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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Cherylita

  1. Cherylita

    Sometimes I Just Want To Cry......

    I had my surgery about 3yrs ago. I used aloe vera(the plant-not store bought gels) on my incisions. Its a natural way to heal. It basically dries up the moisture to heal the incision. Mine werent infected but they seemed to heal faster than what I had heard others say. Not sure how u feel about it but just wanted to put it out there. Hope things get better for you.
  2. I had the LAP-BAND® in 2008. As of today I have only lost 70lbs. I know 70 is good, don't get me wrong, but that 70 used to be 85-90. I have been thinking lately of what could be going on. It was actually a comment from my mom that got me thinking....I told her that I am getting a fill today and her response was "awww no". Then I started thinking. Lately (the past few months) I have been eating way past full and its just to make the people around me comfortable. That made me think about a comment my BFF told me a couple of months ago. We were having our "girl's day" and she was saying how she missed her friend. The one that used to go smorgasborg by getting food at different restaurants for an in-home buffet. My DH also shows happiness with a frozen mocha drink or candy bar or something sweet. Don't get me wrong, All of these people love me, They were the backing force behind me getting the band. But, I don't think they realized the change that was in store for their "favorite eating friend" and for them. What happened was I started going back to as close to my old way of eating as possible, to make them comfortable. It doesn't help, that sometimes it feels as though I have no band at all. I had a fill last month and I had to drink the barium so they could check to make sure I had no slippage or dilation, etc. So today I am going for another fill and hopefully this will do it. We keep "missing by that much" when it comes to the sweet spot. But the problem now is how do I go back to the bandster way and tell them I can't be that same person ever again? How do you tell the people who love you that their sadness for my eating smaller portions is hindering my success? and how do you convince yourself that it's okay to finish eating or push the plate away when everyone else is still eating? UGH! I love that I have lost the weight, but I hate that I am still trying to make everyone else around me comfortable with the change that I need to make! Sometimes I feel that if I push the plate away when I am actually full, I become the center of attention. It's like that point in a movie where everyone is doing the same thing and one person does something different and everyone stops and stares at them...I know I need to realize that it's not up to me to make them comfortable, but it's hard to not be the one that makes everyone comfortable when that's the person I have always been.... Anyone else know what I am talking about or have suggestions?? Thanks, Cheryl
  3. Has anyone ever used a fertility bracelet? some say it's hooey others swear by it. I just purchased one-I figure it can't hurt. My DH and I have been trying for a while with no luck. Of course it doesn't help that my cycles have NEVER been normal. I can go months without a period and have tried bc but that just makes the whole cycle go wacko. I am doing alot of praying but found the site on etsy.com for Artsy Chicas fertility bracelets, so I figured why not? Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone else has heard of them. I also just read about St. Gerard the patron saint of women who are struggling to conceive. Cheryl
  4. Cherylita

    Your support and My support .. two different things

    and I thought I was stressed! LOL!! Sometimes ya just have to get things off your chest! it will all pass...slowly...but it does.. -cheryl
  5. Cherylita

    Friendly Sabotage

    AMEN John! I posted something about this a little while ago and yep my family and friends were doing it unknowingly. I finally had to just tell them what they were doing and how it was affecting me. They never realized it until that point. They have been very supportive of my surgery but didn't realize they were having a negative response to it. So now that I have spoken up, when they slip back into that habit, I tell them "hey haven't we already had this conversation" and they remember and leave me be. Pretty much, I am having to retrain their habits as well as mine lol. Congrats on the AWESOME weightloss! Cheryl
  6. Cherylita

    I don't think I took the easy way out!

    I don't think so either! You are doing great girl! You just worry about yourself and don't let the haters get you down. I told someone the other day that this is the hardest thing I have had to do because I love food! he's a drinker so I said imagine living in a liquor store where you can drink as much as you want. He was like HELL YEAH!! I said now imagine one day someone tells you that from now on you can only have 3 shots a day. He said oh hell no! I said...thats what its like for me Seeing food everywhere but having to learn what is good for me to eat because I don't want to waste my time eating junk when I can only eat about a cup of food. he kind of got the picture. We will always meet up with people that think we took the easy way out. You just keep your head and keep moving right along. Heck easy would be waking up one morning and all the weight have fallen off in the middle of night! That isn't going to happen lol. Good Luck, Cheryl
  7. Cherylita

    Fertility Bracelet?

