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About spark1es18

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  • Birthday 02/08/1981

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  1. Hi! My surgery was on 3-25-08. I spent one night at the hospital and was released around 2:30 the day after surgery. I can honestly say that there wasn't much pain from surgery. (had more pain from too much ab work too soon) I have lost 23 lbs. so far, seeing Dr. Higa tomorrow. I don't think I need a fill yet. Dr. Higa puts some saline into the band at surgery. I can honestly say I haven't been hungary. Like this morning I had a one egg omelet at 7:30, it's now 11 and I'm not hungary. I usually have a snack around 10:30 but haven't had time today. Think my weight lose so been slow because I have only been eating around 700 to 800 calories. I will talk to Dr. about that tomorrow. Funny you would think the lower the calories the more you could lose. I have been reading here about not eating enough and it slows you down. I never went thru the bandster hell that alot of other people talk about. Dr. Higa usually gives 4 weeks off from work to recover, but I really could have come back sooner. Good luck to you and if you have any other questions feel free to contact me again. Oh, yeah you may have doubts about going thru with the surgery but I think we have all gone thru that. Do you live in Fresno? Think Dr. Higa is a good choice. I know four others who have had surgery by him. (Gastric Bypass).

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