (sp) and met the goal they set for me. Last night I noticed a little crackling in my chest and this morning it was there also. No fever, nausea, chills, nothing like that. just the crackling. But because the hospital put the thought of pneumonia in my head, I am stuck on that thought. Has anyone ever heard of someone getting pneumonia 5days after surgery? It might sounds kinda dumb, but I tend to worry about the small things. :wink_smile: Thanks, Cheryl
  16. Cherylita

    Recovery....How will I feel 72 hours post op??

    Hi Wendy, 1st I am so sorry to hear about your Grandmother's passing. 2nd I am 3wks post op. The 2nd day after surgery I was still sore and taking deep breaths was still hard. I was able to walk and do things around the house-but very little. I would recommend you waiting until the day after surgery to make your decision. Every day gets easier, but the 1st couple of days are sore, sore, sore. If you decide to go, my suggestions would be to be careful when folks hug you-bcz of pressure, DON'T EAT ANYTHING that isn't clear liquid and don't overexhert yourself. Basically I would find a nice place to sit and enjoy everyone without participating in alot of standing or activity. Also, I didn't wear a bra for at least a week (until I returned to work). Just thought I would throw that in so you can plan your wardrobe accordingly. lol. now on the flip side, I have read about people going shopping the day after surgery or to their kid's little league game the same day as surgery. It really just depends on the person. I wouldn't have dared to do that! lol Hope that helps. Good Luck, Cheryl
  17. Cherylita

    You are a mean one Mrs. Grinch.... You know who you are!

    You tell 'em girl!!
  18. Sil, I am sorry to hear about your friend, Mollie. I know God will send you an angel to help you through your grief and now you have a special guardian angel to watch over you. Cheryl
  19. Cherylita

    Band Erosions

    Sepsis according to WebMD Sepsis (Blood Infection) Your prognosis depends on your age and previous health. If you are an elderly person with many illnesses or if your immune system is not working well because of illness or certain medications and sepsis is advanced, the death rate may be as high as 80%. On the other hand, if you are a healthy person with no prior illness, the death rate may be low, at 5%. The overall death rate from sepsis is around 40%. It is important to remember that your prognosis also depends on delay to diagnosis and treatment. The earlier the treatment is started, the better the outcome will be.
  20. Cherylita

    Post-op and omg!!

    Hey Joanie Welcome to Bandland!! I am so sorry that the cold literally knocked the wind out of you. Luckily, I am in Texas so a chill to us is 60 and lower. I couldn't imagine 25!! Brave woman!! I am glad you had the electric blanket and the heating pad. Each day it gets better, just remember to use the spirometer the hospital probably gave you and take the deep breaths as you can, to get all that stuff from your lungs. How long are you on clear liquids? In this phase as you start healing you will be tempted to push it a little farther and go into your next phase of full liquids/mushies. Don't. really try to stick to your Dr's rules. They are there to help you heal. Girl I couldn't take deep breaths for at least my 4th into 5th day. Today I am 12days out and only itch every now and then (as my incisions finish healing) lol. other than that...good to go. Good Luck! Cheryl
  21. Hiya! I was banded on NYEve. I go for my 2wks f/u on wednesday. I have learned alot from this site. One of the things I have learned is....Until your 1st fill, the goal is healing not weightloss. There are quite a few people who still feel hungry while in these early stages. I am one of them. I am having to control myself and I have a special little tupperware bowl I use that is 1.1 cups. I fill it half way and this helps me regulate my intake. Granted, pretty much everything I eat at this stage is pureed or soup, I am still trying to retrain my brain so when I get to solids I already have my head in the right direction. I also make sure to get in my protein drinks to help the hunger. From what I understand, once you get into week 3 and 4 and swelling has gone down your stoma is as normal as it was prior to surgery. There is the possibility you can eat whatever you did before(although you shouldn't). Don't be ashamed. Try to get back on course and follow the post op directions. But don't bash yourself if you slip, you aren't the first or the last to do that. I have never read of one bandster who is completely faithful and hasn't slipped a time or two. If you are really concerned that you have messed up your band, just talk to your Dr's office and they can help you through it. Once you have your 1st fill, things should change. Again, I am still new to all this, and everything above is just my opinion, but I hope it helps. Best of Luck, Cheryl p.s. the other important thing I have learned is the band is a tool and Not a magic wand that will stop my cravings. The mind is a powerful thing and I have to change my thoughts and habits and that will change my body.
  22. Cherylita

    mysterious marks

    OK y'all. A couple of friends and I had our surgeries a day or two apart. We all came out with the two marks about an inch above our navel. What the heck are those??? They look like 2 little ant bites or vampire marks LOL! I am thinking it had something to do with the laparscope, but not sure. Any ideas??
  23. Cherylita

    mind altering

    The other night my mom brought home fried chicken (Church's), fries, mashed potatoes w/gravy and those yummy biscuits. This was day 3 post-op. I was so angry and sad at the same time. Anger because "How dare they (family) do something like that!!" Sad because it was at that point I realized I can never satisfy myself with food again. No more shoving chicken, chicken tenders, pizza, steak, huge salads, sandwiches, potato chips, anything down my throat again. I suddenly realized that this band isn't something I can just give up because I am "tired of doing it". I really second guessed what I had done. WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?!?! I thought about this and thought about this. Even into the next day when I was making breakfast for my family (bacon and eggs). It took me a while to get over the loss of Food. It wasn't until late Sunday that it hit me. My anger and sadness wasn't because I was leaving food. Actualy, It wasn't anger or sadness at all. It was a tantrum because I couldn't have as much as I wanted. I couldn't eat 3 or 4 slices of pizza and have 2-3 pieces of chicken, etc because it is available and I want it. I couldn't be home by myself from work and munch in private on anything I wanted. I couldn't gulp down a drink because I am thirsty. I couldn't do what I had been doing all of my life!:confused: Once I came to that realization, I came to this one....I can still enjoy food. I can still try things. I just can't go crazy. I just can't have the same portion size that the old cheryl would have. This is all going to be much larger of a change than I had anticipated. I didn't realize how much I loved food in large quantities. Now I am focused on size in a different way. I am focused on portion size and will have that nickel that the patient advocate at True Results suggested. She said "take a nickel with you wherever you go. When you sit down to eat, place the nickel above your plate. This serves as a reminder that that is the size of bite you can take." At the time, that didn't make any sense to me, but today it makes total sense. That and take time to enjoy my meal. Savor the flavor instead of inhale the plate. Though I am just entering my mushy phase I am retraining my old self to a new way of thinking. I thought I would share this with ya and get it out of my head an into cyberspace. Cheryl
  24. WOOHOO!! GOOD LUCK! Things are looking up!
  25. Heya Stacey! Yeah my Dr said 1wk of liquids including strained creamy soups along with the other liquids, sf popsicles, jello, etc. Tomorrow is wk2 and we move to mushies. So I think I will try a couple of bites of a baked potato tonight or maybe puree some green beans or tuna or something. I'll let ya know how it goes.


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