    Awesome! Congrats on your pregnancy!! Thank you so much for the information I will definitely be looking into it! Cheryl
  8. Cherylita

    Two Days, I am worried about the pain

    to me it was like a very sore, pulled muscle. If I had to put any pressure (if I sneezed or coughed or even got up from the chair) I would hold a pillow snug against the port area and it helped. To me, it wasn't a hurt but a strong pressure but it wasn't painful. I didnt pop any stitches and they dissolved a few days after the surgery. as for the itching I would pat mine and it seemed to help also I used unscented lotion like lubriderm for dry skin. Don't know your Dr's thoughts on that. Good Luck and soon you will be on the other side of this wondering what you were so nervous about to begin with! Cheryl
  9. Cherylita

    getting unstuck

    Stuck is definitely no fun ! What you have to keep in mind is that the food is pushed through the esophagus using peristalsis. I think of it is a sort of slow wave of muscle pulling the food down your esophagus. Before the band we could eat almost as quickly as we wanted and never felt this process. We had no reason to pay attention to it. Now you will notice it if you eat to quickly or take too big of a bite. I have had my band for over a year and it was only last week that some explained it to me like that and the light bulb went on! lol! So now when I take my bite I imagine the little wave moving my food and I am teaching myself to be more aware of my bite sizes/food choices. I think I found the elusive "sweet spot" and imagining that little wave helps me keep myself in check. So to your question of how do you get it unstuck...I have tried the pineapple juice and for me, it became back wash. To me being stuck is like a beaver dam. Nothing gets passed until it's moved. So when I got stuck, I sat up straight to allow better flow of my esophagus (my thoughts), took slow, deep breaths and let it work itself though. Oh yeah and had plenty of napkins or a plastic bag or stood over the trashbag or toilet. The sliming is thick saliva that the throat is producing to help move it along. Anyway, hope this helps. Cheryl
  10. Cherylita

    6 days post-op ...

    good positive thinking! As far as the nausea..are you taking pain meds or any meds that might cause nausea?When I had my surgery the Dr prescribed Phenergan for nausea. They were a life saver. Also, right now you aren't hungry but you do need to get that protein in-sip at a time until you are on mushies (I don't remember the time between liquids and mushies). Also, I think some pain at the incision is to be expected because the muscle is healing. I found that having a pillow slightly pressed against it helped, especially if I had to sneeze or cough and sometimes when I got up from the chair. I had a reaction to the strips as well and found that on my tummy I get a rash from band-aids go figure lol. Anyway, keep praying and moving forward and this too, shall pass. Cheryl
  11. Just wanted to drop you a note to say, I really enjoy your posts. Always so helpful and honest. Thanks!


  12. Cherylita

    Helicobacter Pylori

    Before I got banded my family doc decided I should get tested and probed lol. While everything else came out okay, my doc did find that I had H.Pylori. I had to take an antibiotic and prevacid for I think a week or 2 (I can't remember it was back in '08), but once I completed the treatment, I was good to go. No biggie.
  13. Cherylita

    what is a bandster who went astray to do?

    Thanks everyone! I went for my fill and am now at 10cc in my 14cc band. I know 11cc is too much-been there choked on that lol-It feels like its going to be a good fill, but the day after might be too early to tell. I talked with my family last night and got alot of things straightened out. They will quit feeling sorry for me and my smaller portions and I will quit trying to be the old eater for their benefit! Hopefully me and my "Lil Bandida" can start to work together and I will soon be on the "losing" side of this battle. *wink* Thanks again! Y'all are such great inspirations! Cheryl
  14. I needed to read this today. It is comforting to know we aren't alone in the struggle to overcome our eating habits. Everyday we wake up is a day to make a decision to move forward or live in the past. Tomorrow when we wake up, let's look at ourselves in the mirror, smile and say You Rock and today will be so much better than yesterday and I will make healthier decisions! Don't be ashamed. These are called Support forums for that reason....Support. We are all in this together. So you fell off...okay, get up, dust your self off and move forward. We are here for you. Cheryl
  15. TCarroll, Sorry if that seemed directed at you. I was just responding to the main thread. But because I am at work, it takes me a while from response to actual post LOL! So by the time I posted, yours was already up (I started this response @ 11:10. it is now 11:15 lol). You told the truth and in no way made it seem easy. Matter of fact, I wish I had some of your will power, I sure need it from time to time. You have done great!! I don't think there is a bandster out there who would say this going from "normal" eating to bandster eating is a breeze. I was just putting in my two cents so any newbies or people interested in the band don't misunderstand the successes and think its all a cake walk...(better to talk about cake than eat it lol!) Anyway, Sorry about the confusion. Cheryl
  16. Cherylita

    I Need a Pep Talk

    aww thanks y'all! I have really been working on being conscious of what I am doing. From my last post on 2/22 to today, I have lost 15lbs. Who knew cutting out sugars and junk could do that? oh wait...I guess everyone knows that lol. I am a slow learner. Anyway, I am on the upswing and feeling good. Cheryl
  17. Hiya Heidi! I agree with BetsyB and yep she is right when she says drinking all day and eating one small meal is no way to live...and I also want to add...don't be misled into believing this is easy and weightloss is fast. You have probably seen it several times, but Everyone loses differently. For example, I was banded 12/08 and have lost about 80lbs. But,I have read about some people who were banded around the same time and have already passed the 120 mark. If you are expecting a miracle, chances are you are going to be a little discouraged. There have been times when my weightloss stopped, but I regrouped and changed focus and got back onboard. The band is a tool-you've seen that phrase alot too, I'm sure-you have to be aware of your eating habits and bites, etc. As you get used to your band, you will find that certain foods work great and some just don't work for you-mine is potatoes. They have become difficult for me to eat But, that may not be the case for someone else. Not only that, your taste in foods may change and what you love now, you may not like later, because of your new lifestyle. I used to love pizza, but now...eh I can do without it. Nothing the band did, my preferences changed. Would I get the band again? Hell Yes!! This was the best thing I have ever done. It isn't the band giving me difficulties, it's my head! But, on the brightside, I am able to do much more now than I was in 2008, that's for sure! I had the same questions you did before I was banded. I even had a similar thought about eating less and exercising more. But someone here kinda slapped me in the face with a question. So, I am going to pass that same question to you..."If you could do that so easily, why haven't you?". Personally, I think it's just your nerves and once you get the band and the swelling goes down and you find out what works and what doesn't you will be okay. Right now, it's just scarey thinking of changing what you have known for so long. Good Luck & Keep us posted Cheryl
  18. Cherylita

    I Need a Pep Talk

    Justwant, I am so sorry to hear about your mom's passing and your dad's struggles. I am so proud of you for keeping it together. Using them for motivation is a hard thing, but a good thing to do. Taking it Day by Day-That's the best we can do. My motivation is that my DH & I want to have a baby. I try to see "her" (hubby wants a boy of course LOL!) and each time I think of cheating, I think of "her". It's silly, I know, but whatever works to help me through. Lord knows it's hard, but at least we have a board where we can talk to people who really understand. Hugs, Cheryl
  19. Cherylita

    I Need a Pep Talk

    I am right there with y'all. Finally, I had to shine the "light of truth" on myself and when I did, I found that I was eating alot of junk! I marked that realization as a place to start anew. I sat my family down, talked to them, and put us all back on track. I have started cooking healthy again and being aware of what is going into my mouth. For me this is an going struggle. I am a foodaholic. Sometimes, there isn't an easy way to shake yourself and unfortunately, just because you have made the realization that you are in control of you, doesn't mean it's easy to take that control. You have to be completely honest with yourself and ready to say no when "good hearted" people (friends & family included) offer you a trigger food (for me it's sweets). Quit feeling ashamed of yourself. You got this far because you counted on you! You are the only one to make the change that is needed and stick with it! Take one day at a time and before you put that next cookie in your mouth ask yourself "why am I doing this?". It sounds lame, but it works. Hope I made some sort of sense. Cheryl
  20. Cherylita

    Getting back on track after the blizzard.

    Sounds like you are doing great! I am uniting with the Texas Gals! Girl I am from the Austin area we got overly excited a couple of months ago when we saw snow flurries and they salted the roads. We wouldn't know how to act with the snow fall y'all got! lol! Keep up the great work!! Cheryl
  21. Cherylita

    it's been a while...84lbs down!

    So I have been up and down and filled and filled and filled! I am now at 11 in my 14cc band. I finally have some good restriction. I haven't lost as much as some but I am okay with my loss so far. When I lose my next 22lbs I will be out of the 300s so I am excited about that! It hasn't been easy, at least not as much as I thought it would be. Get a band that monitors me so I don't have to...WRONGO! It's alot of work and emotion. I fight all the time! I noticed the other day though that I am automatically serving myself smaller portions and being full on less. Before it was something I had to force myself to do. I am still having a problem letting go of a mini kit kat or butterfinger. Doesn't sound like much, but telling a foodie to have just a little is like telling an alcoholic just a little drop won't hurt! It's hard! When people find out I used to weigh 404lbs and now I am down to 320 they are wow'd! If only they knew what a big accomplishment that really was...what a struggle it remains. If a foodie loses 1lb it's a big deal! I see so many ppl on here discouraged that they are only down 5lbs or 50lbs but SNAP OUT OF IT!! any amount less than you were is a big deal! So we all fall off the wagon. The important thing to realize is that doesn't make us bad people, it makes us human! We absolutley have to see it as a mis-step and get back on track. don't use it as a reason to give up.."well it happened so I am not gonna try"...No! spin it! It happened so now I know I am capable of mistakes which means I have to try harder the next time not to do the same thing! The hardest thing I struggle with is not eating everything on my plate. I quit eating out(fast food) because it's a waist of money. I still go out to dinner with my family and I just have to watch what I order and eat. It's constant but like anything else, I take it one day, 1 decision at a time. It has to be that way, that's how it works for me... Cheryl
  22. Cherylita

    it's been a while...84lbs down!

    So I have been up and down and filled and filled and filled! I am now at 11 in my 14cc band. I finally have some good restriction. I haven't lost as much as some but I am okay with my loss so far. When I lose my next 22lbs I will be out of the 300s so I am excited about that! It hasn't been easy, at least not as much as I thought it would be. Get a band that monitors me so I don't have to...WRONGO! It's alot of work and emotion. I fight all the time! I noticed the other day though that I am automatically serving myself smaller portions and being full on less. Before it was something I had to force myself to do. I am still having a problem letting go of a mini kit kat or butterfinger. Doesn't sound like much, but telling a foodie to have just a little is like telling an alcoholic just a little drop won't hurt! It's hard! When people find out I used to weigh 404lbs and now I am down to 320 they are wow'd! If only they knew what a big accomplishment that really was...what a struggle it remains. If a foodie loses 1lb it's a big deal! I see so many ppl on here discouraged that they are only down 5lbs or 50lbs but SNAP OUT OF IT!! any amount less than you were is a big deal! So we all fall off the wagon. The important thing to realize is that doesn't make us bad people, it makes us human! We absolutley have to see it as a mis-step and get back on track. don't use it as a reason to give up.."well it happened so I am not gonna try"...No! spin it! It happened so now I know I am capable of mistakes which means I have to try harder the next time not to do the same thing! The hardest thing I struggle with is not eating everything on my plate. I quit eating out(fast food) because it's a waist of money. I still go out to dinner with my family and I just have to watch what I order and eat. It's constant but like anything else, I take it one day, 1 decision at a time. It has to be that way, that's how it works for me... Cheryl
  23. Cherylita

    "More To Love" on Fox Network

    Ok I watched for the first time last week and the 2nd time this week. This guy is BOOORING!! Moonbeam you hit it! He does act like the nice guy who accepts fat chicks! But what about the girl-kristen, I think is her name-the one with the really curly curly hair. She is "in love" with him already and crying and so jealous of the other girls!? But, I noticed that the girls that are leaving the show are the ones that are the more confident of the group. The ones that whine more seem to be the ones staying! WTF is that about? Does this guy want a needy girl? Maybe he is that "superman" type of guy that needs to save someone?? Of course my DH doesn't watch reality TV but seems oh so interested in this one LOL!
  24. I figure this is a very long shot being Gonzales is about as big as a small town can be (approx 7000 ppl). Anyway, just thought I'd throw it out there. Gonzales, Shiner, Nixon, Seguin, Luling, Lockhart. I work in Austin and go the TR up North on Parmer when I can. I was just trying to see if there was any folks closer who might like to meet and help each other out. Thanks, Cheryl
  25. Cherylita

    Name your Lap-Band!!

    I call mine Bandida because she is likes to give me attitude. lol.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
